Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Trump leads the GOP field among hispanics. Latinos don't like illegals coming here and stealing their jobs. Neither did Cesar Chavez. Trump leads the polls at 55% on immigration. That number will go up as Obama brings in Syrian refugees


Well-Known Member
Trump leads the GOP field among hispanics. Latinos don't like illegals coming here and stealing their jobs. Neither did Cesar Chavez. Trump leads the polls at 55% on immigration. That number will go up as Obama brings in Syrian refugees
I'd host a Syrian refugee.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Hey B4L, well I thought at first Trump was just a novelty and then BAM, people started believing he could lead and make america great again. I waited awhile, but now I am thinking he is the one. We have a busy day today with BENGAZI!! so we will see what happens.
Yup , he certainly has shaken up the pukes party but didn't he say he wasn't beholden to anyone because he was really rich? Then why did his super PAC disband today?

I saw some of the witch hunt hearing on "BENGAZI" I heard nothing new it was the same thing we heard before, HILLARY looked more presidential today than the clown called Trump!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Yup , he certainly has shaken up the pukes party but didn't he say he wasn't beholden to anyone because he was really rich? Then why did his super PAC disband today?

I saw some of the witch hunt hearing on "BENGAZI" I heard nothing new it was the same thing we heard before, HILLARY looked more presidential today than the clown called Trump!
She looked like a liar to me. Good luck with her.


Well-Known Member
do tell what she lied about in the Benghazi hearing. Make yourself famous by showing how she lied AFTER being sworn in to tell the truth and the whole truth....or are you just talking just to talk

She lied about not knowing about the calls for security on multiple occasions,...that is something one can`t prove until she said her Staff, her Staff. Responding that she was not aware of any proposal to close the consulate when the question was about securing it....She didn`t lie about the video because that`s what her Staff told her,...happened. All electronic communications were to be turned over two weeks after leaving the SEC/State job,...She didn`t know that.

Her Staff, her Staff.....Make sure it goes through Her Staff, Her Staff before it reaches her,...that way you have a built in excuse.....


Well-Known Member
She lied about not knowing about the calls for security on multiple occasions,...that is something one can`t prove until she said her Staff, her Staff. Responding that she was not aware of any proposal to close the consulate when the question was about securing it....She didn`t lie about the video because that`s what her Staff told her,...happened. All electronic communications were to be turned over two weeks after leaving the SEC/State job,...She didn`t know that.

Her Staff, her Staff.....Make sure it goes through Her Staff, Her Staff before it reaches her,...that way you have a built in excuse.....
So you saying Hillary is smarter than all those who were questioning her.


Well-Known Member
Of course at the very least, even if Trump decides to quit the race, He has destroyed the viability of Jeb Bush's campaign!

It appears that The Trump has sunk the Bush.
Kudos to the Donald!
Well done!

Bush's advisers, under pressure from their donors and from falling and stagnant poll numbers, came to the conclusion that a course correction was essential.


Well-Known Member
Of course at the very least, even if Trump decides to quit the race, He has destroyed the viability of Jeb Bush's campaign!

It appears that The Trump has sunk the Bush.
Kudos to the Donald!
Well done!

Bush's advisers, under pressure from their donors and from falling and stagnant poll numbers, came to the conclusion that a course correction was essential.
Good job Trump. Could not stand to have another Bush

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
do tell what she lied about in the Benghazi hearing. Make yourself famous by showing how she lied AFTER being sworn in to tell the truth and the whole truth....or are you just talking just to talk
She lied to america when she took the video route instead of the truth like she told to Egypt. It was documented in writing for the world and the FBI to read. Good luck with that bomb shell.


Well-Known Member
She lied to america when she took the video route instead of the truth like she told to Egypt. It was documented in writing for the world and the FBI to read. Good luck with that bomb shell.
Turns out she emailed her family while fighting was still ongoing and told them it was an Al-Qaeda like outfit that attacked. No wonder she had her server deleted.

She told Egypt and her family one thing, the people another, then tried to hide it and cover it up.

She's so dreamy...


Well-Known Member
She lied to america when she took the video route instead of the truth like she told to Egypt. It was documented in writing for the world and the FBI to read. Good luck with that bomb shell.
I came across this on google.
Rush Limbaugh has been investigating Hillary's cackle, and has traced it to the Arkansas backwoods.
It is known as the Arkansas Broadbeam, and is commonly found in remote wilderness areas.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I came across this on google.
Rush Limbaugh has been investigating Hillary's cackle, and has traced it to the Arkansas backwoods.
It is known as the Arkansas Broadbeam, and is commonly found in remote wilderness areas.
Oh shit it must be true Hillary is toast, Rush Limpdick said it was true the worlds best journalist.

You can't win with the Rush Limpdick listening crowd.

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