Paying trimmers

The trimmers I know of are poor as fuck, many consider a dumpster an envious abode,

one lived in a fridge cardboard box until it was stolen, many break the law just to get a cell in winter

and yeah many can be found decomposing down some back alley, many are well educated

but have had some shit hit on them from which they never recovered

just look to Bill Gates brother for an example

Yeah I figured out we were speaking about two realities.
Most growers in America don't know enough rock bottom dwellers to even consider employing them regularly.
Honestly it sounds like a bad idea as most that fall into that category are either badly addicted or psych cases.
Or both.
Not what you want around an op.
It is a business
like i said used to do that but after people got extradicted and still in jail today over 7 years now from some fucking RAT in USA that got caught and squeeled like a pig .. and set everyone up and after being watched and investigated ( 5 Year before the take down ) i moved to the other end of the country and stopped doing 1200 plant out door grows,, now i do less then 6 plant grows and
am happy
specially when its illegal to grow period i take it as a close call specially when they know who the fuck you are changes the whole ball game .. the days of spending 15,000 on soil and amendments for 1200 plants are over for this cat yeah meat head
But what is great is i made you look like a fool with pictures of your name lmao now sit down View attachment 3525077View attachment 3525079

PS: that was one of 2 super B trailers for a total of 32 yards and 2 flat bed trailers 20 skids of goodies
I appreciate the 'fu' so no one is confused those are mine. Good for you stepping away five years in advance that make sense with a successful grow I'm assuming in mex. Fool? I'll stand thanks lil buddy
The more I think about it...the more I get butthurt at the fact they could have trimmed prety fast all along and just refused to be lazy and take smoke breaks every 20 min. No one will be coming back next year except the female. She did the same fast work when paid hourly or piece rate. Im only having females do work for me from now on bc I get super slack ass work out of men.
Could it be that the kind of work is more conducive to the gender? I do all my trimming but wish my wife would as she would kill it. She can sit and bead, hand-sew, or knit for hours on end and find enjoyment in it. I used to bead now and then and lacked the patience and the pleasure.

The world would (will) be a different place if women could only learn which direction removes a nut and to not over think a ratchet.

That said, I like to trim but I have no boss and my own timetable. Whats not to like about sitting around with music blaring, bottle of Elijah Craig alway ready to provide a nip, fat blunt lying next to a nice maduro in the ashtray, and dreaming about how good this sticky shit is going to be.
Tell me exactly what you beat us "yanks" in?
Vodka consumption and being assholes to the ladies, so I hear.

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Could it be that the kind of work is more conducive to the gender? I do all my trimming but wish my wife would as she would kill it. She can sit and bead, hand-sew, or knit for hours on end and find enjoyment in it. I used to bead now and then and lacked the patience and the pleasure.

The world would (will) be a different place if women could only learn which direction removes a nut and to not over think a ratchet.

That said, I like to trim but I have no boss and my own timetable. Whats not to like about sitting around with music blaring, bottle of Elijah Craig alway ready to provide a nip, fat blunt lying next to a nice maduro in the ashtray, and dreaming about how good this sticky shit is going to be.
Trust me we know but if we told you you'd expect us to fix the damn plumbing and car (don't ask how I know). Stereotypes might, hazily, and inaccurately, describe a population but they do not describe a person.
Could it be that the kind of work is more conducive to the gender? I do all my trimming but wish my wife would as she would kill it. She can sit and bead, hand-sew, or knit for hours on end and find enjoyment in it. I used to bead now and then and lacked the patience and the pleasure.

The world would (will) be a different place if women could only learn which direction removes a nut and to not over think a ratchet.

That said, I like to trim but I have no boss and my own timetable. Whats not to like about sitting around with music blaring, bottle of Elijah Craig alway ready to provide a nip, fat blunt lying next to a nice maduro in the ashtray, and dreaming about how good this sticky shit is going to be.
Some of the best welding and metal fab i saw in the military was from women.
See thats what I get pissed about right there.....
These same people work their real jobs during the week making no more then 15 an hour..and you know they are doing a good job bc they would be fired otherwise. But what do I get for 20 an hr....? slack as shit. makes zero sense to me that I cant get 100% out of them hourly.

You have to consider that some people just don't have the patience or whatever mentality or skill set to do a good job trimming. I personally am outstanding at doing a lot of stuff. Very attention to detail oriented and in manufacturing I really stood out above the rest. Working on stuff. Solving problems. I have a lot of skills.

But trimming. I am only being honest when I say I truly suck at it. Imagine taking 5 or 6 hours to do a shitty job on 3 or 4 oz. Hands shaking like I'm going through the tremors of withdrawals cause I'm starting to react to caffeine yet refuse to drink nasty decaf. I get bored every 30 minutes so, I take a breather and have a smoke, maybe a few slurps of coffee or swigs of beer. If it's Friday night, well I'm drinking whiskey. And, as slow as I am, when I'm all done my stuff looks like crap even tho I went so slow.

So, I'll just be honest. I really appreciate the trimmed buds I see around here. I think good trimmers are undervalued. I also think, like that girl you describe as being so good needs to be fully appreciated with compensation. So many be all like, your doing such a great job, blah, blah fucking blah. That gets old. Just pay up with some bonus money. It may be "easy" so to speak. But, some people are just better at that kind of easy than others. Takes all types to make a product.

Anyway, sounds like you got a handle on yours. I dunno, I think there are people out there that deserve $30 an hour at the upper end of the scale. And there are people out there who shouldn't even be doing it for free(me) cause we suck at it. My stuff don't matter since I am the only consumer. Just saying. You know what you're doing. But don't call us slackers just cause we suck at it. We just suck at it and that's why I have a job doing something else. :bigjoint: I would be an excellent product tester tho. :hump: Probably not cause I'm such a lightweight smoker, but be worth trying once. :mrgreen:
in a freezing wet pasture under a mud and shit covered tractor.
Bolt head busted off, drill bits busted off in the bolt shaft.
Torch, wax, torque, repeat. Dirt clod in the eye, hand slips off oily ratchet and slams knuckles into cold sharp steel for the third time.
Incredible hulk rage.
Still have to finish

I know it sounds fun but not so much, lol
.........snip..........But don't call us slackers just cause we suck at it. ..............snip........

Well there's the rub :D you, and I, are shitty trimmers so we don't hire ourselves out to do that sort of work. When you hire yourself out to a third party, representing yourself as at least an average worker in this industry, you have to expect to have your work evaluated by your employer.

I agree she should give a bonus to the girl, invite her back, and ask her if she knows other trimmers with her skill level.
in a freezing wet pasture under a mud and shit covered tractor.
Bolt head busted off, drill bits busted off in the bolt shaft.
Torch, wax, torque, repeat. Dirt clod in the eye, hand slips off oily ratchet and slams knuckles into cold sharp steel for the third time.
Incredible hulk rage.
Still have to finish

I know it sounds fun but not so much, lol
Oh damn! That's when I apply penetrating oil and use the excuse I'm going to wait for it to 'penetrate' and walk away for a smoke and decompression break before I threaten the the damn thing with a gallon of gas and a book of matches! I feel your pain.
Well there's the rub :D you, and I, are shitty trimmers so we don't hire ourselves out to do that sort of work. When you hire yourself out to a third party, representing yourself as at least an average worker in this industry, you have to expect to have your work evaluated by your employer.

I agree she should give a bonus to the girl, invite her back, and ask her if she knows other trimmers with her skill level.
Some folks just be desperate for work tho bro. Or sis. Just saying, if your unemployed and have been for a while with no unemployment or other compensation and you're bills are going unpaid and the cunnards are bone dry, you don't have any money for gas. You don't have any family or friends to fall back on or they're broke too. You're gonna represent whatever to get a job out of desperation.

Though I do agree, the popularity of people wanting to be "involved" in the legal weed industry will make them think they can do it cause it sounds like an easy task to trim bud. At the end of the day, seems like giving someone a hair cut would be easy too huh. My ex cut my hair once. lol. It was ok.

At the end of the day, I respect the maintenance people in my my building above all others. They come in and do 8 steady hours of simple cleaning everyday. They take a few breaks, but they easily out work all of the others in the building. Including the master degrees and etc. and they have great attitudes and everyone loves them for their disposition.

My exes nephew in a conversation. He's 17(probably close to 18 now). Probably still don't have a drivers license. I asked him at Christmas. What are you going to do after high school? What kind of college will you be taking? His response. "I want to be a video game tester". "You know, the guy who plays the new games so you can work out the bugs before you release it to everyone".

I'm thinking like yeah, those jobs are going to be filled by the lazy people in the family of those who run the company.

It's all good. I have it pretty good where I work and I'll just stick with it tho it doesn't pay the money im used to. And I'll try to do it without complaining too much! :bigjoint:
Some folks just be desperate for work tho bro. Or sis. Just saying, if your unemployed and have been for a while with no unemployment or other compensation and you're bills are going unpaid and the cunnards are bone dry, you don't have any money for gas. You don't have any family or friends to fall back on or they're broke too. You're gonna represent whatever to get a job out of desperation.

Though I do agree, the popularity of people wanting to be "involved" in the legal weed industry will make them think they can do it cause it sounds like an easy task to trim bud. At the end of the day, seems like giving someone a hair cut would be easy too huh. My ex cut my hair once. lol. It was ok.

At the end of the day, I respect the maintenance people in my my building above all others. They come in and do 8 steady hours of simple cleaning everyday. They take a few breaks, but they easily out work all of the others in the building. Including the master degrees and etc. and they have great attitudes and everyone loves them for their disposition.

My exes nephew in a conversation. He's 17(probably close to 18 now). Probably still don't have a drivers license. I asked him at Christmas. What are you going to do after high school? What kind of college will you be taking? His response. "I want to be a video game tester". "You know, the guy who plays the new games so you can work out the bugs before you release it to everyone".

I'm thinking like yeah, those jobs are going to be filled by the lazy people in the family of those who run the company.

It's all good. I have it pretty good where I work and I'll just stick with it tho it doesn't pay the money im used to. And I'll try to do it without complaining too much! :bigjoint:
You got it dank! That's why I went to school. I was far to lazy and under skilled to do those tasks :)