LEC - Light-Emitting Ceramic

smart cars are efficient, i still won't drive one, just sayin!!!

False comparison. Safety, utility and capacity are all sacrificed in a 'smart' car, and the fuel efficiency benefits gained don't even beat currently available hybrids.

Just because they call it a smart car doesn't mean it is one. Btw, it's named for a watch company that helped market it in Europe.
Greater efficiency means higher horsepower to the wheels for the same fuel put in, not higher MPG. MPG is a measure of efficacy, not efficiency.

A better comparison would be a 9:1 ratio naturally aspirated engine to a 20:1 turbocharged diesel engine.

Edit: If you were carrying a bunch of cargo, the MPG of the smart car is sort of irrelevant.
I personally think HPS is the better option, over both LEC and CXB/vero because it costs less up front, does a great job, and has high efficiency (as high as 42% for gavita, but closer to 36% for 1000W mogul, still pretty high).

Honestly, if I stayed with 400W HPS lamps, I'd probably be ahead financially over the DIY cobs option at this point in time, but I'm getting the same sort of growth with 3000k 80cri cobs as I did with HPS, just with slightly less watts in.

I try not to be a hypocrite, which is why I recommend HPS because I'm only using DIY cobs as a hobby, and to see what I can do with it! I recommended 4x1000W HPS in another thread for a 10x10 area because it would cost over 6000 dollars to do the same with COBS.
I personally think HPS is the better option, over both LEC and CXB/vero because it costs less up front, does a great job, and has high efficiency (as high as 42% for gavita, but closer to 36% for 1000W mogul, still pretty high).

Honestly, if I stayed with 400W HPS lamps, I'd probably be ahead financially over the DIY cobs option at this point in time, but I'm getting the same sort of growth with 3000k 80cri cobs as I did with HPS, just with slightly less watts in.

I try not to be a hypocrite, which is why I recommend HPS because I'm only using DIY cobs as a hobby, and to see what I can do with it! I recommended 4x1000W HPS in another thread for a 10x10 area because it would cost over 6000 dollars to do the same with COBS.

Cost is the only holdup. COB is better, just more expensive up front. I guess the outcome of this argument hinges on how closely the cost per PAR watt cost of COB LED lighting follows Moore's Law.

Check back in 18 months?
As the price gap shortens (I payed close to 4.5€/W for my HQ blurple lights some 3 years ago ..), and efficiency keeps increasing, it will become a no brainer for everyone.
But true that HPS is still more viable option economically, unless you are sure your grow room will be running constantly for the next 3-5 years .. and have the money for it.

Cost is the only holdup. COB is better, just more expensive up front. I guess the outcome of this argument hinges on how closely the cost per PAR watt cost of COB LED lighting follows Moore's Law.

Check back in 18 months?

You mean Haitz law ? ;)

Short text to put it in perspective on wiki : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitz's_law
The futur is bright :)
Well in that case PLC light will absolutely kill it in that space. You can check out my Lights as well. The cx-4 would also give you great results as well. Look in the led companies with links area.

I'm finding my Mars is too inefficient. Any brand names and models you might suggest for my space? Thanks
PLC, Johnson Grow Lights, area 51, optic Grow lights. Models wise PLC only has one but it would be superb in that space. Johnson Grow Lights cx4 would be good but cx6 would be better. Area 51 4 w90s and optic Grow Lights 250 would be ok 400 would be better. I'm biased but if cost isn't factor my list goes like this

1. PLC
2. Johnson Grow Lights cx6
3.area51 4xw90 vero 29
4. Optic Grow Lights 400 vero based
5. Johnson Grow Lights cx-4
6. optic Grow Lights 250 vero based
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Cost is the only holdup. COB is better, just more expensive up front. I guess the outcome of this argument hinges on how closely the cost per PAR watt cost of COB LED lighting follows Moore's Law.

Check back in 18 months?
ty, would you consider loaning me a cob that will cover my 4x6 table for say 60-63 days to do a test? id pay shipping both ways.. id rent one if i could,i really want to test one but cant afford to buy one, and cant diy,especially if it disappoints..im guessing it should take 700-800 watts cob to cover a 4x6 correct? if hid is 1,000watts 4x6, cmh is say 945.watts for 4x6, led should be around 7-800watts wright? also would using 2 cobs be better than 1 larger cob? like 3 400's better than 2 600's or 2 600's better than a 1k hid because u can get them closer to the canopy?? maybe the reason the 315 watt cmh is more eficient than the 860 is because its closer to the canopy also??

id really like to finish the test with cob lighting,,i feel it would be a good addition to my 3 run test..do you really think a cob will yield equivilant to the cmh or hid over my table? if so,,how many watts ?
you know im all about saving money on my electric, wile keeping yields and potency
ty, would you consider loaning me a cob that will cover my 4x6 table for say 60-63 days to do a test? id pay shipping both ways.. id rent one if i could,i really want to test one but cant afford to buy one, and cant diy,especially if it disappoints..im guessing it should take 700-800 watts cob to cover a 4x6 correct? if hid is 1,000watts 4x6, cmh is say 945.watts for 4x6, led should be around 7-800watts wright? also would using 2 cobs be better than 1 larger cob? like 3 400's better than 2 600's or 2 600's better than a 1k hid because u can get them closer to the canopy?? maybe the reason the 315 watt cmh is more eficient than the 860 is because its closer to the canopy also??

id really like to finish the test with cob lighting,,i feel it would be a good addition to my 3 run test..do you really think a cob will yield equivilant to the cmh or hid over my table? if so,,how many watts ?
you know im all about saving money on my electric, wile keeping yields and potency

I'm sorry, as yet I haven't any of my own to use OR loan out, lol

I'd run the CXB3590 x 4 at 50W over 2' x 3'. It would take four of these setups to cover your 4'x6' table, or 800W. The PPfd calculation should show the COBs producing as much as twice the PAR light per watt as HID, I think fifty percent more is a estimable ballpark guesstimate.

On to your questions about light spread. Four COBs times four is sixteen light sources. If those are evenly spread across your canopy that's going to be beneficial. No hot spots, no dark corners.

My 860W CDM lamps run on magnetic ballasts where the 315W CMH runs on a special digital ballast, which is what makes it more efficient. The innovation isn't the bulb, it's the ballast!

If watching other people on here running tasty COB lit grows isn't enough to convince you to kick down for the new toys, I'm not sure what to tell you, lol