Rand Paul: Dem Race Now a Choice Between ‘Socialism and Corruption’

Does the third line in the graph I posted look like everyone is impoverished to you?

You seem to think that what Americans would "like" somehow makes socialism's history palatable.

I would like to have a pony, but that doesn't make shoveling shit look like fun.
Modern crony-capitalism certainly has its faults. The application of capitalism, however, did elevate the greatest number of people from poverty to prosperity in the history of the world.
No it didn't. I keep hearing that fucking nonsense but it isn't even true. You don't even seem to know what the word means. The greatest strides toward the eradication of poverty have been made in spite of capitalism, as a result of collective workplace bargaining and egalitarian social movements.
Don't you clean shit out of pools for a living?
That's like mowing lawns

I don't have a pool. I did clean one once. For pay. I worked for a heart surgeon for a few weeks while I was in college. I have done some crappy jobs while working my way through college.

I think you are confusing me with somebody else. It amuses me.
No it didn't. I keep hearing that fucking nonsense but it isn't even true. You don't even seem to know what the word means. The greatest strides toward the eradication of poverty have been made in spite of capitalism, as a result of collective workplace bargaining and egalitarian social movements.

Collective workplace bargaining is simply a negotiation between buyers and sellers, i.e. capitalism.
You seem to think that what Americans would "like" somehow makes socialism's history palatable.
Do you have any arguments other than "Socialism was bad in the past so that means it's bad now!"? Because I've already explained to you that the kind of socialism I am advocating for is not anywhere near the kind of "socialism" implemented by Stalin in the Soviet Union or Mao in China. Do you think social security is comparable to anything in either of those societies? Universal healthcare? Universal education? A UBI? Economic policies that favor the poor & middle-class?

I'm not going to sit here and argue your position that I've repeatedly told you I don't support.

Are you capable of having an intellectually honest discussion?
Do you have any arguments other than "Socialism was bad in the past so that means it's bad now!"? Because I've already explained to you that the kind of socialism I am advocating for is not anywhere near the kind of "socialism" implemented by Stalin in the Soviet Union or Mao in China. Do you think social security is comparable to anything in either of those societies? Universal healthcare? Universal education? A UBI? Economic policies that favor the poor & middle-class?

I'm not going to sit here and argue your position that I've repeatedly told you I don't support.

Are you capable of having an intellectually honest discussion?

So, this time it will be different. That is your argument for "your" socialism?

Who will pay for all the good stuff you think you deserve?

I grew up poor. Very poor. Now, I am middle class. I did that in America, the land of "unequal distribution of income, and racism, and sexism... so, vote for me!"

Ben Carson rose through every economic stratum. In America.

Trump started rich and egotistical, and he remains there.

Barack Obama was born a poor, black child in Hawaii. Now he is the president.

Clarence Thomas was born a share cropper's child. He is now on the US Supreme Court.

Life ain't easy. People are not equal. Some will rise in the economy, and some will fall, and it will be mostly their own doing that determines their outcome. Having a department of equal outcomes will only benefit the politburo.
So, this time it will be different. That is your argument for "your" socialism?

Who will pay for all the good stuff you think you deserve?

I grew up poor. Very poor. Now, I am middle class. I did that in America, the land of "unequal distribution of income, and racism, and sexism... so, vote for me!"

Ben Carson rose through every economic stratum. In America.

Trump started rich and egotistical, and he remains there.

Barack Obama was born a poor, black child in Hawaii. Now he is the president.

Clarence Thomas was born a share cropper's child. He is now on the US Supreme Court.

Life ain't easy. People are not equal. Some will rise in the economy, and some will fall, and it will be mostly their own doing that determines their outcome. Having a department of equal outcomes will only benefit the politburo.
What do Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Clarence Thomas all have in common?

Sept. 15, 1951
June 14, 1946
Aug. 4, 1961
June 23, 1948

"The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the postwar economic boom, the long boom, and the Golden Age of Capitalism, was a period of economic prosperity in the mid-20th century which occurred, following the end of World War II in 1945, and lasted until the early 1970s."



They all grew up in America in a time of economic prosperity, and I'd be willing to bet you did too. It allowed them the opportunity to achieve the things they did.

Looking at this information it's very clear to see what happened, one must either be ignorant or intellectually dishonest to conclude that everyone in America has equal opportunity to achieve success in life. This is very far from reality, according to the Global Wealth Databook, there are only four other countries over one million population with worse wealth inequality than the United States; Kazakhstan, Libya, Russia and Ukraine. Would you argue the same thing you're arguing for the United States for any of those countries; that in order for any of their people to be successful, they just have to work harder? Of course not, right? Because you can accurately observe their economic policies that cause such wealth and income disparities, here's the key, without preconceived personal bias. You are an American who leans conservative and you view any criticism of the United States, valid or not, as a personal attack on you, as an American citizen, even if it's coming from another American.

I don't know about Ben, but it makes me sad that all these bright, young people learned nothing from the history of the 20th century. A bunch of articulate dolts.

what lesson did you learn that led you to become a cop and join a white supremacy group?

i'd say you have less than zero room to speak given your history here, george.
I grew up poor. Very poor. Now, I am middle class. I did that in America, the land of "unequal distribution of income, and racism, and sexism... so, vote for me!".

you only got into that shitty house on inyokern avenue thanks to the socialism of the army and a job as a cop.

and my house is not only bigger than yours, it costs about 50% more than yours.

I don't have a pool. I did clean one once. For pay. I worked for a heart surgeon for a few weeks while I was in college. I have done some crappy jobs while working my way through college.

I think you are confusing me with somebody else. It amuses me.
I did
You are George the white supremacist cop. You are so insignificant that I forgot all about you.
The only thing I got wrong though was your employment.
desert dude is 9indeed a cop, and i am happy to prove it to anyone who asks.

i'll even put it right out here on the public forum just so that people know to beware around him. the fucking rat.