
Well-Known Member
Nope, not a reason for a beating. Except by your twisted reasoning. His boss didn't think he was in the right either and fired him.
I didn't say it was right..... But if you're under arrest and resist you get your ass kicked..... How it works


Well-Known Member
I already told you. That static doesn't show the frequency in which the crimes occur
why did you leave off the part where i correctly identify you as munchbox, prolific sock puppet racist?

and have you given up decrying the fact that you are racist, munchbox?

have you just accepted that your racist views and rhetoric make you racist?


Well-Known Member
I'll just post what I said and let you tell me how I dodged your question, because I don't think I did.

"I wouldn't force her out of her chair. As we both agree, I'd clear the room and leave her alone with a minder. I'd let her get bored and get out herself. Or I'd let somebody with training talk to her and reason with her. Eventually she will have to get up. She can be punished and held accountable for her actions later."

So tell me what is missing in my response.
So we should just disobey authority?
That's a recipe for chaos in our schools.
She was throwing punches at the cop. Wait till the third video comes out

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
And why was he terminated? I heard his boss say that he was fired for violating department policy. That policy is, once you lay hands on an unarmed suspect you do not let go. He was fired not for being over-aggressive but because he let her out of his physical control when he threw her. Had he simply turned and slammed her head first into the wall while maintaining his grip, he would likely still be employed.


Well-Known Member
Well I agree with you. Where we differ is this is not a case of racism

Stop pulling a Rob Roy and tell me how you would of gotten the girl out of her chair without touching her. I have already posted 3x how I would of done it and none of them involved tasering her as a first response.
Personally I would have just dragged the desk with her still in it out into the hall and shut the door. Game over.

That video would have been posted too, and we'd still claim it was somehow racist, but it's definitely a better choice.


Well-Known Member
why did you leave off the part where i correctly identify you as munchbox, prolific sock puppet racist?

and have you given up decrying the fact that you are racist, munchbox?

have you just accepted that your racist views and rhetoric make you racist?
for one second there, it looked like you might stay on topic. But no, you get stuck and then start making presumptions about how you think I'm a previously banned member. good job on deflecting, and then not responding to my post at all.


Well-Known Member
Personally I would have just dragged the desk with her still in it out into the hall and shut the door. Game over.

That video would have been posted too, and we'd still claim it was somehow racist, but it's definitely a better choice.
As good a solution as any. And better than a few that have been discussed here.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Race always matters in America, unless you're white. (White) people love to trot out the "That could happen to anyone" line but, for some reason, it never actually seems to happen to "anyone". Why is that? #BLACKLIVESMATTER
Didn't a white boy get gunned down in the back by a cop over a smidge of weed?

While you're drowning in racism, the rest of us have to deal with reality: the over-militarization of law enforcement officers in America.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So we should just disobey authority?
That's a recipe for chaos in our schools.
She was throwing punches at the cop. Wait till the third video comes out
She threw her fists after he put his arms around her.

Why don't you walk up to a stranger and grab her. See what happens.


Well-Known Member
Didn't a white boy get gunned down in the back by a cop over a smidge of weed?

While you're drowning in racism, the rest of us have to deal with reality: the over-militarization of law enforcement officers in America.
Would you like to compare stats? Meet me back here in 10 minutes and let's see who can produce the most story's of police violence involving unarmed "citizens".

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Personally I would have just dragged the desk with her still in it out into the hall and shut the door. Game over.

That video would have been posted too, and we'd still claim it was somehow racist, but it's definitely a better choice.
That's what my school did.