1. The only way to end a so-called unequal status of any type through government force, is to create a class system, then give special privileges to one group at the expense of other groups. We see this with the "affirmative action" laws. A more qualified person from the "White Group" is passed over for a job in favor of a person from the "Brown Group" or the "Black Group" in the name of "fairness." As a result, the member of the "White Group" has his/her rights violated. Government should not be in the anointing of rights business at the expense or sacrifice of the rights of another. The most negative aspect of these types of laws is that a central planning oversight committee (the government) is substitutited for free, voluntary exchange of human action. The result is the destruction of liberty.
All 1 is asking for is No more bigotry, racism, and religous percicution and shit like that. How would a class system stop racism?
How is creating a class system going to be the only way to give women equal rights?
But affermative action works the other way too. It could give a white child in a perdominantly black town a chance that he couldn't have..
lol, i agree-ish. The best person should get the job and the better pay.
2. First, we do not have a democracy. There is no mention of the word "democracy" in any of our founding documents. We have a representative republic where the power (should) resides in the states and not in a central federal government. Second, property ownership is the basic foundation of liberty. Without property rights, it would be impossible for other rights to exist. Our rights do not come from government. As human beings, we are endowed with certain rights by our Creator, not government bureaucrats. There is no such thing as to much ownership in a free society. If we were to "end the private ownership of wealth," who would own the wealth? The answer is, of course, the government. When government owns the wealth, then there is an elite ruling class of people at the top that determines how that wealth is to be doled out. Everywhere this has been tried before, the common man lives in abject poverty and has to deal with chronic shortages of the basic staples that maintain life. There is no one person, no one panel or one bureaucracy that can plan for an entire nation. The best "planner" for society, as Adam Smith said, is the Invisible Hand of the free market.
I would have to say that i would rather big corporations not have the power they do in government. . . . that in turn corners the "free market"
"A life free of exploitation, insecurity, poverty; an end to unemployment, hunger and homelessness."
At whose expense?
I guess i'm more of a giving person then most b/c thats a sacrifice i would make to offer a better life to my children.
PS: And, instead of categorizing communism as being on the left, and fascism on the right, a more accurate term would be just plain old socialism. Both end up at the same place; state control of private assets including ownership of one's very own being. Slavery is slavery no matter how you slice it. The Communists and the Nazis were not on opposite poles ... they were two rival gangs fighting over the same territory. The same is true today.