White people, particularly men:

Was this black Yale student telling the truth or was she just making shit up, like the college professor?
This article says Neema Githere was not part of the group of girls turned away from the frat party. She wasn't there.

File this under the category of second-hand victimology.


Probably making this up too, right?

A History Of Racism At Sigma Alpha Epsilon

The "news" article you cited was bullshit, and what it boiled down to was, "drunk college boy is an asshole". Well, stop the fucking presses.

Cite more reliable stuff.

Facts matter. Lies don't.
Just read about the frat's history, including the "song" they seem to enjoy singing, and get back to me.
It's the PIGS that are the professional liars, as you well know. If a PIG is talking, he's lying.

No "facts" are ever uttered by a PIG!


Aww, diddums get a baton upside the head at the local Occupy Wallstreet rally and we're still angry on the inside about it?
It's the PIGS that are the professional liars, as you well know. If a PIG is talking, he's lying.

No "facts" are ever uttered by a PIG!


The video speaks for itself. This journalism professor was lying, and stoking racial animosities, a popular pass time on RIU. She wasn't stopped for "walking while black". She was treated with courtesy.

I guess that is the state of "journalism" in America, though.
What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.
I saw black men harrassing the shit outa white men when there's 4-5 black men and only 1 or 2 white men. I get alil pissed when i hear a black tell me how hard they have had it, need i remind them of the trail of tears? Why bother though right? The days of white men get there way is a delusion brought up by pissed off libtards lmao
I saw black men harrassing the shit outa white men when there's 4-5 black men and only 1 or 2 white men. I get alil pissed when i hear a black tell me how hard they have had it, need i remind them of the trail of tears? Why bother though right? The days of white men get there way is a delusion brought up by pissed off libtards lmao
Your stupidity is astounding.
The video speaks for itself. This journalism professor was lying, and stoking racial animosities, a popular pass time on RIU. She wasn't stopped for "walking while black". She was treated with courtesy.

I guess that is the state of "journalism" in America, though.
No comments on the subsequent articles, smart guy?