Nitro -
What is it you like about Trump? 1-3 bulletpoint reasons would be appreciated my friend<hugs>
1. I like the idea of a wall and a sign up project that will reward the hard working latino's to achieve the american dream.
2. I like the idea of fixing the ACA so people like me aren't getting shit on with 20%, 25% increases in health care.
3. I like the idea of paying less tax's with Trumps plan so I can grow my business.
4. I like the thought of someone that is going to make america great again. fuck that sounds good.
5. I like the thought of someone cleaning the white house of all the hate for half of america.
6. I like the thought of fixing this free trade crap that has gotten out of control. china, Mexico , Japan and who ever else is fucking us on trade deals. My business in the fishing industry has been fuck on free trade for decades.
Sky, Thats just a few reasons for starters.