Yeah, sure, you were fully mature at 13 (a legend in your own mind -- laughing at you

I am saying and have said that a 13 year old can never have the wherewithal to consent to a sexual relationship with an adult, and to be precise, an adult over the age of 21. I see no possibility for this kind of relationship to be equal and free of risk to the development and mental health of the child. Do you believe this not to be true? If so, how would you know whether or not a child aged 13 has the wherewithal to understand and consent with knowledge of the consequences to a sexual relationship with an adult over the age of 21?
OK then, if you can't or won't answer my question, then STFU. You continue to say that some children can consent but you make no attempt to explain yourself. If you can't or won't answer this question then trying to answer it when the lines aren't quite as clear would be a waste of time.