The reason for starting this thread was to highlight the simple fact that there is no candidate of either major party who has (or will) endorse the elimination of the federal prohibition of cannabis.
Sooo sad.
These people
all favor the end of the pathetic and misguided federal prohibition:
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Lawyer and Engineer
Derrick Michael Reid
A hard worker with a bright mind that has brought him great academic advancement, Derrick Michael Reid is more at home solving equations than discussing politics. He has some fervent political opinions, mostly focusing on personal liberty, but his difficulties in communicating them promise to be a liability.
More on Derrick Michael Reid
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Author and CEO
Steve Kerbel
No fan of either the Republican or Democrat parties, Steve Kerbel holds to a defiantly Libertarian platform. He believes in personal freedom and accountability, with the absolute minimum of government necessary to keep the nation running. Kerbel is a pro-business candidate.
More on Steve Kerbel
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Actor and Business Owner
Cecil Ince
An actor who makes his living pretending to be other people, Cecil Ince's desire to be President is very real. He's a Libertarian who frowns on encroachments upon personal liberty, and worries that the United States is taking an unhealthy globalist attitude in world affairs.
More on Cecil Ince
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Veteran and Spiritual Visionary
Joy Waymire
Joy Waymire is a Godly woman who believes the Lord has shown her the way, even to the point of healing a slew of incurable medical conditions from which she once suffered. Politically, she is a straight-laced Libertarian, calling for little government and maximum personal freedom.
More on Joy Waymire
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Licensed Physician
Marc Feldman
A minor candidate without a large financial backing, Marc Allan Feldman questions the prevailing wisdom that deep pockets are a prerequisite to victory in politics, contending that “votes are not for sale”. He is a Libertarian and opposes the fiscal policies of both major parties.
More on Marc Feldman
Declared 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Author, Publisher, and Radio/TV host; Libertarian Activist
Darryl Perry
The 36-year old author, publisher, and radio/TV host already has more than 15 years of political activity behind him. Perry is a textbook libertarian, advocating drastic reduction of the powers of the Federal Government, while granting more power to the individual.
More on Darryl Perry
Potential Libertarian Party Presidential Candidates
Potential 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate
Former Governor of
New Mexico
Gary Johnson
The ex-construction company owner governed New Mexico for eight years, during which time, the state’s deficit was wiped out - without the aid of any new tax increases. He also memorably vetoed over 750 pieces of legislations to keep a check on the state government’s spending.
More on Gary Johnson