600w viparled GSC grow journal


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping so. They need a proper good watering. Got the kids at home though as it's the weekend so tomorrow morning they will have a nice shower and I'm probably gonna flip them soon as I have suddenly become aware of how little space I have


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd do a pic update. I have reduced their daylight to 12 hours today so should start stretching soon.

Look a lot better under the white

I also have run the light all day passively. It has gotten warm to the touch but not overly hot. I will buy a 120mm fan and run it on 12v to keep it cooler than it is currently.
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Well-Known Member
So got them out of the tent, re arranged them and flooded them with water. Should get a nice influx of growth of the next couple days, after reading a bit gsc seems to do better on 11/13 so have reduced number of light hours again.

They look a bit droopy due to over watering. I leave it at least a week between waterings so it should be expected



Well-Known Member
So made myself a carbon filter. I have made it with an on a block mounted inside. My entire house smells of linen lol like a car air freshener.


Well-Known Member
I am alive!...I survive the storm in Cannes! It was crazy...I almost died saturday night...believe me...CRAZY NIGHT... (20 deads for now...) things who don't kill you make you stronger!
@brettsog take care because during stretch plants are thirsty...they drink a lot! and is it 11on/13off? Why? To reduce flo time? Are you in a hurry? I do this for sativa dominant (10/14 for sativa landrace)
Have a good flo!


Well-Known Member
I am alive!...I survive the storm in Cannes! It was crazy...I almost died saturday night...believe me...CRAZY NIGHT... (20 deads for now...) things who don't kill you make you stronger!
@brettsog take care because during stretch plants are thirsty...they drink a lot! and is it 11on/13off? Why? To reduce flo time? Are you in a hurry? I do this for sativa dominant (10/14 for sativa landrace)
Have a good flo!
Damn, shows how little news I watch, glad to hear you're ok. And I will increase if need be. It's trial and error for me with this run. Wanna mess about a little. Get my hands dirty again. It has been a few years since I've grown so need a refresher.


Well-Known Member
Is there anything I can do to lower humidity. There is condensation on my leaves every morning. It has gotten worse the last couple days. It was 75% ish when the lights go off.now my hygro is saying 99%. Am I gonna have to get a better extractor. I'm using a 60 cfm fan. I know it's not a lot but I have 27 cf of space so I'm getting 2 full air exchanges a minute


Well-Known Member
Is there anything I can do to lower humidity. There is condensation on my leaves every morning. It has gotten worse the last couple days. It was 75% ish when the lights go off.now my hygro is saying 99%. Am I gonna have to get a better extractor. I'm using a 60 cfm fan. I know it's not a lot but I have 27 cf of space so I'm getting 2 full air exchanges a minute
I run my exhaust at lights off to combat this, and never have condensation. Once the lights go off, the temperature falls and the relative humidity goes through the roof.


Well-Known Member
I'll put my extractor on a separate timer today then. Thanks for the quick reply

Morning pic1444201254360-2135127172.jpg

The one in the bottom left is growing differently to the rest. No clusters are forming., think it might be a boy, will keep some pollen if it is then trash the plant.


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy.
Chicks with pics. All the cool people are doing it..... Not really but.....its nice


Well-Known Member
Mine is 5 months pregnant, don't think she would appreciate me post pics of her. Nice thought tho........


Well-Known Member
Just had a little close up inspection and out of the 6 plants I have....... so far............ I have 4 girls with pistils and pre flowers. It's the four on the right hand side of the tent. The 2 leftys , one of which I think may be a boy haven't matured yet.

Will wait until all 6 have sexed and then will see how they develop. I may well cut down to 4 as I am over using my space which I think is adding to the humidity. But thanks @mc130p for the little exhaust tip. It had dropped my humidity down into the 70s which I know is still quite high but it's better than 99. I am thinking of getting a small dehumidifier. I'm still only pulling less than 200w from my tent with my light and 3 fans. (Extractor/cooling/air mover)

Ideally I would like to pull 6z from this round to keep me covered till the next round.


Well-Known Member
Only female! Was it regular seeds?
Since fem seeds there is more fem in regulars...!?!?!?
Don't you have another place to revegg two plants and keep them for next bloom!?
Have a great day ★