Scott Walker...F##K Yeah


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reposting such a perfectly accurate and still relevant assessment of the sitting Governor of Wisconsin. Will the Dems EVER hand him a defeat or will he just keep movin' on up?
He had less that 1% approval after the last debate.....from the Republicans!...what do you think is approval rate is with dems?...o_O


Well-Known Member
If you listen to the biased sqawking you will hear over and over that the GOP has been hijacked by the right, then watch as the most moderate candidate available on stage wins the primary.
bad predictions. non-stop bad predictions from racist right wingers.


Well-Known Member
reported as spam.
I heard this guy Levin in some redneck state I was driving through. He said that Obama "literally peed on the graves of American war hero's when he was in Hiroshima". I though it seemed like a funny place to bury American war heroes. Boy was I disappointed when I googled it.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that President Obama is a Black Man, right? :lol:

When racists hear about another race doing or saying something, they automatically think it's terrible.

Because ... racism!
