Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
About to get four cancerous things cut out of me. They were suprised to see that they had gotten smaller my last visit, considering I didn't use their radiation lotion on them. They don't know my little rso secret, yet...;):leaf:

I'm the only one younger than 50 in this joint. Everyone eyeballing the 32 yo in dermatology office. SUNBLOCK people!
Very pleased to hear you are on top of it. What strains are you growing for the oil?

I've had my skin checked for 10 years before I moved to Spain. Had biopsies but all negative. Had a few shaved off me including 2 on my face! Pretty good job/scar.

It's amazing to hear about members actually getting results rather than just seeing stuff on YouTube.

Please keep us posted! Good luck!!

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Can't sleep. Guess I got about 5 hours so that's enough. 5 AM walked the dog kind of morning.

Got permission to deer hunt a nice farmstead, permanent stand and all. Guy said I can have as big a garden as I want out there next year so that's a plus. Has some nice tilled black dirt waiting.

Also I noticed walmarts extra pumpkins were on sale for a $1 a piece yesterday. Was tempted to buy one and carve the rollitup dude, but I need to buy a new card reader for the camera and decided against it.

Good Morning and Happy Friday


Well-Known Member
To the cunt who hit my car in the parking lot with your black Cadillac SUV and then drove off this morning I will find you and rape your cats little innocent charstar while you watch. Fuck you. You fucking bitch. May you end up rear ended by a huge sweaty trucker you found on tinder.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
@sunni It's going to be a vegan grilled flatbread topped with greens if you want anything...haha...don't wanna make a mess, I'm the only one here right now. My dishwasher left like over an hour ago.
View attachment 3531611
I would so eat that. Your food looks so damn good Meta! I still wanna play iron chef with you :) Buy you a bag of horrific ingredients and let you poison me.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
View attachment 3531924

I'm hungry and I feel like chicken and chips!
Yeah I would eat that too. Obviously I'm starving and need to make breakfast LOL!

To the cunt who hit my car in the parking lot with your black Cadillac SUV and then drove off this morning I will find you and rape your cats little innocent charstar while you watch. Fuck you. You fucking bitch. May you end up rear ended by a huge sweaty trucker you found on tinder.
Ah Bu$hie if you manage to find that bitch chlorox in the gas tank, so sorry.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah it's all good. Looks like she dented the corner of the back bumper but sorta pulled the shit off the side if the car. Whore.

It's an ugly day here, we have tornadoes and heavy rain, and we never get rain in north Mexico like this so everything floods.

And to think I am wearing a mask all day at work today, she kinda zapped my excitement with the hit and run.

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View attachment 3531945
Well with that kind of weather let's hope a house drops on her



Pickle Queen
@bu$hleaguer Sorry to hear that. Happened to me once too but check this out:- I found the drunk driver who did it about an hour later, handed him over to police. I still ended up paying for my car to be fixed off my insurance!!! Wtf!

Anyway, hope this makes you smile! We can buy a boob beanie for @sunni and @april Just need to find out if which skin tone they want. :)
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Bahaha. ..funny I just finished my first batch of bibs. ..20151028_110513.jpg

Dear lord I'm getting huge...first pic was a few months ago...second is a few days ago...up 16 lbs...all tummy and taters. ..20150909_085852.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very pleased to hear you are on top of it. What strains are you growing for the oil?

I've had my skin checked for 10 years before I moved to Spain. Had biopsies but all negative. Had a few shaved off me including 2 on my face! Pretty good job/scar.

It's amazing to hear about members actually getting results rather than just seeing stuff on YouTube.

Please keep us posted! Good luck!!

thx lahottie, much appreciated. I should've gone in much earlier. about 15 stitches in each of the two nodular. they want me to 'continue' to use their lotion on the two superficial on my back.
I hit @Pinworm blueberry x widow with some blueberry x ecsd pollen and popped out a few seeds, one really squat, low yield bush that LOOKS like other high cbd strains, and a chunky sativa pheno. just using what ive got. unfortunately im not able to walk into a shop and grab a high cbd strain, so ive been searching the webs for something from seed that is reliable. any ideas anyone?

pics or......
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didn't think id be this sore. they went deep enough to warrant internal stitches. pretty crazy to see down through the fat layer on yourself. she told me my fat looks good. I said thanks lol
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