Trump will shut down mosques in America.


Well-Known Member
That's fine if people want to believe in a man in the sky but DO NOT INDOCTRINATE our kids.
Indoctrinating kids is the mission of all causes. Our public schools are a form of indoctrination too, thankfully we took religion out of school and only have to worry about the other bullshit they are exposed to.

It's a weird period in our history though and it wouldn't surprise me to see us God up our schools again. I seriously doubt that will happen, I'm just saying I won't be shocked. There are some batshit insane people in power right now (probably always has been).

Besides, I keep hearing from the thumpers that they took prayer out of school. You can't stop people from praying, it was official organized prayer that was stopped. I have no issue if kids want to form private groups to worship whatever crazy shit they want to worship either. I don't think we let them do that though, could be wrong, don't care enough to look it up.
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Well-Known Member
If you read all the accounts, you`ll find that God did everything man asked of him under their terms,.. He left us to live under his terms, one of which is he will not speak to the flesh again.

Man was wrong, God remains right until he speaks to the flesh again so don`t expect it.


Well-Known Member
If you read all the accounts, you`ll find that God did everything man asked of him under their terms,.. He left us to live under his terms, one of which is he will not speak to the flesh again.

Man was wrong, God remains right until he speaks to the flesh again so don`t expect it.
Do you hear people often say "the lights are on but nobody is home"?


Well-Known Member
Even dumb dogs have a great sense of smell,...go brush your teeth, then talk to me.

And stop stealing my dots, everyone`s doing it now and ... now you.


Well-Known Member
How many Muslims did they kill in the process? I hear about Muslims slaughtering Christians almost on a daily basis
did ya hear about the time a born again christian who thought that god talked to him killed half a million innocent muslim civilians in iraq?

muslims have a long way to go before they reach the level of murder achieved by christians.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised that liberals would side with people who would convert or kill them at their first given opportunity.
you just described what white christians did to the natives of this country.

but that's totally different i bet.


Well-Known Member
did ya hear about the time a born again christian who thought that god talked to him killed half a million innocent muslim civilians in iraq?

muslims have a long way to go before they reach the level of murder achieved by christians.

You can`t blame that on Christians and you know it. You`re the type that'll blame Clay for winning all his fights.

If Christians can kick ass too,...then don`t bring it to that cuz they will.


Well-Known Member
You can`t blame that on Christians and you know it..
so it wasn't a born again christian president who thought that god talked to him pushing for war, voted on by a 90% or greater body of reps who call themselves christians, and carried out by the 70% or so christian soldiers in the army?

i'd say that was a christian action which left half a million iraqis dead.

but the worst of all was what we did to the natives, all in the name of christianity.


Well-Known Member
so it wasn't a born again christian president who thought that god talked to him pushing for war, voted on by a 90% or greater body of reps who call themselves christians, and carried out by the 70% or so christian soldiers in the army?

i'd say that was a christian action which left half a million iraqis dead.

but the worst of all was what we did to the natives, all in the name of christianity.

WE started killing Christians to fuck with them, they came and killed us all,...WTF, that shit aint right, those Christians are murderers. That`s what you sound like,...then you go on to claim 90% of 200 is a huge number and fault soldiers for not dis-obeying orders.

Face it, Christians can kill, and they are damn good at it, don`t bring it that far, cuz you`ll be crying like you are now.


Well-Known Member
WE started killing Christians to fuck with them, they came and killed us all,...WTF, that shit aint right, those Christians are murderers. That`s what you sound like,...then you go on to claim 90% of 200 is a huge number and fault soldiers for not dis-obeying orders.

Face it, Christians can kill, and they are damn god at it, don`t bring it that far, cuz you`ll be crying like you are now.
there are 535 reps, not 200. the rest of what you wrote is equally stupid.


Well-Known Member
Still not a big number, and if you served, and just blamed your troops for being good at it and following Orders,...throw your fucking Service jacket away. Better yet wear it and come see me, Ill rip it off your lousy ass.