Still trying to understand why you enjoy calling children "bitches". Seriously.
Because she is a sense of entitlement little bitch. I know she is suffering from emotional problems but that doesn't take away from the fact she is taking away educational opportunitys from other kids

Hopefully she gets the counseling she needs, but she should also be charged.
I'm not a cop lover. But think of society without them. Imagine ROb Roys world
Because she is a sense of entitlement little bitch. I know she is suffering from emotional problems but that doesn't take away from the fact she is taking away educational opportunitys from other kids

Hopefully she gets the counseling she needs, but she should also be charged.
I'm not a cop lover. But think of society without them. Imagine ROb Roys world
Well I'm asking you politely to stop it. I let a lot of shit ride, but I find this particularly offensive.
Another angle shows after his hands are around her and he starts to pull her out of the desk she strikes him repeatedly in his head/face area.

Thats not what I would consider being passive. Not aggressive, but active resistance.

Seriously, she's lucky he didn't play it by the book and spray her. So is everyone else in that room.
She was passively resisting until the point where he became violent. No violence on his part, none from her either. Yes she's lucky he didn't kill her in his rage. So is he.
1 its not physically destructive
2 everyday after the incident, everyone she saw in the hallways would mock her for her stupid behavior

Dude, tasers are not some kind and painless form of restraint. To the contrary, they cause extreme pain, to the point where they are used to torture people. Also, they fire needles that don't always go where you want -- like in a person's eye for example. In most cases they are better than a hand gun but you aren't suggesting that alternative are you? Police departments set policies that rank them as higher use of force than pepper spray. They are not some miracle non-violent weapon. You don't want a roided out cop to use one on your kid or anybody else's for that matter.
Dude, tasers are not some kind and painless form of restraint. To the contrary, they cause extreme pain, to the point where they are used to torture people. Also, they fire needles that don't always go where you want -- like in a person's eye for example. In most cases they are better than a hand gun but you aren't suggesting that alternative are you? Police departments set policies that rank them as higher use of force than pepper spray. They are not some miracle non-violent weapon. You don't want a roided out cop to use one on your kid or anybody else's for that matter.
Look man. She was wrong and wasn't going to move without some kind of incentive. The cop is totally wrong. So was the kid
Whoa! Maybe this means he'll get his job back!
Dude, tasers are not some kind and painless form of restraint. To the contrary, they cause extreme pain, to the point where they are used to torture people. Also, they fire needles that don't always go where you want -- like in a person's eye for example. In most cases they are better than a hand gun but you aren't suggesting that alternative are you? Police departments set policies that rank them as higher use of force than pepper spray. They are not some miracle non-violent weapon. You don't want a roided out cop to use one on your kid or anybody else's for that matter.
But we aren't talking about HIS kid. This is just some random BLACK kid, so he's fine with it.