A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
It is losing some of the fruity smell and yeild will be good for its size and care. Pm it is in the middle and has not been much trouble to keep off it. All in all not to bad if you ask me, and come to think of it i have that one chopping in two weeks with the ak if they make it that long.

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Nice! I wonder how the smell and taste will end after its dry, would be awesome if it's more mellow :) Does that have really unique colored pisitls or am I just seeing things? Looks maroon almost!

Thanks,sure is the problem,I've been pouring the water over the cube and the light was a single socket bulb hung about 10" up over the plant sitting in the tray under the standard tray dome ,tall one.
Another question,when you run your aero cloner,are you using plain water?My tap water has zero ppm.
My tap water is 80-120ppm and that's all I use. You must have an RO filter on your water source right? Tap water is best for cloning because it has some chlorine in it, RO water can be a bit tricky but also works. For some reason I feel that people have issues cloning with RO, but I can't remember what the issues were. I'd actually advice against adding any calmag because when nutrients are added to the cloner, bacteria is more easily introduced as they use the nutes for food.


Well-Known Member
Nice! I wonder how the smell and taste will end after its dry, would be awesome if it's more mellow :) Does that have really unique colored pisitls or am I just seeing things? Looks maroon almost!

My tap water is 80-120ppm and that's all I use. You must have an RO filter on your water source right? Tap water is best for cloning because it has some chlorine in it, RO water can be a bit tricky but also works. For some reason I feel that people have issues cloning with RO, but I can't remember what the issues were. I'd actually advice against adding any calmag because when nutrients are added to the cloner, bacteria is more easily introduced as they use the nutes for food.
My tap water has no filter and I wonder if I should add nutes up to 100 ppm?I am running a small bit of hydroguard in my 32 site ez-cloner


Well-Known Member
Nice! I wonder how the smell and taste will end after its dry, would be awesome if it's more mellow :) Does that have really unique colored pisitls or am I just seeing things? Looks maroon almost!

My tap water is 80-120ppm and that's all I use. You must have an RO filter on your water source right? Tap water is best for cloning because it has some chlorine in it, RO water can be a bit tricky but also works. For some reason I feel that people have issues cloning with RO, but I can't remember what the issues were. I'd actually advice against adding any calmag because when nutrients are added to the cloner, bacteria is more easily introduced as they use the nutes for food.
That is some purple showing right at the tips of the flowers. I have the ghouse open on one end at nightso the temps are getting low at night.


Well-Known Member
My tap water has no filter and I wonder if I should add nutes up to 100 ppm?I am running a small bit of hydroguard in my 32 site ez-cloner
How does it come out at 0ppm? Is it city water or a well? The lowest I've seen without a filter is about 50ppm. You have some really good water if it's 0ppm, you could bottle it and sell it lol. Anyways, yeah maybe just a little calmag. If you want to get crazy you could add some bloom nutes as well. I use nothing but tap but my ppm currently is 120ppm. I've tried using RO water a couple times and did not work well, so definitely get some particulates in there.


Well-Known Member
That is some purple showing right at the tips of the flowers. I have the ghouse open on one end at nightso the temps are getting low at night.
Awesome, I love a little color. I'm hoping to get a little purple on the glue I'm about to chop. She turns purple around 10 weeks in, not much but enough to notice. I'm hoping my gdp turns way darker this round too my flower room Temps are 65-66 at night and they're loving it :)


Well-Known Member
Looks nice. I sent you a pm under your first acount you had. It would not let me pm you at the AP acount.
Thanks man. I'll see if I can log in and check the pm, I hope I didn't forget the password lol

That kinda looks like the purple cookies my other buddy had for a minute. That would be nice if it is
I guess it's the pcg cut. One of the better yielding, smelling and tasting cuts

That's beautiful.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I'll see if I can log in and check the pm, I hope I didn't forget the password lol

I guess it's the pcg cut. One of the better yielding, smelling and tasting cuts

Thank you!
What is pcg cut? I have heard of a bunch but not placing that one right now.


Well-Known Member
How does it come out at 0ppm? Is it city water or a well? The lowest I've seen without a filter is about 50ppm. You have some really good water if it's 0ppm, you could bottle it and sell it lol. Anyways, yeah maybe just a little calmag. If you want to get crazy you could add some bloom nutes as well. I use nothing but tap but my ppm currently is 120ppm. I've tried using RO water a couple times and did not work well, so definitely get some particulates in there.
No idea why the city tap water reads 0 ppm,but the water taste bad.
Another question for you AlphaPhase
What does it mean when the tank starts losing lots of water after feeding,and the ph climbs from 6.1 to 6.7
The plants have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks and stand about 20" tall,they started at 8"-10"
ppm is 700
plants are green,no tip burn
GH flora series,hydroguard


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's purple city genetics. She can stack much better than the forum, so that's a plus, there's really not much info about it though. Just some random online pics here and there. On Instagram there's quite a bit of good pics of her though. She's a frosty one!


Well-Known Member
No idea why the city tap water reads 0 ppm,but the water taste bad.
Another question for you AlphaPhase
What does it mean when the tank starts losing lots of water after feeding,and the ph climbs from 6.1 to 6.7
The plants have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks and stand about 20" tall,they started at 8"-10"
ppm is 700
plants are green,no tip burn
GH flora series,hydroguard
How long has it been since changing the water? Sounds like they are on track if they stretched 2x. If the pH is rising and water levels are going down, I think you need to feed a higher ppm.

Sounds like they are hungry and thirsty. If the ppm isn't rising and they are drinking a lot of water, you are doing good. Just keep the pH in check and adjust accordingly. I like my pH to swing from 5.3 to 6.0. If it's a fresh res, it will do this 2x before it stabilizes and I then set the pH to 5.7-5.9 before doing a res Change 3 weeks later.

Also, algae can raise the pH. Bad bacteria will lower pH. The hydroguard may or may not affect pH, I'm not sure, I just got my first bottle but haven't used it.


Well-Known Member
How long has it been since changing the water? Sounds like they are on track if they stretched 2x. If the pH is rising and water levels are going down, I think you need to feed a higher ppm.

Sounds like they are hungry and thirsty. If the ppm isn't rising and they are drinking a lot of water, you are doing good. Just keep the pH in check and adjust accordingly. I like my pH to swing from 5.3 to 6.0. If it's a fresh res, it will do this 2x before it stabilizes and I then set the pH to 5.7-5.9 before doing a res Change 3 weeks later.

Also, algae can raise the pH. Bad bacteria will lower pH. The hydroguard may or may not affect pH, I'm not sure, I just got my first bottle but haven't used it.
Still running the same batch of water,tank is clear,I will dump tank out and start with the ph 5.7-5.9

I would like to show pictures,but seems my chrome book and iphone and riu do not want me to do that?


Well-Known Member
Still running the same batch of water,tank is clear,I will dump tank out and start with the ph 5.7-5.9

I would like to show pictures,but seems my chrome book and iphone and riu do not want me to do that?
How many gallons is your reservoir? Is it kind of small, like under 20 gallons? If so, that could cause issues with pH stability too. Definitely change the res. Check your roots if you can. Since your using beneficial bacteria to keep the res clean, do you use enzymes? Also, are you adding the hydroguard every week? I haven't done a run using a live res yet but I've read a lot about it. Since you're relying on the good bacteria to battle bad bacteria, you'll need to keep the good bacteria numbers up by adding them weekly, if you miss a dose, the res can become bad very fast. So just checking if that could be the case. Also if you're not using enzymes with the bennies I'd suggest using them. Just get the cheap kind called pond zyme. I've read a lot of good about the combo with hydroguard.


Well-Known Member
How many gallons is your reservoir? Is it kind of small, like under 20 gallons? If so, that could cause issues with pH stability too. Definitely change the res. Check your roots if you can. Since your using beneficial bacteria to keep the res clean, do you use enzymes? Also, are you adding the hydroguard every week? I haven't done a run using a live res yet but I've read a lot about it. Since you're relying on the good bacteria to battle bad bacteria, you'll need to keep the good bacteria numbers up by adding them weekly, if you miss a dose, the res can become bad very fast. So just checking if that could be the case. Also if you're not using enzymes with the bennies I'd suggest using them. Just get the cheap kind called pond zyme. I've read a lot of good about the combo with hydroguard.
The res is 35 gallon and I fill to the 28 gallon line so it will not crack,cause it is brittle a in a few places.
Will add the pond zyme.
The plants are in 6x6 rock wool(30 plants)the roots are pure white.
each time I add nutes(about each 3 days or so,I add 30mils of hydroguard)and add about 8 gallons of water and some ph down.


Well-Known Member
The res is 35 gallon and I fill to the 28 gallon line so it will not crack,cause it is brittle a in a few places.
Will add the pond zyme.
The plants are in 6x6 rock wool(30 plants)the roots are pure white.
each time I add nutes(about each 3 days or so,I add 30mils of hydroguard)and add about 8 gallons of water and some ph down.
Then you are totally on track man. Probably just time for a res Change because everything else you're doing is spot on! :)

Ohhhhh. One thing. Rockwool will raise pH a lot! That's your problem. It'll level out eventually. Did you soak them in 5.2ph for a while before adding the plants? Even so, after soaking it'll raise pH sometimes. It's very acidic.


Well-Known Member
Then you are totally on track man. Probably just time for a res Change because everything else you're doing is spot on! :)

Ohhhhh. One thing. Rockwool will raise pH a lot! That's your problem. It'll level out eventually. Did you soak them in 5.2ph for a while before adding the plants? Even so, after soaking it'll raise pH sometimes. It's very acidic.
I did soak the cubes in 5.5,I should have taken a measurement of the run off?next time will soak at 5.2...but now on I am going to use the 1 gallon pot with hydroton,I like the idea of re-using the rocks and you said they work better than RW.

Out in the GH I have a bunch of plants in soil and growing in 1 gallon pots...no topping and a couple of the headband are forming 2 foot long main colas.