Lighting, best for cannabis.

Everybody knows that blue light in flowering makes your plants "dank." To put it scientifically. If I'm not too lazy, I sometimes use mh bulbs during the first 2 and last 2 weeks of flower.

I've got an old 400watt magnetic ballast gathering dust in the corner.

So I've got nothing too loose by throwing up a super-blue bulb between my other lights. If that bulb runs cooler, and promotes trich and terpine development, then thats awesome. At the very least I'll get better coverage.

Thanks for the info
Everybody knows that blue light in flowering makes your plants "dank." To put it scientifically. If I'm not too lazy, I sometimes use mh bulbs during the first 2 and last 2 weeks of flower.

I've got an old 400watt magnetic ballast gathering dust in the corner.

So I've got nothing too loose by throwing up a super-blue bulb between my other lights. If that bulb runs cooler, and promotes trich and terpine development, then thats awesome. At the very least I'll get better coverage.

Thanks for the info
Thanks for your kind remark. Yes, we have seen for years that h.I.d. would always produce a better quality bud and you can find plenty old threads from even ten or more years ago, were growers would argue about it then, even though the proof was always abvious. What was not known, however is that h.I.d. would later show to be the light that would allow the tree to die through its chemical changes. After further research, we found that an all blue or white or blue and white l.e.d. would also work and t5 bulbs also, but take a little longer, however incredible quality. So we wondered why this was? We had nothing against high pressure sodium bulbs, its just a bulb not an enemy. So we researched further " talking years and plenty money gentlemen " and found very interesting data that I have already mentioned before, however I'll beat the horse one more time. Around the tropic of cancer, the mountain regions and equator, the suns spectrum is primarily high in uva/uvb and most importantly a high blue spectrum of sunlight, that does not ever ever change to a orange/red like it does in northern climates that get winter. This combination of intense uva/uvb and higher blue nanometer spectrum my brothers and sisters, allow the tree to die and go through chemical changes in that death process and color changes, that make the cursed tree of wisdom..oops, become the ultimate healer and that can take as quick as 18-22 weeks in a pure indica and 30-44 weeks on a pure sativa, depending on its locale. Ac golds and tai's take forever to go through the process, but will destroy cell diseases at this stage and you can't hardly smoke it as you fear returning to your bodily prison. As I've said;" the red and especially far red in high pressure sodium bulbs will keep the tree wanting to live and why you guys get big buds that foxtail new growth at 11 weeks ,instead of dying off to ripen up the cannabinoids properly." Now, since science has only tested early cut bud for trace amounts of cannabinoids, they cannot understand the true healing properties of cannabinoids that are ripened proper. Meaning, they need to test bud that's 22-44 weeks flowered under h.I.d. and it will be full of ripe cannabinoids and those are the healers, not acidic t.h.c. and how they do not understand this, most of you do not and why it sounds so foreign. Its that simple brothers, however I'm trying to help. The tree has to be fully understood to be set free. God will bring in time the researchers to my life that will take bud that's done right and test it and you all will see that I've shared something with you for free that can change peoples opinion of this cursed fruit and set it free. Now, why 14000k? We have seen that through using proper defoliation and a higher blue light like 14000k, we were able to speed this ripening and chemical change up by weeks and even months in some and increase trichomes and smells and tastes. So, all h.I.d. will do this, however the above does it better and faster. The Hamilton beach gives you the sunlight cannabis naturally grows with in a bulb and they have made this bulb 20yrs. I hope some of you are getting a little better understanding now as I really just want to help and see people healed and the tree free. One love, rev.thenatural
Ok…I can't take it…

Now it's "h.l.d."?

WHERE, in nature, do marijuana plants stay in flower for 30-44 weeks? What country is that? And what are the landrace strains that "God" created to be of benefit to man? And if it's in some remote place that only sherpa's can get to, then how is that going to benefit mankind? Seems to me, that if "God" wanted to get the medicine to mankind, then he would have made it be able to produce the good medicine anywhere, under any seasonal lighting -wherever mankind was located…right?

You're saying "God" this and "Allah" that…but, IF "God" created this plant to flower that long, then where, on Earth, did "he" place them? I don't think there is a natural growing season (for an annual flowering plant) that could possibly last that long. Why would "God" keep such a great secret from everyone that can only be unlocked by the blue spectrum? Sounds more like science fiction than actual science.

Also, the Sun's angle of light changes as the seasons pass….and the color of sunlight changes. So, there is no place that has "blue" light for 30-44 weeks of flower.

Ok…I can't take it…

Now it's "h.l.d."?

WHERE, in nature, do marijuana plants stay in flower for 30-44 weeks? What country is that? And what are the landrace strains that "God" created to be of benefit to man? And if it's in some remote place that only sherpa's can get to, then how is that going to benefit mankind? Seems to me, that if "God" wanted to get the medicine to mankind, then he would have made it be able to produce the good medicine anywhere, under any seasonal lighting -wherever mankind was located…right?

You're saying "God" this and "Allah" that…but, IF "God" created this plant to flower that long, then where, on Earth, did "he" place them? I don't think there is a natural growing season (for an annual flowering plant) that could possibly last that long. Why would "God" keep such a great secret from everyone that can only be unlocked by the blue spectrum? Sounds more like science fiction than actual science.

Also, the Sun's angle of light changes as the seasons pass….and the color of sunlight changes. So, there is no place that has "blue" light for 30-44 weeks of flower.

Good questions and presented well sir. I'll answer, however the rabbit hole will go deeper and will lead to me telling you all after all these years, what that peculiar specimen in my avatar is..I guess its time and I sat weeping at night two months ago when I rejoined roll it up after six years, as I knew it would start here. Please know, everything is relevant and many have studied these things in science, but its twisted with little understanding and kept from us and I'm not good with paragraph's. This solar system, like most is binary. We have a twin star that is red and has its own planets. The red sun, puts out a different gamma ray and strong UV radiation, than old Thomas that warms our stations on this side of the binary system. Every 3600 years, that red sun and its planets, come across earths path and causes the true evolution on this planet. Everything changes form and gets huge, including you. Why? Humble as a child. When Bruce banner was exposed to intense gamma and UV radiation, his cells changed and he became a green giant " thanks for that movie " lol. The red sun, changes everything on a cellular level, co2 goes sky high...yay, and oxygen will go up better than 26%. Allah is mighty in wisdom. These combinations, cause all things on earth to evolve into new and beautiful giant creatures and everything lives for a long long time and for the " keepers " to be seen, however their harvest is at hand. So, a little better than 7200 years ago, the cannabis tree was brought here, yes brought here, but not for this thread right now and their carbon dating is junk in most cases and that's coming from many who once glorified it as gospel. When cannabis was brought here and first grown here by those whom brought it, it was a fruit tree under the red sun passing. The wisdom tree " sativa " growed fruit like dates and had a nectar that gave longer life and also mental wisdom " high." The life tree " hemp" gave long life, however no nectar for the mind. Gods good and knows best. Let's just say for now, as the red sun eventually moved further away again, all things devolved, changed form, got smaller and the tree of wisdom and life became cannabis hemp and sativa as an indica is nothing more than a sativa pollinated with cactus. Now, that we are still under this sun, until the next passing of the red sun, we are all still devolved including cannabis. It still however has to be ripened like the fruit it is and it goes through three stages of chemical and color changes before it goes gold like a pineapple or banana. The red in high pressure sodium, makes the cursed tree want to keep living as the red sun will one day again do the same, if you will. The equator areas are the only place in the wild, that cannabis can go through its stages if left uncut and why a hit from a pin joint of it will put you on another planet. Had friends over the years who traveled deep jungled of the world for endangered reptiles and they'd tell me stories of tiny cannabis and golden cannabinoids bud and the danger of it lol and these guys were not smokers per say and no reason to fabricate. Having to bring crops down before winter, is probably what helped in the knowledge being lost and the " mischief makers" don't like truth anyway. So much lied about by these beings and accepted by most, so long long road ahead to clean the garbage. See, god didn't hide it, man did. The old Mexican farmers knew that the later they harvest their crops, the better they were and especially properly decarbed in the ole white sun. Green bananas has caused allot of misunderstandings and t.h.c. is a green banana, lol. Kinda seeing it now? Now, what is that in my avatar? Years ago, creator gave me this info and showed me drawn on 6000 year old tablets, the 36ft tall ones that brought this tree and what it looked like under the red sun in its fruit form. Father put in my heart to prove him, so I did. I applied the correct amount of oxygen and co2 and UV and correct nanometers of the red sun by his direction. I exposed the cell of the cannabis seed to these parameters for a set amount of time. Then, it was germinated under the proper red sun spectrum and a male and female fruit tree popped out of the same seed...evolution. Darwin was misguided by jinn by his choice and pride. The female is in the avatar picture and the male only had the two thin leaves on top, without the large heart shaped leaf in middle like female. The trees of wisdom. From a pure oaxacan as the oaxacan is pure as it was when cast out by its planter 7200 years ago. The same trees, I seen as they grew, that god revealed to me on those 6000 year old drawings...cannabis, in its original fruit form, that allowed Adam 997 years of life. That is what your looking at in my avatar. For those who can feel, know that this wisdom is nothing, love and charity and forgiveness, is true wisdom, however knowledge is indeed, fixing to be poured out in its full. One love, rev.thenatural
So, your answer is that Oaxaca, Mexico is the place where a marijuana plant can stay in flower for 30-44 weeks?

And...Oaxaca, Mexico is the location where the sunlight is bluer and stays blue consistently all year long?

And...Oaxacan is the landrace strain that God made to benefit mankind?


"There is no observational evidence that the sun is a member of a binary (trinary, or more) star system, where "star" means an object that is at least ~80 times the mass of jupiter and emits energy/light via standard hydrogen fusion.

Some evidence that people point to is that the majority of stars in the Galaxy (perhaps 60% or so) are binary. However, that does not mean that we are a binary system, just that we are among those which are not.

There is the Nemesis star idea which was a hypothetical binary companion to the sun to account for periodic mass extinctions roughy every 26 million years (as in, the two stars would therefore be on a 26 million year period, so the companion is a few light-years away). There are two problems with that: First, that a 2010 reanalysis of the data showed that it was too periodic over the past 500 million years, during which time we've gone around the galaxy twice, and so our hypothetical binary orbits should have been perturbed and not be perfect (though others say that the precision of the geologic timescale isn't good enough to say this). But, second, we can see stars out to a few light years -- we can see small, faint stars out to thousands of light years. We have all-sky infrared surveys that should be able to pick up the faintest even star-like objects to at least a few light-years, and yet ... nothing."
So, your answer is that Oaxaca, Mexico is the place where a marijuana plant can stay in flower for 30-44 weeks?

And...Oaxaca, Mexico is the location where the sunlight is bluer and stays blue consistently all year long?

And...Oaxacan is the landrace strain that God made to benefit mankind?

Never said that. The oaxacan represents the cursed cannabis tree in its first form, when the red sun passed away and we devolved and why that seed was chosen to perform the evolutionary change. Oaxaca is not on equator, its right below the tropic of cancer. The people of Oaxaca take wonderful care at per serving native flora, including the cannabis of Oaxaca. Any cannabis tree can be properly ripened under h.I.d. t5 or high white or blue l.e.d. you just have to give it time to ripen its cursed fruit for you. There are indica phenos under 14000k that could probably ripen all three stages in as little as 20 weeks and those cannabinoids will destroy disease also. So no, they all will do it. Rev..

"There is no observational evidence that the sun is a member of a binary (trinary, or more) star system, where "star" means an object that is at least ~80 times the mass of jupiter and emits energy/light via standard hydrogen fusion.

Some evidence that people point to is that the majority of stars in the Galaxy (perhaps 60% or so) are binary. However, that does not mean that we are a binary system, just that we are among those which are not.

There is the Nemesis star idea which was a hypothetical binary companion to the sun to account for periodic mass extinctions roughy every 26 million years (as in, the two stars would therefore be on a 26 million year period, so the companion is a few light-years away). There are two problems with that: First, that a 2010 reanalysis of the data showed that it was too periodic over the past 500 million years, during which time we've gone around the galaxy twice, and so our hypothetical binary orbits should have been perturbed and not be perfect (though others say that the precision of the geologic timescale isn't good enough to say this). But, second, we can see stars out to a few light years -- we can see small, faint stars out to thousands of light years. We have all-sky infrared surveys that should be able to pick up the faintest even star-like objects to at least a few light-years, and yet ... nothing."
I know all about this and I'm sorry but we are binary and this generation will not pass until it comes. Soon. Now not the time for a further on this with respect. Rev..
Your statement Darwin was prideful and bedevilled by Jinn surpasses all the useless vain idiocy that has fallen out of your ass on RIU. While Darwin was a scientist you are a vain and ignorant idiot.

Those piles of crap you post reveal your pathetic delusions and plain cluelessness. Can you show us an analysis of the god weed youve grown?

Please let us see how science validates the preposterous, insultingly ridiculous nonsense you espouse.
Never said that. The oaxacan represents the cursed cannabis tree in its first form, when the red sun passed away and we devolved and why that seed was chosen to perform the evolutionary change. Oaxaca is not on equator, its right below the tropic of cancer. The people of Oaxaca take wonderful care at per serving native flora, including the cannabis of Oaxaca. Any cannabis tree can be properly ripened under h.I.d. t5 or high white or blue l.e.d. you just have to give it time to ripen its cursed fruit for you. There are indica phenos under 14000k that could probably ripen all three stages in as little as 20 weeks and those cannabinoids will destroy disease also. So no, they all will do it. Rev..

Oh, I must have misunderstood. I am devolved, after all.

So, then….ANY land on the equator, is the place where the light is as you have described as being bluer?

And…Anywhere along the equator will provide the proper conditions for allowing a landrace sativa strain of marijuana to stay in flower for 30-44 weeks?

I will ask about the artificial lighting in a minute. I just want to establish EXACTLY where, on Earth, the light is naturally bluer for up to 44 weeks a year and EXACTLY what strain of marijuana will stay in flower for up to 44 weeks.
I know all about this and I'm sorry but we are binary and this generation will not pass until it comes. Soon. Now not the time for a further on this with respect. Rev..

I'm sorry but we are not…

Don't feel like will smith, we are all devolved. Most do not realize the longer flowering times, cause they simply were not taught. Most have never grown a pure sativa. Some of the old dutch know that some of what rev is telling you is true, but I don't expect them to join me in the town square lol. Send shanti an e-mail and ask him how long they use to sit waiting on old pure Sativa's. That's why they bred them to indica's, to at least get them to the t.h.c. medicinal stage in much less time. However, their lighting was weaker then and they didn't know much about training and obviously because of that and surely other factors, were not able to see what the trees ripening stages were and could not teach it to others. Not calling conspiracy, just sometimes the obvious is not seen for whatever reason. I've stated before, it takes even an 80% sativa average, under its very own 1000 watt high intensity discharge light, 26-30 weeks to complete its death and chemical changes. If you spread that light further or use less light, it will take longer to do. As stated, when using a higher blue spectrum, you are able to make the ripening process faster by weeks or months. I don't know with respect, how else to explain. Rev.thenatural
I'm sorry but we are not…

You are entitled to that. Remember what I said, when that bright star that's out at 5:30 every morning is no longer there and suddenly a faint red one appears and it keeps coming. No debate, just know I told you. Soon you will also see the planet tiamat that earth was once apart of. She comes every 400 years and slaps the continents together or tears them apart and why history is lied, most not all science is fabricated and any good scientist, is a broke or dead one. All thanks to the " keepers." All accepted readily by us. Remember I told you also, when he shows were he was pierced, you will see a giant hole in tiamat, were your keepers tried to blow it up a few thousand ago. Everyone will see her and she caused that Norway spiral on Dec 9, 2009. Planet conjunctions cause those spirals. Allah put her right on top of us as he has done in past judgements. She will come from the south soon and start to finish his plan. We should all be dead already, your hero's at NASA know this. They know, we should be dead. Allah's mercy has been extended and you all will see tiamat soon, right in front of you, with a big hole in it. So much has been hidden and those who cling to false science are some of gods favorites, for when the time comes, they will turn to their creator with all passion and learn to be caretakers of the highest order. Just know, the worm let you know brother. When rev? The old man who doesn't have long to live, will see it. Rev.thenatural
Don't feel like will smith, we are all devolved. Most do not realize the longer flowering times, cause they simply were not taught. Most have never grown a pure sativa. Some of the old dutch know that some of what rev is telling you is true, but I don't expect them to join me in the town square lol. Send shanti an e-mail and ask him how long they use to sit waiting on old pure Sativa's. That's why they bred them to indica's, to at least get them to the t.h.c. medicinal stage in much less time. However, their lighting was weaker then and they didn't know much about training and obviously because of that and surely other factors, were not able to see what the trees ripening stages were and could not teach it to others. Not calling conspiracy, just sometimes the obvious is not seen for whatever reason. I've stated before, it takes even an 80% sativa average, under its very own 1000 watt high intensity discharge light, 26-30 weeks to complete its death and chemical changes. If you spread that light further or use less light, it will take longer to do. As stated, when using a higher blue spectrum, you are able to make the ripening process faster by weeks or months. I don't know with respect, how else to explain. Rev.thenatural

I'm asking YOU, not Shanti.

I never asked about why "they" bred the sativa strains to indica strains.

I asked:

1.) Where, on Earth, is the lighting the way you describe that it needs to be for the correct ripening? I am asking for a single, specific location -your choice.

2.) What specific strain(s) of marijuana can stay alive and in bloom for up to 44 weeks -in nature -the way that you claim "God" made them to be? I am asking for a single, specific strain -your choice.
Rev, what would be the best way to utilize my equator sunlight for flowering? About 900 miles off the equator puts me at 11.5hrs-13.5hrs year around with a uv index from 5-11 (8-10avg) How would one get veg time naturally in this environment? Why do my buds always come out airy and small?

I don't claim to know the answer to any of this history but im open and humble to a discussion regarding uv and "bigger living beings" from high uv locations. As this is rather interesting being that i live in a high UV state and most people from here are much bigger,taller and darker then ones from inland, but we have a sky high skin cancer rate.
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Dudes, I know this is a total thread de-rail. But with this particular group gathered in one discussion, I have to ask.

Testicles' avatar is a famous sculpture of Hercules, originally carved in antiquity. If you look, dude's physique is incredible. Size and definition and symmetry.

So of course Hercules was a legendary, larger than life figure. But did that sculptor make a realistic copy of some man that was alive back then? Were there dudes walking around who looked like that? Or is that statue like a comic book, super heroic image of someone who was more than a man? Like an idealized image of a great physique?

Obviously I'm way more hung than that statue. But the rest of him is top notch.
Rev, what would be the best way to utilize my equator sunlight for flowering? About 900 miles off the equator puts me at 11.5hrs-13.5hrs year around with a uv index from 5-11 (8-10avg) How would one get veg time naturally in this environment? Why do my buds always come out airy and small? I think i might have mis-understood.
Lol, its the blue spectrum that causes the airy buds lol, I'm glad you showed. Trying to veg on equator is hard and why you have to work on potentcy and leave it to ripen for duration. If you are able to keep it in a pot and put even a cheap pourch light on it after dark, you could keep it vegged. Don't know what your growing, but native species down there will be small, but super strong. Truth is, down there the oaxacan would be perfect for it can be flowered from seed and still give plenty bud and extreme mental effects in the equator sun. Another technique for yield in your situation, is do not put it in direct sunlight, but around other plants and shrubs to cause shade. This will allow the tree to stretch more and yield more. If in a pot, you can grow it shady until it stretches good and then move it slowly to direct sunlight. Using pots is what I would do if not already my brother. Also use fruit scraps and sugar as they turn it to trichromes. Blessings, rev.thenatural
Lol, its the blue spectrum that causes the airy buds lol, I'm glad you showed. Trying to veg on equator is hard and why you have to work on potentcy and leave it to ripen for duration. If you are able to keep it in a pot and put even a cheap pourch light on it after dark, you could keep it vegged. Don't know what your growing, but native species down there will be small, but super strong. Truth is, down there the oaxacan would be perfect for it can be flowered from seed and still give plenty bud and extreme mental effects in the equator sun. Another technique for yield in your situation, is do not put it in direct sunlight, but around other plants and shrubs to cause shade. This will allow the tree to stretch more and yield more. If in a pot, you can grow it shady until it stretches good and then move it slowly to direct sunlight. Using pots is what I would do if not already my brother. Also use fruit scraps and sugar as they turn it to trichromesaroundsings, rev.thenatural
I dont put them in direct light. 50% of the time tops will bleach if there is no shade around. Its hard enough getting rid of bugs that never get a winter session. I'm aware of our outdoor potency but hey, we've been known for this for decades! As for using pots, its ALOT of work. Were talking gallons of watering every 2 days each pot without aeration. The main problem is indica's are very problematic in my back yard especially without any artificial veg time.
Rev, what would be the best way to utilize my equator sunlight for flowering? About 900 miles off the equator puts me at 11.5hrs-13.5hrs year around with a uv index from 5-11 (8-10avg) How would one get veg time naturally in this environment? Why do my buds always come out airy and small?

I don't claim to know the answer to any of this history but im open and humble to a discussion regarding uv and "bigger living beings" from high uv locations. As this is rather interesting being that i live in a high UV state and most people from here are much bigger,taller and darker then ones from inland, but we have a sky high skin cancer rate.
Beautiful observations about the people. The skin cancer is mostly caused by diet. The people do not eat clean and raw food like they use too and that's why they get cancer. Yes more UV is coming in from the sun and the red sun gets closer also and why even more important to cleanse. Allot to it, but beautiful insight concerning my brothers down there. Rev.thenatural