Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
yes I did. And I have

Why doesn't somebody take a closer look into how these universities are being run? Why does it need to all fall back on the tax payer? Do you know our national debt rose 300 billion in the past two weeks and nobody is talking about why?

How about we take a closer look into how these Universities are being run? 40-50k a year for a degree that isn't even worth it. A lot of professors are making damn near 200k a year. It's ridiculous
It's the American way, right? People love to complain about how our educators are underpaid. Can't have it both ways.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Trump is our best bet for that ever happening. imo
yeah but the problem is more then that,, you going to pay 300 bucks for a pair of jeans or 20 bucks ? see what i am getting at
you will never compete in world market know one will ever buy your over priced product where like i said 20 bucks gets you the same thing


Well-Known Member
It's the American way, right? People love to complain about how our educators are underpaid. Can't have it both ways.
People say that about some educators. And yes I would agree many of them are underpaid. But not college professors. The best teachers don't do it to get rich, they do it because they love to teach

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I had a teacher once ask what do you think is better going to university or college for lets say a plumbing trade you get a grade 12 or drop out that starts at a plumbing oufit does his 1 year worth of work then does his 1st year apprentice test and so on 4 years later her is a journey men plumber making top wage .
Now you have this nerd in school studying plumbing 4 years later he is out of college and looking for the plumbing job 4 years later and going in as 1st year who is making more money college student or that drop out that is a journey man giving this college student orders lol

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
One could say most of the college students going to schools are sad cases big percentage drops out ,small percentage actually become something the others there have no balls and using the system to get the loans and what have you wasting tax payers money on being to scared to actually man up n get out there n work living the party life and false dreams


Well-Known Member
I had a teacher once ask what do you think is better going to university or college for lets say a plumbing trade you get a grade 12 or drop out that starts at a plumbing oufit does his 1 year worth of work then does his 1st year apprentice test and so on 4 years later her is a journey men plumber making top wage .
Now you have this nerd in school studying plumbing 4 years later he is out of college and looking for the plumbing job 4 years later and going in as 1st year who is making more money college student or that drop out that is a journey man giving this college student orders lol
people don't spend 4 years in college to learn plumbing, idiot.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
your (fat (fat (fat))) wife never worked in her life but now she is collecting thousands in SS every month.

cheese eating racist loser.
What makes you think that? Hey my wife pays her tax's just like the next guy or gal. Is this your war on women? Gravy , yum.


Well-Known Member
The post says after four years working in the field, a plumber will become a journeyman. He only cited college as a contrast to the liberal way of doing things.


Well-Known Member
The post says after four years working in the field, a plumber will become a journeyman. He only cited college as a contrast to the liberal way of doing things.
read it again, dumbass.

"Now you have this nerd in school studying plumbing 4 years later he is out of college and looking for the plumbing job"

people don't go to college for four years to become plumbers.

donald trump will lose, so will ben carson, and you are racist.

and global warming is real and manmade.


Well-Known Member
2 years schooling and 5600 hours worked in the field then MAYBE you'll pass the journeyman testing in hvac.
Plumbing is probably similar.
Can you please go two motherfucking posts without calling someone a name window installer.


Well-Known Member
Teachers aren't underpaid, they work like 8 months out of the year... The administration is over paid..a bunch of fat cats doin nothing and making 150-300 k a year and absurd pensions.


Well-Known Member
2 years schooling and 5600 hours worked in the field then MAYBE you'll pass the journeyman testing in hvac.
Plumbing is probably similar.
Can you please go two motherfucking posts without calling someone a name window installer.
wasn't it hilarious when you stated how much you appreciated that white power BBQ owner having a white pride day, then i pointed out what a racist you were, and you had a three week long meltdown?

i thought that was funny as hell.


Well-Known Member
I can only speculate as an outsider. But Trump looks like a complete chauvinist racist wanker. You guys in the states have some serious issues if you vote that clown into power. Take some advice from a country that put a similar fuck tard into the top seat. Tony Abbott lasted just under 2 years. He made G.W. Bush look like a fucking genius. One would think that's impossible. Abbott made it look like a walk in the park. Or a casual jog in his budgie smugglers singing "Anything you can do, I can do better" :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
White power mexican guy owns that bbq by the way, was it you that called the bomb threat on his place at about that time? Meltdown king.
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