Trump will shut down mosques in America.


Well-Known Member
Don't go thinking I respect the constitution, just because I am familiar with it. Or that I am defending the POTUS, just because I'm not convinced he violated it.

Actually, I want to be convinced otherwise. However, only a cogent argument will suffice. To say a "president has violated the constitution" is quite a statement, yet it is thrown around flippantly. So despite my regular trollery, I assure you, a cogent argument can convince me. I just haven't seen one yet. However, you seem confident that his push to approve extension of Dubya's Patriot Act is in violation of the United States Constitution. I would like to observe your argument.

Which part of the constitution forbids the Patriot Act? I am asking you to be very specific as to how Obama has acted in violation of the Untied States Constitution.

Here is a copy/paste from, which I think we can agree is not biased in favor of Obama:

  1. It protects civil liberties and provides for the common defense.The Constitution requires the President and Congress to respect and defend individual civil liberties but also provide for the common defense. The Constitution weighs heavily on both sides of the debate over national security and civil liberties—it is important to recognize both factors.
  2. Expectation of privacy is not unlimited. The Supreme Court has ruled that Americans enjoy a “reasonable” expectation of privacy; however, this is not an unlimited expectation of privacy. This means that anything one exposes voluntarily to the public—or even to a third party—is not considered protected. Congress of course can expand these rights (and it has repeatedly); however, these protections yield to criminal and national security investigations.
  3. The law provides significant safeguards. The PATRIOT Act does not provide investigators with unfettered power to spy on innocent Americans. What it does do is ensure that national security investigators have the same tools at their disposal to investigate terrorists that law enforcement agents have to investigate and prosecute drug dealers and rapists. These tools come with significant procedural safeguards, oversight, and reporting requirements and are subject to routine and aggressive oversight by the FISA court and Congress.
  4. It has passed constitutional muster. No single provision of the PATRIOT Act has ever been found unconstitutional. This is a testament to the act’s limited applicability, procedural safeguards, and extensive oversight mechanisms—as well as the fact that it often provides more protections than are afforded in criminal proceedings.
  5. Disagreements over the role of government are different from actual abuse. Mere expansion of executive authority in the context of national security investigations alone does not in itself create actual abuse. Certainly, there are fundamental disagreements over the role of the executive branch during wartime. However, careful monitoring and vigilant oversight are oftentimes the answer to potential abuses of power—not all-out prohibition.
I find these to be accurate and for this reason I have not gone about saying that Dubya violated the constitution, though I have certainly been a critic of him, the GOP and especially the Patriot Act. Congratulations on nailing the one federal power grab which I think does come close to qualifying as unconstitutional. However, I think it is actually constitutional.
Good points but I think it is unconstitutional for a few simple facts. Here is a copy and paste of how it violates our 4th amendment.

The result is unchecked government power to rifle through individuals' financial records, medical histories, Internet usage, bookstore purchases, library usage, travel patterns, or any other activity that leaves a record. Making matters worse:

  • The government no longer has to show evidence that the subjects of search orders are an "agent of a foreign power," a requirement that previously protected Americans against abuse of this authority.
  • The FBI does not even have to show a reasonable suspicion that the records are related to criminal activity, much less the requirement for "probable cause" that is listed in the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. All the government needs to do is make the broad assertion that the request is related to an ongoing terrorism or foreign intelligence investigation.
  • Judicial oversight of these new powers is essentially non-existent. The government must only certify to a judge - with no need for evidence or proof - that such a search meets the statute's broad criteria, and the judge does not even have the authority to reject the application.
  • Surveillance orders can be based in part on a person's First Amendment activities, such as the books they read, the Web sites they visit, or a letter to the editor they have written.
  • A person or organization forced to turn over records is prohibited from disclosing the search to anyone. As a result of this gag order, the subjects of surveillance never even find out that their personal records have been examined by the government. That undercuts an important check and balance on this power: the ability of individuals to challenge illegitimate searches.


Well-Known Member
The best evidence for the Patriot Act's unconstitutionality, is the then Senator Obama, outlining the very reasons why the Patriot Act is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. After all, he is a professor of constitutional law and if he says it's unconstitutional, I will take his word for it.

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Well-Known Member
Oh, you're still here? I stopped noticing you after the meltdown you had.

In other words, answer. Avoided and hopefully soon forgotten so you don`t get noticed as a two face. slick, classic and typical.

Your credibility is piss poor. Sink in the fog over there somewhere, I wont tell anyone......No need to,..


Well-Known Member
Why the Patriot Act's expansion of records searches is unconstitutionalSection 215 of the Patriot Act violates the Constitution in several ways. It:

  • Violates the Fourth Amendment, which says the government cannot conduct a search without obtaining a warrant and showing probable cause to believe that the person has committed or will commit a crime.
  • Violates the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech by prohibiting the recipients of search orders from telling others about those orders, even where there is no real need for secrecy.
  • Violates the First Amendment by effectively authorizing the FBI to launch investigations of American citizens in part for exercising their freedom of speech.
  • Violates the Fourth Amendmentby failing to provide notice - even after the fact - to persons whose privacy has been compromised. Notice is also a key element of due process, which is guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.


Well-Known Member
You can count the Catholic priests and evangelical pastors that molested and raped children on one hand? Really? Go ahead and google that, and some of these priests and pastors have been doing it for decades.

Cite me where in the Quran it says "Rape little boys." Go ahead.

Are you going to hold a figure of speech (hands) to it literally ? I though you were brighter than that. You getting mad or something.
Those priests are and were breaking the law.

No, I wont` quote it but I`ll try and remember what they call it. For you to sit well with people that rape young boys in front of our troops that are told to look the other way, to me just as guilty as doing it. Not punishable but you get the title.

Or, maybe you don`t understand what you read when I post,...just ask man. Just ask.

If you think I support, admire, or recognize people that murder others because the don`t believe the same religion, they destroy the history built around them,.. and make no mistake, they are totally against Americans because we will be there for that little boy and not the grown up. I`d split the grown up`s skull if I witnessed it. maybe you wont but that`s diversity.


Well-Known Member
I love threads like this cause it shows the true corrupt ways i am friends with Muslims as well believe it or not not once have they pushed me into there religion , they treat me with dignity and respect , and vice versa there no different then you or me actually i am lieing here they are there not arrogant, they rather not fight then start one , they will invite you into there home give you there shirt of there back likesaid above go overand above there ways to make you confortable and food feed you like said above force feed you lol there great people
but its your fucking government that makes them out as bad ,,
you country walks in dictates how they should live take away there dignity embarrass them infront of there Family , and you call your country civilized..
You go into these countries or should i say invade these countries to change there morals and beliefs , over throw there governments to benifit YOU ..
do you not think if rolls were turned around and they did this to each n every one of you you would not resort to what ever ??
Bunch of fucking Hyprocrites USA is
Do onto others as they do onto you
When looking at the Syria crisis Seriously WTF is USA doing there other then causing turmoil again trying to over throw a government
Who in the hell gave USA the right ??? now Russia is there owe how things have changed ..
What Russia has done in 1 week USA has not done in one year but again go to social media and censored news telling everyone there attacking the wrong people
Same people on USA side or same people USA is supporting ..
But the average american brain washed into thinking there the bad people
no wonder USA stats show them as one of the stupiest nations on this earth as for education Cause you sit there blindly and do fuck all
your brain washed into thinking the muslim is bad there the terrorists
Actually if you look at stats on all terrorist acts on USA land you might be shocked who the fuck is the terrorists
But your government and media hides the truth here look at the chart on who is terrorizingView attachment 3527304 USA

You know what tough guy,...the USA is the guy with the big stick that say so,...don`t like it, topple it, many have tried.

The USA is the guy that will be there for the young boys being raped for military pleasures, the guy that will be there when chemical weapons are used to commit genocide,.. the guy that will be there when you think you can take what you feel, the guy that will be there when no body else can, the guy that will not tolerate killing in the name of gods, the guy that will also take care of the needy and poor, the guy that has died for others, the guy you can`t do anything about.

You need not concern yourself with what Putin has done in a week compared to what our forces are restricted from doing at all, that will change when we rid ourselves of Democrat and Republican gangs being puppets by rich who`s dollar wont mean much soon.

The world thinks it can do as it pleases within there borders, the world thinks it`s free to do whatever whenever, well the USA is three hundred million that say,.. no, you wont.

Your point about bombing others that we think are bad guys, is moot, you can`t stop us from seeing to it every human one day has a chance to live free of violence, to do that we need to be more violent than them, and that`s all you see being done.

We are armed to the teeth over here, we know our land well,...bring it tough guy, we`ll do it, That`s the only way you are gonna get it done.

If you and Putin don`t like the USA standing up for Human Rights by using the violence you see,......


So far all you`ve done is bitch.

So stop crying about someone that can easily match your violence and beyond. You sound like a jealous bitch.

Right now your leader is a powerful man, and can be violent and kind, smart and dumb, but he`s a man, not a mouse.

Ours is a mouse.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to hold a figure of speech (hands) to it literally ? I though you were brighter than that. You getting mad or something.
Those priests are and were breaking the law.

No, I wont` quote it but I`ll try and remember what they call it. For you to sit well with people that rape young boys in front of our troops that are told to look the other way, to me just as guilty as doing it. Not punishable but you get the title.

Or, maybe you don`t understand what you read when I post,...just ask man. Just ask.

If you think I support, admire, or recognize people that murder others because the don`t believe the same religion, they destroy the history built around them,.. and make no mistake, they are totally against Americans because we will be there for that little boy and not the grown up. I`d split the grown up`s skull if I witnessed it. maybe you wont but that`s diversity.
You won't quote it because you can't. The Quran is explicitly against sodomy. No one admires, Daesh, but to lump all Muslims in with Daesh is just pure idiocy.


Well-Known Member
You go on social media and see all the videos and pics. that they over in the Middle East put up, you can visualize what`s going on, but to hear people like Darth Vapour call them all liars, just him being a fool.


Well-Known Member
You won't quote it because you can't. The Quran is explicitly against sodomy. No one admires, Daesh, but to lump all Muslims in with Daesh is just pure idiocy.
So why are they doing it without the threat of punishment ? Easy question, don`t get up in a wad.


Well-Known Member
They lump Americans all together with our government, that`s OK too. Just don`t lump muzzies, it.


Well-Known Member
Before I watch the video and meticulously explicate it, in hopes that you have indeed successfully shown that the potus violated the constitution, we need to clarify, is "unconstitutional" synonymous with "violating the constitution"? I think not, seeing as how "unconstitutional" describes a subjective view of what Thomas Paine, James Madison, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson meant, which is nearly impossible to come to a consensus about. However, "in violation of the constitution" seems to me to describe an act which clearly violates the document in it's words.

This may seem a tedious movement of the goalposts, but look back at my posts and see what I have been arguing. It is tedious, I admit. The fact is, this has been the very subject of political debate for more than two centuries. To say that a POTUS violated the constitution is a clear indictment upon the very man charged with abiding by it's purpose. To say an act is unconstitutional is like, your opinion, man. To be honest, I agree with your opinion, but it is still an opinion.


Well-Known Member
I watched the video and I admit, he has had a change of heart regarding the Patriot Act. I still do not see how he has violated the constitution.

It was NDAA that affirmed my suspicion that he was just another politician, by the way. He's either the lesser of two evils or the evil of two lessers. He may be a great POTUS, but POTUS is still a title only held by colossal dickheads.


Well-Known Member
I watched the video and I admit, he has had a change of heart regarding the Patriot Act. I still do not see how he has violated the constitution.

It was NDAA that affirmed my suspicion that he was just another politician, by the way. He's either the lesser of two evils or the evil of two lessers. He may be a great POTUS, but POTUS is still a title only held by colossal dickheads.
In my opinion, the Patriot Act is unconstitutional. Obama had the option to renew the Patriot Act or to let it expire. He chose to renew it after bashing it for its unconstitutionality. That is how he is violating the constitution.


Well-Known Member
In your opinion...
Yes, that is my opinion. Is it yours that the Patriot Act, is constitutional? Obviously, the Patriot Act was passed 6 weeks post 9/11, by a congress under duress. However, that does not make it constitutional. Would you be pro slavery had the 13th amendment not been added to the Constitution? Of course not! The point is, it may be law now and according to you, it may be constitutional, but I am confident that the Patriot Act will be forced to expire because it is in fact unconstitutional.
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Well-Known Member
You won't quote it because you can't. The Quran is explicitly against sodomy. No one admires, Daesh, but to lump all Muslims in with Daesh is just pure idiocy.
Well, Muhammad married a sickly 6 year old, but at least he waited until she was 9 and healthier before they consummated the marriage. It was a girl though, not a boy if that helps any....

Faith is definitely one of those mysteries of mankind, that's for sure. Religions have always fascinated me looking at them from the outside in. For a lot of people it's the only way they can deal with death, so I don't begrudge them that. Whatever helps you cope, just don't judge me for coping in a different way.


Well-Known Member
Well, Muhammad married a sickly 6 year old, but at least he waited until she was 9 and healthier before they consummated the marriage. It was a girl though, not a boy if that helps any....

Faith is definitely one of those mysteries of mankind, that's for sure. Religions have always fascinated me looking at them from the outside in. For a lot of people it's the only way they can deal with death, so I don't begrudge them that. Whatever helps you cope, just don't judge me for coping in a different way.
That's fine if people want to believe in a man in the sky but DO NOT INDOCTRINATE our kids.


Well-Known Member
Well, Muhammad married a sickly 6 year old, but at least he waited until she was 9 and healthier before they consummated the marriage. It was a girl though, not a boy if that helps any....

Faith is definitely one of those mysteries of mankind, that's for sure. Religions have always fascinated me looking at them from the outside in. For a lot of people it's the only way they can deal with death, so I don't begrudge them that. Whatever helps you cope, just don't judge me for coping in a different way.

Well there ya go pnwmystery, When was a nine year old girl ever able to consent to sex in your eyes ? I`m sure you`ll clear this right up for me.