Just stumbled across this while searching Ben Carson on Youtube

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Is this man black? Does his opinion matter? Or is he just an uncle tom because he expects black people to push themselves to succeed?

Is this man black? Does his opinion matter? Or is he just an uncle tom because he expects black people to push themselves to succeed?

Wow, you are simply an agent provocateur...hahah!
You are maliciously attempting to stir up the hornets nest of exquisitely sensitive race crusaders on this site.
The self appointed RIU race thought control SWAT team will be all over you for this hateful, bigoted thread.

The guy in the video is simply a pandering, token, Uncle Tom, he is obviously incapable of rendering a valid opinion reflecting his viewpoint or perspective on politics.
They will contend that his opinion cannot matter.

Do you not realize that Dr. Carson is simply a thug and a dummy?
He is not a person to be admired.
He should be shunned and denigrated.
Shame on you!
Yeah I mean, it's 7 in the morning and this guy is making a video blog at work? Why is he using company time to do this? Shouldn't he be working? All jokes aside...

The top comment on the youtube video puts it very succinctly (which is actually very strange): What makes you qualified in one field, does not make you qualified in every field. We know that Dr. Ben Carson is a great doctor, a brilliant surgeon, but do these two things make you qualified to lead a nation or be its President? Certainly not. Dr. Ben Carson was thrown into the GOP race for identity politics and that's about it. If we're going to say that a neurosurgeon is qualified in every way to be President, then we should allow Presidents to perform brain surgeries pure and simple.

I mean, you don't have to go farther than to look at his campaign staff and see how many people ditched out of it. Let's also forget that he was the spokesperson for Mannatech which was charged by the Texas State Government for its illegal scheme -- and he's a neurosurgeon, he should know better. Also remember how Dr. Ben Carson is currently suspending his campaign for his book tour? Does that sound like a serious candidate to you? Moreover by doing so, and by promoting his book for his Presidential run and having his publishing company pay for it Dr. Ben Carson very may well have violated federal campaign finance laws.

As far as what this guy has to say? He's completely entitled to his opinion.
Yeah I mean, it's 7 in the morning and this guy is making a video blog at work? Why is he using company time to do this? Shouldn't he be working? All jokes aside...

The top comment on the youtube video puts it very succinctly (which is actually very strange): What makes you qualified in one field, does not make you qualified in every field. We know that Dr. Ben Carson is a great doctor, a brilliant surgeon, but do these two things make you qualified to lead a nation or be its President? Certainly not. Dr. Ben Carson was thrown into the GOP race for identity politics and that's about it. If we're going to say that a neurosurgeon is qualified in every way to be President, then we should allow Presidents to perform brain surgeries pure and simple.

I mean, you don't have to go farther than to look at his campaign staff and see how many people ditched out of it. Let's also forget that he was the spokesperson for Mannatech which was charged by the Texas State Government for its illegal scheme -- and he's a neurosurgeon, he should know better. Also remember how Dr. Ben Carson is currently suspending his campaign for his book tour? Does that sound like a serious candidate to you? Moreover by doing so, and by promoting his book for his Presidential run and having his publishing company pay for it Dr. Ben Carson very may well have violated federal campaign finance laws.

As far as what this guy has to say? He's completely entitled to his opinion.

Your critique is partially fair and almost balanced.
Carson was not "thrown" into the race...because He apparently self identifies with the GOP you have to struggle to find fault with his political association (seemingly by his own free choice.)
The simple fact that you felt the need to use the verb "thrown" speaks for itself.
You are implying that he was denied a choice and somehow forced by the GOP to enter the POTUS sweepstakes?
Very silly assertion.

How could he possibly do any worse than the community organizer (part time Senator) we have all been forced to endure.
Well, I for one, do not think he could manage to muck things up any more than the current POTUS.
Even the megalomaniac, doofus, Trump would do a better job than Obama has.
Your critique is partially fair and almost balanced.
Carson was not "thrown" into the race...because He apparently self identifies with the GOP you have to struggle to find fault with his political association (seemingly by his own free choice.)
The simple fact that you felt the need to use the verb "thrown" speaks for itself.
You are implying that he was denied a choice and somehow forced by the GOP to enter the POTUS sweepstakes?
Very silly assertion.

How could he possibly do any worse than the community organizer (part time Senator) we have all been forced to endure.
Well, I for one, do not think he could manage to muck things up any more than the current POTUS.
Even the megalomaniac, doofus, Trump would do a better job than Obama has.

Well let's run down the list of qualifications. As POTUS you deal with laws, Obama is a lawyer. He went to one of the top law schools in the country (Harvard), was editor for the top law review (Harvard Law Review), went on to be President of the top law review, then went on to be a lecturer of Constitutional law at one of the other top law schools in the country (University of Chicago Law School). He then went on to work for a civil rights firm in Chicago. Part time senator? That's disingenuous and is very telling of how you want to disparage him and make him seem lazy (see how we both can play this game?).

He was the chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee, and what did the NYT have to say? "With the assistance of Senator Jones, Mr. Obama helped deliver what is said to have been the first significant campaign finance reform law in Illinois in 25 years. He brought law enforcement groups around to back legislation requiring that homicide interrogations be taped and helped bring about passage of the state’s first racial-profiling law. He was a chief sponsor of a law enhancing tax credits for the working poor, played a central role in negotiations over welfare reform and successfully pushed for increasing child care subsidies." His time as an Illinois state senator? He cast more than 4,000 votes. If you're going to go on and parrot the "he cast a present vote, how is that for an Executive leader? He can't make up his mind!" The Illinois state legislature allows Senators to cast a 'present' vote to voice opposition.

Little fact: you do need approval from the GOP to run as a GOP candidate. Also I never said, nor asserted, that he was forced into the Presidential race. You're just finding things that were never there.
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Well let's run down the list of qualifications. As POTUS you deal with laws, Obama is a lawyer. He went to one of the top law schools in the country (Harvard), was editor for the top law review (Harvard Law Review), went on to be President of the top law review, then went on to be a lecturer of Constitutional law at one of the other top law schools in the country (University of Chicago Law School). He then went on to work for a civil rights firm in Chicago. Part time senator? That's disingenuous and is very telling of how you want to disparage him and make him seem lazy (see how we both can play this game?).

He was the chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee, and what did the NYT have to say? "With the assistance of Senator Jones, Mr. Obama helped deliver what is said to have been the first significant campaign finance reform law in Illinois in 25 years. He brought law enforcement groups around to back legislation requiring that homicide interrogations be taped and helped bring about passage of the state’s first racial-profiling law. He was a chief sponsor of a law enhancing tax credits for the working poor, played a central role in negotiations over welfare reform and successfully pushed for increasing child care subsidies." His time as an Illinois state senator? He cast more than 4,000 votes. If you're going to go on and parrot the "he cast a present vote, how is that for an Executive leader? He can't make up his mind!" The Illinois state legislature allows Senators to cast a 'present' vote to voice opposition.

The current perception among many of the voters is that lawyers are not qualified to hold political office.
Experienced politicians are certainly falling into disfavor on the Republican side of the aisle.
The results obtained from these bozos has sown the seeds of pervasive discontent among the populace.
Ineptitude and cronyism rule the status quo roost.

Hence the popularity of Trump, Fiorina and Carson.
The current perception among many of the voters is that lawyers are not qualified to hold political office.
Experienced politicians are certainly falling into disfavor on the Republican side of the aisle.
The results obtained from these bozos has sown the seeds of pervasive discontent among the populace.
Ineptitude and cronyism rule the status quo roost.

So you basically glossed over everything. I mean, that's a somewhat fair assumption to make, however legislation is a form of law.
Little fact: you do need approval from the GOP to run as a GOP candidate. Also I never said, nor asserted, that he was forced into the Presidential race. You're just finding things that were never there.

You said that he was "thrown".
Who threw him?
You said that he was "thrown".
Who threw him?

I'm using it in the way such as "The real estate company threw up [put in quickly] those condos," or "He was thrown [put in suddenly] a state of confusion." I'll admit I was using the term loosely and rhetorically. However the GOP did, because you cannot enter the Presidential race as a GOP candidate without being vetted by the RNC first.
We can argue this all day if you want, but legislation is called statutory law whether you like it or not.

You are of course correct.
But this discounts the growing degree of extreme dissatisfaction with the current ponderous system among a significant chunk of the voters.

People seem to be clamoring for real significant change.
Not just slogans such as Hope and and Change.
How about he decided to jump in?

I'm sure he decided to jump in to the Presidential race for what he believes were very good reasons, I don't doubt that at all. I however think that the RNC put him in for identity politics and not exactly because they thought he stood a very good chance at winning. That's what I was more driving at what I said 'threw,' he didn't throw himself the RNC did.
I'm sure he decided to jump in to the Presidential race for what he believes were very good reasons, I don't doubt that at all. I however think that the RNC put him in for identity politics and not exactly because they thought he stood a very good chance at winning. That's what I was more driving at what I said 'threw,' he didn't throw himself the RNC did.

Did the RNC throw (put) Fiorina in because of identity politics?
I'm sure he decided to jump in to the Presidential race for what he believes were very good reasons, I don't doubt that at all. I however think that the RNC put him in for identity politics and not exactly because they thought he stood a very good chance at winning. That's what I was more driving at what I said 'threw,' he didn't throw himself the RNC did.
Carson is the Least Crazy token black candidate they have fielded so far. Before this was Herman Cain and before that was Allen Keyes

If the RNC wanted to run a real black candidate they would recruit Powell or Rice.

Keyes,Cain and Carson give the RNC cover they are not racist (they are) and don't have a chance of ever winning