

Well-Known Member
Bout to go in to usual mix latelyView attachment 3472664

Did a few lines of some boo boo white girl and smoked a fatty.

Then i get to work, head honch. King of my dept. Excuse me dr.....qwizo.... um can we get some 20mg adderall 30ct
without any dyes. And she says the "bitter funk" is unbearable if i could sweeten it but not flavor it. Bitch! Get some ritalin then, its white! And swallow it, dont lick it . The fuck..
Oh and her meds (thats her kid) she wants them combined into one pill. Thank you.

Aggggghhhhhhh fine fine. Now get out of my face.......

The confession. I was a d i dnt desrve that..
Damn 4 bars? I'd be napping all day,


Well-Known Member
lol. most cant hang with me, plus the coke keeps you conscious...still lose yiur memory though. especially when combined with other gabba jackers. weed 'll do it

most ive taken was 20 bars..i was gone for days


Well-Known Member
So i took a few bars before work Friday...normal
Well apparently at some point i ran into a cop who thought i was high or drunk or something..i was posting fine at 7:30 so i dont think i was too messed up..but i do get off at 6am lol..anyway so i guess i took the last, about 14 bars and a gram of white. At some point im apparently arrested and put in a holding memory.. im then posting fine at home..get a warning for maintaining lane or whatever. Passed the sobriety test but had to leave the car, wilco got pernission to drive me to bastrop. I realize today that i got arrested (spotless record) so that kinda sucks. They searched the car no dog,
So yea overall i guess a good day or 2 just spent a few hundred unnecessary dollars


Well-Known Member
I wish I ran some more ladies outside this year, the ones I did where just clones I didn't like and kicked outside. I hardly paid attention to them and they put on some weight. Granted I'm in a seasonal beach area without much room to grow...shit I should have tried harder


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I confess I've been looking @ buying a Hayabusa off e-bay again.
Damn, I don't need one - but they're so purdy.

Even going as far as getting shipping quotes. :shock:

View attachment 3506648
Well now if you came down here for the BBQ you could ride it almost all the way back home! Then what, put it in the garage for those three snowless days a year?

With my luck you'll get @cannabineer started on his Harley shit again LOL.


Well-Known Member
The confession is harder to see here.
Free (govt) shit..
No advancement opportunities..

One of my trap houses has 3 females and 5 dudes permanently. with one of the guys baby momma and child on occasion. None have jobs. Dci biologicals pays each $50 twice a week for selling blood plasma. Making roughly 800 a week. 3 people are 18 or younger and on tanif....Dont judge.., everyone is on food stamps. 2 receive disability.
For another ~$3500 a month.
Or about 7k a month total.
Food is provided by some amazing local foodbanks (one of which i sponser)

On my way to go drop off coke, bars, bud, and pain pills.

They flip as much as they can, keeping *profits*, i supply goodies... And i get about 6k. Rent is 700 a month, water about 120 and elec was about 250 last month.
Any other money they acquire through their daily grind is theirs.

Damn lazy awesome people of America


Ursus marijanus
Well now if you came down here for the BBQ you could ride it almost all the way back home! Then what, put it in the garage for those three snowless days a year?

With my luck you'll get @cannabineer started on his Harley shit again LOL.
Oh yes have I not talked about my former Harley lately? Let me tell you about my Harley that i had and that I miss ... I'd post pictures but lazy Harley alum is lazy.