My first Infraction

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100% Authentic A$$Hole
Well they must be serious bout what they said cause I got an infraction for cussing.........Its kinda sad in all honesty....I have 3 kids and I use this sight to escape reality a bit....Maybe I tend to go overboard but it is all in good fun...........I have one question........As an elite member if I get booted am I elgible for a refund? My kids need to eat:hump:
Are they (RIU) making everyone reaffirm that they've read, understand and agree to the sites rules and regs? I was surprised to see this when I tried to post first this morning.
Did they notify you that you'd been spanked, or how did you discover you're bad?
Are they (RIU) making everyone reaffirm that they've read, understand and agree to the sites rules and regs? I was surprised to see this when I tried to post first this morning.
Did they notify you that you'd been spanked, or how did you discover you're bad?

they PM u about the infraction
Well they must be serious bout what they said cause I got an infraction for cussing.........Its kinda sad in all honesty....I have 3 kids and I use this sight to escape reality a bit....Maybe I tend to go overboard but it is all in good fun...........I have one question........As an elite member if I get booted am I elgible for a refund? My kids need to eat:hump:

Are you fucking serious?

Did it say what post?
Well they must be serious bout what they said cause I got an infraction for cussing.........Its kinda sad in all honesty....I have 3 kids and I use this sight to escape reality a bit....Maybe I tend to go overboard but it is all in good fun...........I have one question........As an elite member if I get booted am I elgible for a refund? My kids need to eat:hump:

Seriously??? what did you say... wait scratch that .... better not say again and get in trouble again.

One of the things I really like about this site is the freedom to say what we want. If it starts getting patrolled to heavily for "infractions" it may be time to look elsewhere. I have a potty mouth.... so I don't stand a chance if cussing is out. :neutral:
0000000000000000=== mate
Refer to the RIU Censor thread and thats what I got in trouble for.....because I stated that I doubt they(RIU) care if we cuss.......that they were prolly just trying to weed out the a-holes(ya know the people that verbally attack everyone) and I concluded by telling everyone to F&^% off with my sarcasmic :mrgreen: smiley at the end..........and I was infracted for Innappropriate language which doesnt make sense to me because he specifically stated that toke n talk and polotics will remain as is and the thread was in the toke AND talk section..........It's all good, it just doesnt make any sense to me.....kinda child imo to post pics of all your illegal plants(most people) and get in trouble for dropping an F-bomb:confused: Its like they trying to live in a PERFECT yet illegal world.........I guess I didnt think it was as serious as it is but I guess I realize it know.........I want to know what the best grow site is right now if this one isnt? Rollitup specifically stated that if we as the communtiy want to be the best sight then we need to act in a better manner............Please tell me what sight is better than this one?
Better in what way? I've come across one's I consider perhaps more scholarly, more adult, more technical . . . more anal, if you will, but none more FUN.

Most of them are good. After all, we're talking stoner's talking here, folks. Have to take the bad w/the good, I reckon.
Better in what way? I've come across one's I consider perhaps more scholarly, more adult, more technical . . . more anal, if you will, but none more FUN.

Yeah exactly dude, Im a stoner.....geez ......not the damn president.
i cant belive they closed my thread
cause he said we were off topic
like wtf?

does that count as vulgar or obscene
this is all way fucking retarded. im a grown ass man if i cant say what i want when i want then fuck it, i just wont talk. ive been on this site for years and took many folks from seed to smoke. that is what this site started out as, a place to share a grow. not bitch and moan about petty bullshit that only matters to a very select few. dont get me wrong i dont go to the local kindergarden dropping the f-bumb, but when you sign onto this site it states you must be 18+. im on a site that advocates the use and production of illegal narcotics (in many cases), and i cant say shit ??? lol well friends thats just alil bit too much hipocracy for me.

to mr.rollitup
youve got my 5 and my sincerest hopes that things workout the way you hope they will. but this is a bad move and your hipocracy is just too much. w've always gotten along and i hate to call you out like this do as i say not as i do attitude is going to be your and this sites undoing. for example look no farther than your signature.

The internet is a big place, and it's no surprise that from time to time a site will come along whose mission is to occupy the same niche as Rollitup. We have no issue with that. However, it would be against our best interests, and therefore the best interests of our members, for us to allow such sites to build upon our popularity by promoting themselves on Rollitup. "Therefore, no competing site may attempt to gain traffic from Rollitup in any way, including but not limited to, links in posts, signatures, profile information, PM's, emails, or IM's"

"do unto others" bro
I've been away for a few days so i'm not quite sure what's going on.

All i understand is that RIU wants this place to get more traffic right?

And if you think about it, lately there have been a lot of young or unintelligent people signing up and swearing unnecessarily, or calling someone names because the information they have received hasn't been what they wanted to hear.

I mean, we don't want this place to turn into Noob central, right?

Did everyone forget Forum etiquette?

Just saying, don't hate on me. :)
The goal of the rules was to make this a more enjoyable place for everyone, bigbads post shows why those rules need to be in place. Dont call me to a thread complain about the rules, mock the rules that I tried to setup. Then you wonder why I closed the thread, common guys. The swearing rule is a very simple rule and is mostly geared to those people that like to troll eachother and chew one another out. If you say fuck that is awesome, or something to that effect then you will be fine. Grow up a bit read between the lines.

Take care BigBad always enjoyed having you here.
I've been away for a few days so i'm not quite sure what's going on.

All i understand is that RIU wants this place to get more traffic right?

And if you think about it, lately there have been a lot of young or unintelligent people signing up and swearing unnecessarily, or calling someone names because the information they have received hasn't been what they wanted to hear.

I mean, we don't want this place to turn into Noob central, right?

Did everyone forget Forum etiquette?

Just saying, don't hate on me. :)

I'm sorry to say it is a little too late for that!!
leave it to the british to FUCK UP a good thing!!!

That is the kind of thing RIU is on about.

The rules have nothing to do with Nationality.

In fact, Nationality has nothing to do with anything on RIU.

It's people like you that are trolling the site and bringing it down..
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