McCain is a refreshing blast from the past.. . . .

Who did better in the Pres. Forum?

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Big P

Well-Known Member
mcain did better, I mean you guys should atleast be honest if you are going to ask the question

lol did u see when they asked obama when he thought life begins?

lol they asked him when he thinks life begins and the fool says aaaa thats above my pay grade!!!

are u serious!!! he just said its above his pay grade to tell us when his daughters life began!!!!

so anyway this is a huge gaph and obviously a blatent Obama lie right in everyones face. this is a fact. on top of this, isnt he running for the highest office in the world? above his pay grade? there is no higher grade than pesident u idiot!!!

Mcain response to the question:

without a second of hesitation

"at conception"

now im not pro life atleast in the first trymester but pls Obama pls stop lieing

i know a lot of these fools believe you so I guess I cant blame him for lieing but I will never vote for that slob, he has no cred, i cant believe you guys are gonna try to elect a 2 bit brand new senetor to protect us and our families

Mcain is going to win the election. mark this post, ill bring it back in novemeber to celebrate

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
1. The only way to end a so-called unequal status of any type through government force, is to create a class system, then give special privileges to one group at the expense of other groups. We see this with the "affirmative action" laws. A more qualified person from the "White Group" is passed over for a job in favor of a person from the "Brown Group" or the "Black Group" in the name of "fairness." As a result, the member of the "White Group" has his/her rights violated. Government should not be in the anointing of rights business at the expense or sacrifice of the rights of another. The most negative aspect of these types of laws is that a central planning oversight committee (the government) is substitutited for free, voluntary exchange of human action. The result is the destruction of liberty.

All 1 is asking for is No more bigotry, racism, and religous percicution and shit like that. How would a class system stop racism?
How is creating a class system going to be the only way to give women equal rights?
But affermative action works the other way too. It could give a white child in a perdominantly black town a chance that he couldn't have..
lol, i agree-ish. The best person should get the job and the better pay.

2. First, we do not have a democracy. There is no mention of the word "democracy" in any of our founding documents. We have a representative republic where the power (should) resides in the states and not in a central federal government. Second, property ownership is the basic foundation of liberty. Without property rights, it would be impossible for other rights to exist. Our rights do not come from government. As human beings, we are endowed with certain rights by our Creator, not government bureaucrats. There is no such thing as to much ownership in a free society. If we were to "end the private ownership of wealth," who would own the wealth? The answer is, of course, the government. When government owns the wealth, then there is an elite ruling class of people at the top that determines how that wealth is to be doled out. Everywhere this has been tried before, the common man lives in abject poverty and has to deal with chronic shortages of the basic staples that maintain life. There is no one person, no one panel or one bureaucracy that can plan for an entire nation. The best "planner" for society, as Adam Smith said, is the Invisible Hand of the free market.

I would have to say that i would rather big corporations not have the power they do in government. . . . that in turn corners the "free market"

"A life free of exploitation, insecurity, poverty; an end to unemployment, hunger and homelessness."

At whose expense?

I guess i'm more of a giving person then most b/c thats a sacrifice i would make to offer a better life to my children.


PS: And, instead of categorizing communism as being on the left, and fascism on the right, a more accurate term would be just plain old socialism. Both end up at the same place; state control of private assets including ownership of one's very own being. Slavery is slavery no matter how you slice it. The Communists and the Nazis were not on opposite poles ... they were two rival gangs fighting over the same territory. The same is true today.
I see what you are saying but, why is it so insane to try and take the things that work out of each one and then evolve from both of these types of government? Communism, on paper, looks great. So atleast some of these ideas could be applied?
I would like to live in a country with no poverty.... much b/c i grew up in the "lower class". I have no problem giving to those who need, and i don't make a lot. I don't i know its wishful thinking but why?

mcain did better, I mean you guys should atleast be honest if you are going to ask the question

lol did u see when they asked obama when he thought life begins?

lol they asked him when he thinks life begins and the fool says aaaa thats above my pay grade!!!

are u serious!!! he just said its above his pay grade to tell us when his daughters life began!!!!

so anyway this is a huge gaph and obviously a blatent Obama lie right in everyones face. this is a fact. on top of this, isnt he running for the highest office in the world? above his pay grade? there is no higher grade than pesident u idiot!!!

Mcain response to the question:

without a second of hesitation

"at conception"

now im not pro life atleast in the first trymester but pls Obama pls stop lieing

i know a lot of these fools believe you so I guess I cant blame him for lieing but I will never vote for that slob, he has no cred, i cant believe you guys are gonna try to elect a 2 bit brand new senetor to protect us and our families

Mcain is going to win the election. mark this post, ill bring it back in novemeber to celebrate
You really think he did better b/c he answered a question about abortion like a pro life person would? Obama said he is pro choice, but obviously he doesn't necassarily agree with it?? Make sense? Like i my self, if my g/f were in the position i would be completely against it unless her life were in danger. But who am i to make that decision for someone else?
And he's a Senator smart guy, not the Pres. a little premature bud. How is saying "it's above my paygrade" lieing? Just b/c he was a POW doesn't make him the right guy for the job. He agreed with Bush 98% 2 yrs ago and 100% or some shit like that last year. Just what we need to do, hit that trillion dollar in debt mark! You vote McCain buddy, just don't be one of those people who gives up on the country b/c he didn't get voted in.

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
you calling someone a bigot is like the pot calling the kettle black....
I have two words for you tips ... and it ain't Happy Birthday. :mrgreen:

Now, if you can show any post where I've displayed bigotry toward any race, ethnic background or sexual orientation, please post it. If you can't post it, then STFU. If you CAN post it, then I will apologize here in public. Happy hunting. :blsmoke:



New Member
I have two words for you tips ... and it ain't Happy Birthday. :mrgreen:

Now, if you can show any post where I've displayed bigotry toward any race, ethnic background or sexual orientation, please post it. If you can't post it, then STFU. If you CAN post it, then I will apologize here in public. Happy hunting. :blsmoke:

ok old man...I won't post any of your post, that shit doesn't need repeating....thank you...
butttt.....when you call Obama B. Hussein Obama you do it to insinuate that he is muslim or to relate him to saddam hussein...that seems racist to me...what about you guys?????? would you do that to mc cain because his middle name is sidney...


New Member
ok old man...I won't post any of your post, that shit doesn't need repeating....thank you...
butttt.....when you call Obama B. Hussein Obama you do it to insinuate that he is muslim or to relate him to saddam hussein...that seems racist to me...what about you guys?????? would you do that to mc cain because his middle name is sidney...
Seems like racism to me.


Well-Known Member
Its 3:00 am, the phone rings at the White House. President Obama, Russia just attacked Georgia, what are your instructions sir?

Oh my god, 'he says', that will leave us with only 56 states. Mobilize Florida's and S. Carolina's National Guard. I'll discuss it with my trusted confidants.

'What are we going to do Michelle?' She replies, they have guns and god, and they are mean anyway. Don't worry about it.

He calls his Grandmother next, "Grandma, what are we going to do?"
She replies, 'Where's Georgia?"

He call Ted Kennedy next, "Ted what are we going to do?"
Ted replies, "Vaaash da mather ocifer, bourbon cooms frooom Kintucky dont it? No problem sthen."

He screams, 'Somebody tell me what to say, where's my teleprompter?' and he goes back to sleep.

hehehe, kinda funny tho huh?

Big P

Well-Known Member
I see what you are saying but, why is it so insane to try and take the things that work out of each one and then evolve from both of these types of government? Communism, on paper, looks great. So atleast some of these ideas could be applied?
I would like to live in a country with no poverty.... much b/c i grew up in the "lower class". I have no problem giving to those who need, and i don't make a lot. I don't i know its wishful thinking but why?

You really think he did better b/c he answered a question about abortion like a pro life person would? Obama said he is pro choice, but obviously he doesn't necassarily agree with it?? Make sense? Like i my self, if my g/f were in the position i would be completely against it unless her life were in danger. But who am i to make that decision for someone else?
And he's a Senator smart guy, not the Pres. a little premature bud. How is saying "it's above my paygrade" lieing? Just b/c he was a POW doesn't make him the right guy for the job. He agreed with Bush 98% 2 yrs ago and 100% or some shit like that last year. Just what we need to do, hit that trillion dollar in debt mark! You vote McCain buddy, just don't be one of those people who gives up on the country b/c he didn't get voted in.

:peace: ~~TLB

make what decision? to kill a baby? oh ok i forgot we have the right to kill when its convinient for the ruling majority?

so why am i not allowed to kill people? but i can as long as its a baby? why? so senators can get rid of a baby if thier daughter fucks someone for any reason they see fit be it racist or whatever.

so they can kill this baby and its all good but they tossin me in the slammer for smoking a shrub?

like i said before im not even pro life, but just saying u must also wrap your head around both sides then make a choice, you havent obviously thought things through or you would not have made the above statement pro-choice or not



Well-Known Member
make what decision? to kill a baby? oh ok i forgot we have the right to kill when its convinient for the ruling majority?

so why am i not allowed to kill people? but i can as long as its a baby? why? so senators can get rid of a baby if thier daughter fucks someone for any reason they see fit be it racist or whatever.

so they can kill this baby and its all good but they tossin me in the slammer for smoking a shrub?

like i said before im not even pro life, but just saying u must also wrap your head around both sides then make a choice, you havent obviously thought things through or you would not have made the above statement pro-choice or not

Additionally, if anyone has a problem with my opinions on this forum, pls let me know ill leave on my own accord if im brusing too many egos, no need to report my posts, you obviously cant handle them, i say grow a set

Stop smoking, you can't even form competent thoughts.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
make what decision? to kill a baby? oh ok i forgot we have the right to kill when its convinient for the ruling majority?

so why am i not allowed to kill people? but i can as long as its a baby? why? so senators can get rid of a baby if thier daughter fucks someone for any reason they see fit be it racist or whatever.

Yeah, Who am i to tell some one what to do with their body. In my opinion it is detestable. If you're man enough to make a baby you're man enough to take care of it. And if your some slut that ends up pregnant then it was your bad choices that brought it upon you.
If it will kill the mother then I honestly don't know how i would make that choice. . . . . do you?
What Obama said was reasonable. Pro choice, but find the cause of the problem.. . .teen pregnancy and irresponible people.. ..Try to help that issue and the abortion problem will not be this outrageous and eventually no longer be an issue.

:peace: ~~TLB

Big P

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Who am i to tell some one what to do with their body. In my opinion it is detestable. If you're man enough to make a baby you're man enough to take care of it. And if your some slut that ends up pregnant then it was your bad choices that brought it upon you.
If it will kill the mother then I honestly don't know how i would make that choice. . . . . do you?
What Obama said was reasonable. Pro choice, but find the cause of the problem.. . .teen pregnancy and irresponible people.. ..Try to help that issue and the abortion problem will not be this outrageous and eventually no longer be an issue.

:peace: ~~TLB

what if the baby wanted to abort the mother? obviously it would be impossible but just think,

dont they both have rights? so if the mom wont die from it then really its the choice whether the mom would like to do the 9 months of pregnancyy or just kill it to avoid the pesky affair.

they dont have to keep the baby if they dont want to,

and its her body, with a mans child in her, so its not only hers


Well-Known Member
Its 3:00 am, the phone rings at the White House. President Obama, Russia just attacked Georgia, what are your instructions sir?

Oh my god, 'he says', that will leave us with only 56 states. Mobilize Florida's and S. Carolina's National Guard. I'll discuss it with my trusted confidants.

'What are we going to do Michelle?' She replies, they have guns and god, and they are mean anyway. Don't worry about it.

He calls his Grandmother next, "Grandma, what are we going to do?"
She replies, 'Where's Georgia?"

He call Ted Kennedy next, "Ted what are we going to do?"
Ted replies, "Vaaash da mather ocifer, bourbon cooms frooom Kintucky dont it? No problem sthen."

He screams, 'Somebody tell me what to say, where's my teleprompter?' and he goes back to sleep.

hehehe, kinda funny tho huh?
Haha thats classic

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
what if the baby wanted to abort the mother? obviously it would be impossible but just think,

dont they both have rights? so if the mom wont die from it then really its the choice whether the mom would like to do the 9 months of pregnancyy or just kill it to avoid the pesky affair.

they dont have to keep the baby if they dont want to,

and its her body, with a mans child in her, so its not only hers

So you believe that the baby can make that decision? I'm sorry but if I had to give my life to let my mother live, i would give my self in a heartbeat. Maybe you don't feel the same but thats my though on that.. . .. And if you'd listen instead of rambling repeating the same thing with different verbage you would have heard me.


And yes it is not just hers, but how the fuck can you say "its a mans child"
After she has her baby you're sure to tell her to hurry up and get back to the dishes and cooking you dishes eh?
You make me giggle a little. . .. .. Read the bold uppercase writing, it explains what i was saying.

:peace: ~~TLB

Big P

Well-Known Member
So you believe that the baby can make that decision? I'm sorry but if I had to give my life to let my mother live, i would give my self in a heartbeat. Maybe you don't feel the same but thats my though on that.. . .. And if you'd listen instead of rambling repeating the same thing with different verbage you would have heard me.


And yes it is not just hers, but how the fuck can you say "its a mans child"
After she has her baby you're sure to tell her to hurry up and get back to the dishes and cooking you dishes eh?
You make me giggle a little. . .. .. Read the bold uppercase writing, it explains what i was saying.

:peace: ~~TLB

how can you control one of the most powerful forces of nature? lust

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
how can you control one of the most powerful forces of nature? lust
Well you must not be Christian . . . .. ....

But honestly its real easy and I'll let you in on a little secret. . .. . . .USE A FUCKIN CONDOM!!!

Whoa. . . ..or birthcontrol. . . . ...diaphrams.... . . .simple! :mrgreen:

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
how can you control one of the most powerful forces of nature? lust
So the government shouldn't be telling us who and when to have sex with, but they should be telling us that we cannot have an abortion as means of dealing with said pregnancy from the act? It seems you work on a one way street.