Help!! - purple stem, seedling falling over, first time grower


Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster. Also a first time grower, and I need help. DSC_0055.JPG DSC_0054.JPG

I can go into detail with my setup and routine if it is required, but I first thought it would be easiest, and most simple, if I just gave a basic outline to my problem. I've spent countless hours researching the problem, growing methods in general and how it's all done, before someone suggests Google!

I have, so far, attempted to grow 4 seeds (Sensi Northern Lights, Sensi White Diesel Haze, Dr K Bulk Smash Auto and Memphisto Sour Orange Diesel Kush). I have tried growing them in 2's - first I planted the SODK/NL, and second grow attempt was the WDH/BSA.

All 4 seeds have germinated no problem - first attempt I used Rockwool, second, Jiffy as I am going to use a mixture of Coco Coir/Clay pebbles as my growing medium. These were placed in a propagator to germinate with a dome on top (I have read mixed opinions on the use of a dome, however I have managed to germinate 4/4 seeds so far using it so until it doesn't work I guess I'll crack on with the dome!)

The seeds sprouted, and developed their cotyledons fine. Some were a bit stretchy, so I placed my T5 light closer to the tops of the plants, which seemed to solve that issue.

I have been spraying/misting the cubes/pellets every time they seemed dry, although I eased off after learning of the over/under watering stuff. I did this by misting the top, bottom and sides of the cube so as to not miss any areas. After a day or two of looking healthy (ish), they have all started to develop a purple stem, and none of them have ever made it past the first set of true leaves (which have never even got to develop). Their stems turn purple within 24 hours of the first sighting of the serrated leaves, and then within 72 they end up fallen over completely, like the picture. All 4 have gone the same way, so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong??!!

Research would suggest damping off could be an issue, as could over/under watering, but I wanted to actually describe my issue, with pictures, and hopefully get some insightful advice from all you on-point growers!

I have also now decided to just germinate/plant the seeds straight into a 1.6L pot, with a mixture of coco and clay pebbles, to make things easier, and transplant when the time is right. Any tips for this would also be appreciated.

Grow room temp is around 24-26 centigrade, and around 50-60% RH. They were not fed any nutrients so far, and I have to admit, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the PH of my water. After sprouting seedlings have been subjected to a low oscillating fan to aid in strong stems (ironically)

Thanks for your time, and apologies if this has been brought up before!


Well-Known Member
yup needs water…

also though you can sometimes get too much stretch on a young seed… too much would be like 2-4" tall with still just the cotyledon (first 2 leafs) if you run into this problem simple fix is a toothpick and a loose knot, you don't want to tie it to the toothpick but just a loose knot to keep it from flopping.


Well-Known Member
In all honesty, you would be better off over the next 6 months trying to learn to study, once this has been achieved
you may study the fine art of growing weed, as if you don't know of red stems and the difference of 'damping off' theres really no hope for you ..but I won't diss guys like you completely but will point you to the most basic of growing instructions my blog:

peter berger

Well-Known Member
The purple stem might be genetics. My bubba kush seedling has a green stem. But my liberty haze seedling has a purple stem.


In all honesty, you would be better off over the next 6 months trying to learn to study, once this has been achieved
you may study the fine art of growing weed, as if you don't know of red stems and the difference of 'damping off' theres really no hope for you ..but I won't diss guys like you completely but will point you to the most basic of growing instructions my blog:
I didn't say/mean to say the red stem was damping off. I meant the reason why it had toppled over. I know the red/purple stem could be down to a nutrient deficiency, but I had also read that seedlings sometimes do not need nutrients to start with. Not sure if that sort of reply was necessary, we all start somewhere...I have the Cervantas book actually, I have read it, and I still cannot find information that actually helps this specific situation, hence my appeal to others for helpful information.

I have now thrown them away, and started again in 2x 1.6L pots with a mixture of Coco Coir and Clay pebbles. I am pre-soaking them with a very very weak formulex solution, PH'd 5.5-6.0. I am then going to put them in the prop for a few days and see how I get on...any tips on that, from experience, would be much appreciated!

peter berger

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Terry385, post: 11969400, member: 84571Bubba nice bush...liberty haze real tall plant[/QUOTE]
Ya the liberty haze is still young but im very excited for her future.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I do...step 1 grab seed step 2 make sure seed is pointed side UP step 3 push in dirt 1/4" down, add water...skip germinating only speeds up a very slow process by days...I do knot tie knots but I do use tooth picks 3 of them to be exact as "braces" if they need it...get a fan on low on them...honestly I don't care how the plant looks that early..MY MAIN CONCERN is to get that stem thick fast...I'll veg for 2 months to recover lost times


Well-Known Member
I didn't say/mean to say the red stem was damping off. I meant the reason why it had toppled over. I know the red/purple stem could be down to a nutrient deficiency, but I had also read that seedlings sometimes do not need nutrients to start with. Not sure if that sort of reply was necessary, we all start somewhere...I have the Cervantas book actually, I have read it, and I still cannot find information that actually helps this specific situation, hence my appeal to others for helpful information.

I have now thrown them away, and started again in 2x 1.6L pots with a mixture of Coco Coir and Clay pebbles. I am pre-soaking them with a very very weak formulex solution, PH'd 5.5-6.0. I am then going to put them in the prop for a few days and see how I get on...any tips on that, from experience, would be much appreciated!
Go poke thru my blog, I use examples of Cervantas to assist growers in the basic stuff... along with the red stem article
