Does anyone actually believe Ahmed built the clock himself?

Using that logic, every cellphone is also a IRA member!
Cellphones have less wires and more integrated circuits, too confusing for the average person.

Given the ready availability of explosive making materials available in America, Ahmed made the most difficult part of the bomb and just needed to add the explosive.

(Private ownership of gunpowder or potassium nitrate are restricted here for obvious reasons)

Then he just needs to set a time for the alarm to go off, tick tick BOOM.

In retrospect tho, he's a bit amateur if he couldn't even throw a few hot dogs in with wires sticking out of them.
There is recent evidence which indicates that the kid simply took an old radio shack clock apart and then reassembled it.
It is possible that this was all simply a stunt. Seems like he did not "build" or make anything. Oh well!
And now the stunt has garnered an invite to the White House?

(like, say, the 14-year old all-American schoolboy clockmaker who didn't make a clock at all and is the son of a belligerent Muslim activist and perennial Sudanese presidential candidate whose brother runs a trucking company amusingly called Twin Towers Transportation)

If this is indeed true...for shame, for shame...big time, baby!
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There is recent evidence which indicates that the kid simply took an old radio shack clock apart and then reassembled it.
It is possible that this was all simply a stunt. Seems like he did not "build" or make anything. Oh well!
And now the stunt has garnered an invite to the White House?

(like, say, the 14-year old all-American schoolboy clockmaker who didn't make a clock at all and is the son of a belligerent Muslim activist and perennial Sudanese presidential candidate whose brother runs a trucking company amusingly called Twin Towers Transportation)

If this is indeed true...for shame, for shame...big time, baby!
He isn't going to the white house.
Seems like they were trying to make a statement and it worked at first because it drew attention but then it is backfiring because it drew so MUCH attention.
Anybody can take the plastic casing off an alarm clock and stuff it into a briefcase. Even a jr. jihadist and his activist father.
Check out this cool candle my neighbour's kid made.


I think he deserves a trip to see Obama.
Check out this cool candle my neighbour's kid made.


I think he deserves a trip to see Obama.
I think whoever made this deserves a trip too.

Extreme baseball, innovative...


The ironic thing is that the Secret Service wouldve shot Ahmed in the face if he tried to bring his "clock" to the Whitehouse...

I called it back at post #81
What size you want?
My point is
Do not run stories that incorrectly point out racism or bigotry where there is none. There are plenty of cases that merit being covered for examples of racism and bigotry. Or police brutality.
Ahmed Mohamed is a false martyr. He put himself in this mess and it is only because of his religion, name and skin color that it grew any legs.
Now the bigots and racists will use his name to proclaim that bigotry and racism don't exist....again
i fully believe he built it, i fully also believe he was just being a kid who was proud of something he made with his own intelligence and that he wanted to show his teacher...
sadly people had to make it into a big issue...

they surely never believed it was a bomb....if they really did the bomb squad wouldve been called the school would have been evacuated just like proper protocall
they shamed this child and made him out to feel seriously fucking shitty about himself.

i guess the silver lining is now this kid gets to go to nasa, and hangout with astronauts, have scholarships given to him, and internships, as well as the president offering him to go to white house.

the child has been stated saying "hes moving schools and he doesnt care which one"

that kid was no damn threat..

the reason this turned into such a big deal is because due to fear mongering since 9/11 with how everyone whos brown is a goddamn terrorist and they are making everyone else in american turn into muslim ways.. the teacher and the principal sadly are victims of that stupid fear mongering who clearly fully believe it...maybe they need to go to some cultural sensitivity training , and stop being islamophobic because the big bad fox news told them terrorism is at a level red alert and the brown people ARE COMING FOR YOU

I think the teachers acted reasonably. So did the police. They all acted exactly the way I'd want if my children were in that school - err on the side of caution, especially when anyone (dark skin, light skin, whoever) walks into a school unannounced with anything that looks like a homemade timing device.

I think this is a non-story that the media made into a national attraction.
I think the teachers acted reasonably. So did the police. They all acted exactly the way I'd want if my children were in that school - err on the side of caution, especially when anyone (dark skin, light skin, whoever) walks into a school unannounced with anything that looks like a homemade timing device.

I think this is a non-story that the media made into a national attraction.
if someone brought a bomb into my childs school id want the school evacuated and the bomb squad called in
not the person in handcuffs 4 hours after he brought it, with all students in school and the bomb thrown in thr back of the police squad car

no they didnt err on the side of caution, they didnt even follow proper protocall
they knew it wasnt a bomb lol
if someone brought a bomb into my childs school id want the school evacuated and the bomb squad called in
not the person in handcuffs 4 hours after he brought it, with all students in school and the bomb thrown in thr back of the police squad car

no they didnt err on the side of caution, they didnt even follow proper protocall
they knew it wasnt a bomb lol

They had no idea what it was. And so they acted reasonably in thinking of the worst case scenario.

Post-9/11, that's smart.
if someone brought a bomb into my childs school id want the school evacuated and the bomb squad called in
not the person in handcuffs 4 hours after he brought it, with all students in school and the bomb thrown in thr back of the police squad car

no they didnt err on the side of caution, they didnt even follow proper protocall
they knew it wasnt a bomb lol
You and most people are missing something important.

He wasn't arrested for making a bomb.