How Much Would Bernie Sanders' Ideas Actually Cost?

I don't know which "plan" it is that you are referring to when you use the term "we", but I pay for my own plan, as well as medicare tax for the elderly and disabled, and also subsidize those on obamacare through my taxes, anyone else I should be forced to care for?
I read today that the estimated costs for Sanders' healthcare program alone would cost roughly 15 Trillion dollars over the course of ten years. That's one thing I love about the socialist types, there are no ills in society that they can't fix....with your money of course. I just love how the dems squeal about paying ones "fair share" in taxes. Al Sharpton used to include it in all his speeches, of course now he owes millions to the IRS for tax evasion. Obamas man Geithner, him too. Kerry, ooh yeah, he had his yacht stored in another state to avoid paying his " fair share". The lying theiving, opportunistic fucks called the Clintons did the same, and actually pardoned cheats for money. Don't worry obama said only those making over 250 grand would see an increase in taxes, but thats right he lied, and he fucking knew it. They even said were it not for the "stupidity" of Americans, obamacare would never had passed. They all are lying bastards.
strong come on line, sailor.

you want to fuck me with your big dick of stupidity?
I think many of Bernie Sanders' ideas amount to priming the pump of American economic activity, and that would pay dividends for a long time, swamping the initial costs associated with implementing them.
I think many of Bernie Sanders' ideas amount to priming the pump of American economic activity, and that would pay dividends for a long time, swamping the initial costs associated with implementing them.
How do you feel it would encourage economic activity in a positive manner, how would it override the costs of implementation, and whom would pay?
How do you feel it would encourage economic activity in a positive manner, how would it override the costs of implementation, and whom would pay?

Excellent questions. I'll come back to them tomorrow, when I'm not smoking myself into a stupor before bed, lol
I don't know which "plan" it is that you are referring to when you use the term "we", but I pay for my own plan, as well as medicare tax for the elderly and disabled, and also subsidize those on obamacare through my taxes, anyone else I should be forced to care for?
$2.8 trillion x 10 years = $28 trillion

Sanders' plan cuts that almost in half and covers everybody.

Cheaper, better service, covers every American, win/win/win any way you slice it

Who has a better healthcare plan than him?
$2.8 trillion x 10 years = $28 trillion

Sanders' plan cuts that almost in half and covers everybody.

Cheaper, better service, covers every American, win/win/win any way you slice it

Who has a better healthcare plan than him?
2.8 TRILLION per year?
Lmfao! You made me fart.
Bill Maher in an usual (but correct) move grills Bern about how to pay for his programs. At the end Bernie admits (finally) it will cost more than what taxing the top 1% would produce. "We may have to go down a littler lower than that (top 1%) but not much lower. Its clear he doesn't know what it would cost, or who all would have to pay for it..........but i can tell you, it would cost more than the free market would cost, and everyone's taxes will go up.

Something something knowing so much that ain't so.. Perhaps you should run for office, brainiac.
$2.8 trillion x 10 years = $28 trillion

Sanders' plan cuts that almost in half and covers everybody.

Cheaper, better service, covers every American, win/win/win any way you slice it

Who has a better healthcare plan than him?

Pada..we have hit a nerve..I've been pondering this all last night. It's perception. Poor whites vote republipuke as to seperate themselves from minorities even though they partake in the same social safety net as minorities by the droves outnumbering them. Republipukes keep that mindset machine well oiled through baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.

Off with their heads, I say!! Aim for the can't miss!!

Pelosi: voting republican hasn't worked.

Redneck: but it cooooould..

Sadly, no amount of debate here will ever change this.

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How do you feel it would encourage economic activity in a positive manner, how would it override the costs of implementation, and whom would pay?

It would work just like Mr Obama's stimulus did at the beginning of his presidency.

It's like any other investment; you put in money, your money grows along with the investment. I fail to see how investing in your country is different or worse than investing in a company, with one exception; if you think it's a bad investment, you don't just fucking walk away.

Who has paid thus far? The stimulus was done with borrowed funds and it worked fine. Why is there always the squawking about payment from the Right- but only when the left is in power?

As far as results, if there hadn't been a stimulus (however hobbled by the naysayers) there wouldn't have been any recovery.
As far as results, if there hadn't been a stimulus (however hobbled by the naysayers) there wouldn't have been any recovery.
tty, this is nothing but a faith based statement with no basis in reality.

Throughout history there has always been recessions followed by a recovery. The deeper the recession, the the sharper the recovery, this is the way it's always worked except for two instances. The two instances that had the most government intervention. Those are also the two instances that get the most credit from your team too.

To say there would have been no recovery is just flat out wrong. You are either lying to make your team look better or have no idea how economies have worked throughout history. Either option sucks. You display your bias here on a daily basis with some of your strange economic beliefs and I'm hoping that's all this is, bias.
tty, this is nothing but a faith based statement with no basis in reality.

Throughout history there has always been recessions followed by a recovery. The deeper the recession, the the sharper the recovery, this is the way it's always worked except for two instances. The two instances that had the most government intervention. Those are also the two instances that get the most credit from your team too.

To say there would have been no recovery is just flat out wrong. You are either lying to make your team look better or have no idea how economies have worked throughout history. Either option sucks. You display your bias here on a daily basis with some of your strange economic beliefs and I'm hoping that's all this is, bias.

It's not necessarily true, there's almost always been some sort of government intervention, and this recession was actually one of the worst (hence why economists call it the 'Great Recession'). Sure, you're correct in saying that "To say there would have been no recovery is wrong," however, the recovery without government assistance would have been so incredibly painful for the US and the rest of the world that you so called 'free market champions,' would have been sitting there going, "Why isn't Obama doing anything?!"
How to grow and have your own recession; illegal to sell recession to others?

<derp de derp @ginwilly>

Just because recessions existed in the past, doesn't mean you want them for the future..what a moron.
..I've been pondering this all last night.

Please do the world a favor and don't ponder anything anymore. Actually, the only pondering you are allowed to do from now on is which pills to eat handfuls of so that you go away permanently and no one has to read your sad tales of fake heroism.