I get them sent to me, because we've ordered from them in the past. You can go to the web sites for various companies and request a catalog usually, once you do that, you'll probably get them sent in subsequent years, you'll be on the list.
I'm a huge fan of Territorial Seeds, they have a link on main page to request a catalog. Johnny's Seeds are also good quality. Peace Seeds is also good, but pretty small Northwest operation. Baker Seeds Heirlooms, Seeds of Change, Annie's Heirloom Seeds, RH Shumway Seeds and Seed Savers Exchange are also sources I'd recommend. I prefer the heirloom and smaller companies (and this is not a complete list, there are a LOT more companies). I bet if you google them, they'll all have free catalogs (maybe not Peace Seeds though). And I also have to put a plug in for Nichols Garden Nursery in Albany, OR, as they are a good source for things like horseradish and hops, not stuff you find in many catalogs or nurseries.