Lighting, best for cannabis.

wait….You are literally saying that a Cannabis sativa plant became an Indica plant when it was pollinated by a cactus? -a literal cactus? Because you already know that pollen from a cactus won't pollinate a Cannabis plant….right?
Indeed, that's what I'm saying and yes they will pollinate and in a few generations start taking on the characteristics of what they are grown around. Just like Acapulco gold and tai is cannabis pollinated with bamboo. The old pine tasting bud from the southeast, was just Mexican grown in pine thickets and it eventually took on the pine smells. Most back home use same seed stock every year outdoors. Ole boys back home grow em near certain berries, they'd eventually take on the berries characteristics. The old timers back home have known this a long time and the Mexican farmers always knew. One of the most beautiful and unique cannabis in the world, is a Jalisco mexico sativa, that has been grown around and took on the characteristics of blue agave. Super unique and spiked leaves, blue, and smells like tequila, got a picture of one on my other phone and Bob will tell you and a dozen of these boys, its the most beautiful and unique tree you could see and trichrome production insane. Cannabis does many things that people don't know...but they will. So yes, let it be known, there are two trees of wisdom, hemp and sativa and indica is nothing more than Sativa's deposited in those areas generations ago, that were grown around cactus and took on the characteristics. People ask, well if they pollinate and take on characteristics of: fruit, berries, flowers, herbs and cactus, agave, how do we have bubble gum and cheese flavor ect.? Easy answer, enough pollen has been chucked together over the years in captivity to produce these flavors. Yellow and blue become green when tossed together. Lol. There's a battle ahead. I knew it when I moved out here. Miss information is rampant and people make money off of it, people by it or by into it and then the battle is leading them out of the bull, while trying to convince them their teachers don't know. The books will be rewritten, no matter how hard the battle or what happens to people like myself. Its never easy though. Rev.thenatural
“The signs of a hypocrite are three; whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; if you have trust in him, he proves to be dishonest.”:peace:
My understanding is most places that cultivate outdoors get fresh seeds every couple years cuz the local strains are to "hemp" like and do not produce any thing close to the same quality this is their livelihood after all and on top of all this what is so spectacular about these cannabinoid profiles from such long flowering plants? Are they really the significant? Meanwhile i will have had at least 2 to 3 crops in of high quality, does your long flowering plants equal 3 crops worth of "medicine"?
There's not a " scientific" explanation to everything,as some of the best true scientist in their fields have seen many times over the generations. Sometimes, it is, what it is. Now, you want to know why those hops have a genetic similarity? You won't like the answer. Its not in the books lol! However these things are written in 6000 year old cuneiform. The same ones who genetically altered man and brought the wisdom tree from their now dead planet, also brought hops and other things. They liked beer also. They also paid the price, as all do and will. Rev.thenatural
I propose that cannabis can no more interbreed with a cactus than a human can interbreed with a chimpanzee….which, as we already know can't be done.

It might be possible that a cannabis plant can pick up and mimic some terpenes of other plants -maybe as an attempt to attract a pollinator…How? I don't know...but what you are saying is that two entirely different genus of plants can somehow interbreed and create a third plant that has DNA of both parent plants and yet that progeny remains in the genus "cannabis"???….impossibru!

Please produce the written article that you say you read in cuneiform and then I can have someone translate that and we'll see what it says. I'm one of those people who need to read the references, myself…rather than just believing a story that someone tells.
There's not a " scientific" explanation to everything,as some of the best true scientist in their fields have seen many times over the generations. Sometimes, it is, what it is. Now, you want to know why those hops have a genetic similarity? You won't like the answer. Its not in the books lol! However these things are written in 6000 year old cuneiform. The same ones who genetically altered man and brought the wisdom tree from their now dead planet, also brought hops and other things. They liked beer also. They also paid the price, as all do and will. Rev.thenatural
We only know what we know and science gives reproducible results.

Sometimes species in the same genus can interbreed (a lion + tiger = liger) but often the offspring can't genetically reproduce.

If cannabis could interbreed we'd definitely know about it - people have been trying to isolate genes/graft/mutate/cross-breed it for decades now
Indeed, that's what I'm saying and yes they will pollinate and in a few generations start taking on the characteristics of what they are grown around. Just like Acapulco gold and tai is cannabis pollinated with bamboo. The old pine tasting bud from the southeast, was just Mexican grown in pine thickets and it eventually took on the pine smells. Most back home use same seed stock every year outdoors. Ole boys back home grow em near certain berries, they'd eventually take on the berries characteristics. The old timers back home have known this a long time and the Mexican farmers always knew. One of the most beautiful and unique cannabis in the world, is a Jalisco mexico sativa, that has been grown around and took on the characteristics of blue agave. Super unique and spiked leaves, blue, and smells like tequila, got a picture of one on my other phone and Bob will tell you and a dozen of these boys, its the most beautiful and unique tree you could see and trichrome production insane. Cannabis does many things that people don't know...but they will. So yes, let it be known, there are two trees of wisdom, hemp and sativa and indica is nothing more than Sativa's deposited in those areas generations ago, that were grown around cactus and took on the characteristics. People ask, well if they pollinate and take on characteristics of: fruit, berries, flowers, herbs and cactus, agave, how do we have bubble gum and cheese flavor ect.? Easy answer, enough pollen has been chucked together over the years in captivity to produce these flavors. Yellow and blue become green when tossed together. Lol. There's a battle ahead. I knew it when I moved out here. Miss information is rampant and people make money off of it, people by it or by into it and then the battle is leading them out of the bull, while trying to convince them their teachers don't know. The books will be rewritten, no matter how hard the battle or what happens to people like myself. Its never easy though. Rev.thenatural
  • (Tafseer Ibn Kathir, 2/588)
“The signs of a hypocrite are three; whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; if you have trust in him, he proves to be dishonest.”:peace:

i feel like a troll,but I have to call this BULLSHIT! I know this ur thread "rev" & opinions & open-mindedness are welcomed on this forum & others alike,however SCIENTIFIC FACTS prove ur claims & "revelations" to be pure grade A+ bullshit.Genetically incompatable species will not & can not pollinate 1 another.Granted there are freak mutations that occurs in nature,but cannabis is from South East Asia FACT.Just bcuz something is written down on some old scrolls or old tablets doesnt make it true.Facts are tangible & Proven.Its not like this topic is a comparision between HPS & LED but complete & utter BS.If there was any merit to ur claims I would be more inclined to listen.U need to lay off the shine so u can see for yourself that the manure ur :spew:here on this forum is insulting to anyone with intelligence that can read & has observed these things themselves as BS u bring shame to Allah & Islam
people like u should be banned from forums & rode out on a rail.

If a strain of cannabis happened to have evolved, around pine trees for several generations, then I propose that the airborne terpenes of the pine trees might somehow be "absorbed" into the sticky, resinous trichomes of the cannabis and give the cannabis plant some kind of information that it could evolve to be able to replicate, itself….(just proposing a hypothetical for discussion). Or, maybe the pine needles fall into the soil and the soil becomes enriched with compounds that the cannabis plant takes up and uses to make piney-smelling terpenes…?

HOWEVER, a cactus and a cannabis plant are so genetically-dissimilar, they couldn't possibly interbreed to produce a plant that shares DNA with both parent plants, yet produce a stable progeny that only resembles the cannabis side… That can't possibly make sense enough to you, either, Rev.

If a strain of cannabis happened to have evolved, around pine trees for several generations, then I propose that the airborne terpenes of the pine trees might somehow be "absorbed" into the sticky, resinous trichomes of the cannabis and give the cannabis plant some kind of information that it could evolve to be able to replicate, itself….(just proposing a hypothetical for discussion). Or, maybe the pine needles fall into the soil and the soil becomes enriched with compounds that the cannabis plant takes up and uses to make piney-smelling terpenes…?

HOWEVER, a cactus and a cannabis plant are so genetically-dissimilar, they couldn't possibly interbreed to produce a plant that shares DNA with both parent plants, yet produce a stable progeny that only resembles the cannabis side… That can't possibly make sense enough to you, either, Rev.
Too many deluded "revs" in this world believing fairytales & farses

If a strain of cannabis happened to have evolved, around pine trees for several generations, then I propose that the airborne terpenes of the pine trees might somehow be "absorbed" into the sticky, resinous trichomes of the cannabis and give the cannabis plant some kind of information that it could evolve to be able to replicate, itself….(just proposing a hypothetical for discussion). Or, maybe the pine needles fall into the soil and the soil becomes enriched with compounds that the cannabis plant takes up and uses to make piney-smelling terpenes…?
The French have a term for this, Terrior:

Plants grown in the same climate/area/conditions can definitely have similar flavor profiles and possible even color variations, but it is not anything genetic happening. It's more of the land that they're getting the nutrients from and the influences of unique environmental characteristics causing common traits, rather than the plants themselves interacting.
Geez and this just the light stuff. I may indeed get banned if I was to go further. Just know as I've said, I've told you truth. Sorry your science does not know, however in time they will. That's why we are trying to raise actually pure Mexican locales to gladly gladly donate to science for them to study. Pure trees that represent themselves and the counterpart they have pollinated with. Not dutch balls thrown on more dutch balls for them to study which can't show anything, because they are polluted and not pure, most. New info never has been and never will be excepted lightly, however the truth will prevail. Just know, if I've lied or stretched the truth, as this info gets out and it's put to the test, you will know it. That simple. Sorry you can't find papers to study on any of these things I've shared and truth is, it breaks my heart as I lay here in the floor today in awful pain as I do so many days of my life. Its heart breaking, that so many have relied on many things not true or not understood correctly. Just know however, if what I have shared is true, in time, you will know that also. Simply trying to help those who can hear. If moderators would like for me to leave, they can ask and I will do so. Sure would like to help the few, even if it means laughing at and redicule by the many. I guess my own pains I have fought, created a little empathy in me, that I just cannot seem to shake? Rev.thenatural