Well-Known Member
It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.
Yes, those sheeple who watch The Five.

It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so.
Free trade means you don’t just have your neighbors or countrymen vying to serve you, it means you have the most talented people on earth getting in line to please you.
You are overestimating the intelligence of the fleecers.Must be my perception. Without Education, it means you have the most talented people on earth getting in line to fleece you.
"A fool and his money are easily parted"You are overestimating the intelligence of the fleecers.
It really doesn't take much to exploit the stupid. Just tell them it's the minorities fault they pay so much
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, the bern
Dude he calls himself a socialist, he does not hide it.Then do your homework; the Dems hate Bernie as much as the Repubs do.
That's because he's a threat to the WHOLE corrupt establishment and they know it.
Ever wonder why you don't hear about him on major media outlets? That's because the corporate owned state propaganda outlets don't want people hearing his message. Go find his platform and read it for yourself; see how much you don't agree with.
Pfff, he doesn't even chilli, bro.your chili recipe, perhaps?..from what i read there's probably a lot of butt burn going on..not good when your panties are in a bunch like they are right now, ben..
Dude he calls himself a socialist, he does not hide it.
We are not socialist in America.
People who don't work can eat shit and die for all I care. There's 51% of the majority (me) paying for 49% of the others, and that shit has got to stop. Capitalism is all about trade private and corporate trade. We quite simply work in order to get what we don’t have. Odds are you don’t cut your own hair, raise your own food, manufacture the clothes you wear, design the computer you’re reading this on, or build your own shelter. Free trade means you don’t just have your neighbors or countrymen vying to serve you, it means you have the most talented people on earth getting in line to please you.
That's called the work ethic of which Sanders and his lemmings don't quite have a grasp of.
By Obama?This country is currently being ruled as a fascist state. Socialism would be a big step in the right direction.
You throw words around handed to your brainwashed brain.This country is currently being ruled as a fascist state. Socialism would be a big step in the right direction.
"The estimated cost of President Obama's signature health care law is continuing to fall.
The Congressional Budget Office announced on Monday that the Affordable Care Act will cost $142 billion, or 11 percent, less over the next 10 years, compared to what the agency had projected in January.
The nonpartisan agency said the Affordable Care Act will cost less for two essential reasons. The first, and most significant, is that health insurance premiums are rising more slowly, and thus requires less of a government subsidy."
I've seen lower premiums, and lower cost of healthcare. Weird. The fact of the matter is that while someone may see an increase in 25%, it's because of a few factors. 1) It's a long term investment into the health care of our country. How can you say you're fiscally conservative/responsible if you don't even know what the fuck a long term investment is? 2) You misstated your income when signing up for Obamacare and they caught it on your taxes. 3) You're making shit up. Some places will see increases of up to 25% so I'll give you that, however some places will see decreases of up to 40%. The median? 4% increase. Wamp wampwaaa
Are you fucking stupid or just ignorant?You throw words around handed to your brainwashed brain.
You complain about the greatest country in the world.
You ever been outside the states were people really have no freedom.
Your elders should pull your pants down and give you a spanking.
For talking such regurgitated old story same old campus B.S.
You throw words around handed to your brainwashed brain.
You complain about the greatest country in the world.
You ever been outside the states were people really have no freedom.
Your elders should pull your pants down and give you a spanking.
For talking such regurgitated old story same old campus B.S.
They have been making the numbers up for 6 years, have you been watching that long? Most Hard working Americans are paying way more, end of story.
I do not care what numbers are copied and pasted! It is all lies.
Eh, the President for the last nearly 8 years has been black therefore you're a racist.No. I started using the word FASCISM to accurately describe what conservatives have done to our country. It came from ME, no one else. And it fits the facts.
Fox watching right wingers love to toss around words like 'socialist' and communist' when speaking of the Honorable opposition, and it's obviously done without any regard to the truth. Not that the average Faux Spews sycophant has any clue what those terms mean, either! So, it's my turn to hang nasty labels around the necks of right wing destroyers of our civil freedoms.
Yes, I've spent years outside the States. I have several family members who work in the State Department. Have you ever been out of the country for more than a 'Mexican hamburger'?
Campus BS; the world's highest rate of incarceration, rampant institutionalized racism and classism, wildly different treatment by the law if you're poor or of color, corporations committing high crimes against millions with impunity, legislation stomping all over our Constitutional Rights. Shall I continue? Militarized police MURDERING SO MANY PEOPLE THEY DON'T WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF HOW MANY?!
No. I started using the word FASCISM to accurately describe what conservatives have done to our country.