Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry no probs. Been doing some research about smoking the male and now i don't know what i think i have read that many things that contrdict each other. How you meant to know who is right?! Is it just lucky dip lol. So yer i can't find a stright anwser whether he's worth the effort or not. Maybe it's a case of you have to try it for yourself?

thats a question for the other ppl cuz i have no idea. sorry :(


Well-Known Member
Nothing much to say. "Runt seems to be doing well to say the huge change in temps he has had to put up with since moving to live in the green house. First pic of Trinity last pic of "runt."



Well-Known Member
Trinity is looking good will try and take some better pics of her later on. Yer you can tell the bud sites i think lol. The older bigger fan leaves are covering some of them though so there not getting much light which isn't too good.

has trinity sprouted loadsa hairs everywhere yet? can u tell the bud sites?


Well-Known Member
I just went into the green house to check on "runt" and should he look like this?! Ok so about half way down the main stem he has 4 balls. Yep that's it i can't see anymore anywhere. But then right at the top i'm fairly sure that he has 4 white hairs coming out the top like Trinity. Am i missing something here? Or should he look like that?

mr west

Well-Known Member
there is a slim chance he could be a lady boy lol, which might be better than him being all man. urll know soon enough lol. the big fan leafs act like solar pannels for the plant so the buds will still get the energy from the light even in shade.


Well-Known Member
Oh lovley a lady boy lol. Should have none something like that would happen to me. Always one to be difficult lol.

there is a slim chance he could be a lady boy lol, which might be better than him being all man. urll know soon enough lol. the big fan leafs act like solar pannels for the plant so the buds will still get the energy from the light even in shade.


Well-Known Member
Trinity is looking a bit droppy i havn't watered her yet since i transplanted her into the bigger pot so i might water her when lights go back on at 12am. Only pics of Trinity today.



Well-Known Member
iv been watching your grow and its impressive, congrats.

how did you do with regards to the smell? i want to grow them but live in an apartment so wouldnt want the smell getting loose to much :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I watered Trinity when i got up till there was a bit of run off, also sprinkled some of my organic nutes on the top of her soil before i watered her. So hoping her leaves might clear up now or at least not get any worse!

As for "runt" i still have no idea what is going on with him, he clearly has balls, but still think he is devloping white hairs as well near the top. Surely by this stage he should have more than 4 balls! lol. Didn't water him as his soil was still damp."runt" is no longer a runt he seems to have shot up since i moved him oudside he is as big as Trinity now if not bigger!

First pics of Trinity then the last three pics are of "runt."




Well-Known Member
nice mate u should get a good smoke off that in 5 or 6 weeks. How old are they now?
They are what about 4 and a half weeks old now soon be 5 weeks old. Would have to work it out only now i'm on day 33 from when they sprouted lol.

iv been watching your grow and its impressive, congrats.

how did you do with regards to the smell? i want to grow them but live in an apartment so wouldnt want the smell getting loose to much :mrgreen:

Thanks for the kind words. As for the smell yep i think i have fixed that. Problem was my intake fans where stronger than my extractor fan so it was pushing the smell out of any little gaps. Now only have the one 80mm pc fan wired up for my intake and it seems to have fixed the problem.


Well-Known Member
how much dose trinity smell right now on a scale from 1-10 .. 1 being not noticable 5- being air freshiner coverable and 10- being Carbon filter only

mr west

Well-Known Member
well my diesel lowryders are half lowryder2's and they smelt something over covering it with air freashener, so inbetween air freashener and carbon filter lol, i liked the smell was nice.


Well-Known Member
I dunno really i have a crap sense of smell lol. But what i can say is when my ducting got jammed againist the wall all night (which leads to carbon filter.) The next morning when i woke up i could smell her all down stairs. And i always have my window open too! Also my bedroom door will have been shut for about 12 hours, so the only way the smell got everywhere was by leaking out around my bedroom door! So yer hope that gives you a bit of an idea, she smells a lot stronger than i thought she would anyways. Glad i bought my filter makes things so much eaiser, now i can't smell her unless i open my cab door. So for me it was worth the money anyways.

how much dose trinity smell right now on a scale from 1-10 .. 1 being not noticable 5- being air freshiner coverable and 10- being Carbon filter only