The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Actually no, not because of people like him, specifically because of him, I speak to a few of the old lads on another private site n he is the no.1 cause of people leaving this thread to go to other sites


Staff member
yes i banned him.
he went ape shit, sunday mornings are fun, people coming off hard drugs and binges from alcohol they do dumb shit


Well-Known Member
Think it's a bit shit to talk bad of the guy now he's not here to reply. Also in all the years Rambo has helped a fair few of us out and sorted a lot of ppl out with cuts or smoke so I don't think it's right to go slating him off over him having a bad day and a bit of a go, I think he's had a pop at every one of us in here at some point but it's just water off a ducks back !! I for one hope he's back at some point in the future when he's calmed down and ready !


Staff member
Think it's a bit shit to talk bad of the guy now he's not here to reply. Also in all the years Rambo has helped a fair few of us out and sorted a lot of ppl out with cuts or smoke so I don't think it's right to go slating him off over him having a bad day and a bit of a go, I think he's had a pop at every one of us in here at some point but it's just water off a ducks back !! I for one hope he's back at some point in the future when he's calmed down and ready !
he made a shit ton of threads we had to delete going off on mods.
and messaged us telling us he wont stop till hes banned, he wanted to be banned, he knew by doing that he would get banned

than he came in here hollering at other members in your thread calling them names.

i didnt shit talk himi said "sunday mornings are fun, people coming off hard drugs and binges from alcohol they do dumb shit" didnt say his name, didnt say he was coming off drugs, i said people there are other users on here who do the same shit every sunday morning like clockwork

sorry he wont be back and when he does come back ill make sure to ban him again

im sorry you lost a friend hopefully you have some other means of contact through email or social media :D
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Well-Known Member
he made a shit ton of threads we had to delete going off on mods.
and messaged us telling us he wont stop till hes banned, he wanted to be banned, he knew by doing that he would get banned

than he came in here hollering at other members in your thread calling them names.

i didnt shit talk himi said "sunday mornings are fun, people coming off hard drugs and binges from alcohol they do dumb shit" didnt say his name, didnt say he was coming off drugs, i said people there are other users on here who do the same shit every sunday morning like clockwork

sorry he wont be back and when he does come back ill make sure to ban him again

im sorry you lost a friend hopefully you have some other means of contact through email or social media :D
Oh I have many other mean of contact with him that not my issue and I also wasn't saying u had a go at him. I know he wanted banned. What I'm saying is it's not right for members of the thread who have been on good terms with him for years to start saying shit about him for a stupid post he made. It's not my problem anyway I'm just stating my opinion. I'll still phone and email the guy so it's no loss to me it's only a loss to the thread as he was a major contributor over the 8 years or so.


Well-Known Member
evenin lads,

The leccy has gone off in the area. I've two tatties half baked in the oven and my volcano was just heating up. Bollocks.

It best be on afore the missus wants to watch Doontoon abbey or there'll be hell on haha.

gonna have to dig out a pipe or something lol
get a gennie man run a lappy and a cano when shits down


Well-Known Member
he made a shit ton of threads we had to delete going off on mods.
and messaged us telling us he wont stop till hes banned, he wanted to be banned, he knew by doing that he would get banned

than he came in here hollering at other members in your thread calling them names.

i didnt shit talk himi said "sunday mornings are fun, people coming off hard drugs and binges from alcohol they do dumb shit" didnt say his name, didnt say he was coming off drugs, i said people there are other users on here who do the same shit every sunday morning like clockwork

sorry he wont be back and when he does come back ill make sure to ban him again

im sorry you lost a friend hopefully you have some other means of contact through email or social media :D
Dont worry bout it its me he means...


Well-Known Member
Yeah sae I was talking about your posts I think it's shit I seen the post Rambo put up to you and it wasn't anything bad just stating about the psycho strength and that. And how you're always going on about being skint
I'm sure at some point you've had something off Rambo over the years, he's one of the most honest trustworthy ppl in this thread. Yes he's a cunt at times but he's a good guy really.
Like I said to Sunni it's not my arguement but I had to say how fucked up I think it is how quickly you've turned on the guy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sae I was talking about your posts I think it's shit I seen the post Rambo put up to you and it wasn't anything bad just stating about the psycho strength and that. And how you're always going on about being skint
I'm sure at some point you've had something off Rambo over the years, he's one of the most honest trustworthy ppl in this thread. Yes he's a cunt at times but he's a good guy really.
Like I said to Sunni it's not my arguement but I had to say how fucked up I think it is how quickly you've turned on the guy.
Then you must have missed the other 3 threads he started...............

Yes Ive had stuff off Rambo in the past,Whats your point? Ive also bought stuff from Asda , still doesnt change the fact he acted like a cunt, 2 cuts i paid full whack for back in 08 roughly, then in the time since then ive had i think 2 other things off him that ive paid or traded bud for, never had a freebie in the time ive known contrast i sent him a freebie cut back in roughly `13,

You think this is fucked up? Well just be lucky we werent in the same room when it happened as I would have smashed the cunt for talking to me like that n then forgot he ever existed 6 seconds later

So he is the only person allowed to have a bad day then eh?None of the rest of us could ever possibly have our own shit going on could we?? STOP MODDYCODDLING THE JUNKIE TWAT FFS!!! You all just keep making excuses for the bloke, if anyone else acted like that in here you would hound em out of here in a fucking heartbeat n ive seen it happen hundreds of times