Favorite insult.


Well-Known Member
What is your favorite insult,I had an ex,that took up with this immature prick.,One night at a bar,she came over and talked for a few minutes,just innocuous talk.The next thing I knew,I had this insecure boy toy in my face,telling me I better stay away from HIS Girlfriend.I just looked at him,and with everybody listening,I said"Tell me Son,Have you kissed her yet ?Of course I have!!He said.I just looked at him and said"So how did my dick Taste ?Bastard had the gall to take a swing at me.
Ever sucked a dick sweeter than mine?

Or my second fav.

Go suck your moms dick.

Or if your male friend is laughing tell him not to piss his panties

Pretty standard stuff really.
In all honesty, I can’t think of a time I actually insulted someone in anger or for serious. I’ll call your vagina a revolving man door, or say you miss making a sound when you fart, but only in good fun. I always liked:

“Must be embarrassing standing at the urinal pissing all over your own balls”

That was in a movie. hahaha, STILL funny.
only takes one word....cunt.... girls love being called a cunt
Try calling a guy a cunt sometime, them’s fighting words.

Maybe I just haven’t had enough angst-ridden relationships? Never have I ever been called a cunt…

To my face, at least.

Oh no wait! Years ago my roommate’s alcoholic ex boyfriend drunk drove to the back lane of our house, threw a beer bottle, and when I told him he should leave or he was going to end up getting hurt by the group of guys that were there - I think he called me a cunt.

It’s just a silly word. Pretty sure I laughed. Drunk driving ex’s that throw bottles are pretty cuntington in my book…

That’s like the cunt calling the pussy black…

Or something.
Whatever i think will cut the deepest. Racial slurs, ethnic slurs, physical abnormalities, mental disabilities, family issues, etc,etc. I'll latch on to whatever it is and use it till you break.

I have been using cunt a lot lately and cumdumpsters been thrown around too..
Try calling a guy a cunt sometime, them’s fighting words.

Maybe I just haven’t had enough angst-ridden relationships? Never have I ever been called a cunt…

To my face, at least.

Oh no wait! Years ago my roommate’s alcoholic ex boyfriend drunk drove to the back lane of our house, threw a beer bottle, and when I told him he should leave or he was going to end up getting hurt by the group of guys that were there - I think he called me a cunt.

It’s just a silly word. Pretty sure I laughed. Drunk driving ex’s that throw bottles are pretty cuntington in my book…

That’s like the cunt calling the pussy black…

Or something.
id rather just call guys pussys...imo if a guy lets me call him a pussy to his face and wont fight he gets no respect from me...or even just call them scared ... men should have a sense of pride and for there manhood to be challenged and not do anything about it makes them cowardly<- another good one