Donald Trump

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Life on the line, lol. I would go into "Why", but I'm afraid that you wouldn't be able to comprehend it anyway (Trump supporters can't be that bright). So I'll do my best to dumb it down for you: FUCK THE POLICE!!!

You color the red part like you think it's smart. Are you on the wrong thread?
I'm sorry. Was I even talking to you? You fucking Trump idiots are actually dumber than I thought.

You keep talking like that and Trumps numbers will continue to go up. imo You should pace your self over the next 12 months so you don't pop like a zit before you have a chance to vote.
You keep talking like that and Trumps numbers will continue to go up. imo You should pace your self over the next 12 months so you don't pop like a zit before you have a chance to vote.
There you go talking to me without permission. Didn't we discuss this already. And I'd wager a year's salary against Trump winning.
Life on the line, lol. I would go into "Why", but I'm afraid that you wouldn't be able to comprehend it anyway (Trump supporters can't be that bright). So I'll do my best to dumb it down for you: FUCK THE POLICE!!!
reported as bear scat. You basically post the same shit everyday.
There you go talking to me without permission. Didn't we discuss this already. And I'd wager a year's salary against Trump winning.

You are willing to bet a years salary? fuck thats smart. I will make you a deal without making your self look like a total fool. You can go back to your fuck the cops thread and I will not post there. Its that simple.
How many illegal alien murderers does the Obama Administration release into the public on a daily basis? Rapists? Drunk drivers? does anybody know?
i bet you be shocked that most are acual american citizens not illegals there to busy working and taking there money home
i bet you be shocked that most are acual american citizens not illegals there to busy working and taking there money home
In 2013, The Obama administration released 193 illegal aliens with murder convictions.
426 illegals with sexual assault convictions, and
16,000 with drunk driving convictions.

1/3 of people in prison, are here in this country illegaly. How much money would we save, if tax payers didn't have to pay for it? Especially when illegals make up such a small fraction of our population. Crunch the numbers, and then we'll compare our analysis in a little while
You are willing to bet a years salary? fuck thats smart. I will make you a deal without making your self look like a total fool. You can go back to your fuck the cops thread and I will not post there. Its that simple.

Nitro -

What is it you like about Trump? 1-3 bulletpoint reasons would be appreciated my friend<hugs>

In 2013, The Obama administration released 193 illegal aliens with murder convictions.
426 illegals with sexual assault convictions, and
16,000 with drunk driving convictions.

1/3 of people in prison, are here in this country illegaly. How much money would we save, if tax payers didn't have to pay for it? Especially when illegals make up such a small fraction of our population. Crunch the numbers, and then we'll compare our analysis in a little while

That really sucks. They call them south siders in the joint.
Nitro -

What is it you like about Trump? 1-3 bulletpoint reasons would be appreciated my friend<hugs>


1. I like the idea of a wall and a sign up project that will reward the hard working latino's to achieve the american dream.

2. I like the idea of fixing the ACA so people like me aren't getting shit on with 20%, 25% increases in health care.

3. I like the idea of paying less tax's with Trumps plan so I can grow my business.

4. I like the thought of someone that is going to make america great again. fuck that sounds good.

5. I like the thought of someone cleaning the white house of all the hate for half of america.

6. I like the thought of fixing this free trade crap that has gotten out of control. china, Mexico , Japan and who ever else is fucking us on trade deals. My business in the fishing industry has been fuck on free trade for decades.

Sky, Thats just a few reasons for starters.
In 2013, The Obama administration released 193 illegal aliens with murder convictions.
426 illegals with sexual assault convictions, and
16,000 with drunk driving convictions.

1/3 of people in prison, are here in this country illegaly. How much money would we save, if tax payers didn't have to pay for it? Especially when illegals make up such a small fraction of our population. Crunch the numbers, and then we'll compare our analysis in a little while
look at it this way
There were 3,384 homicides in Texas for the three years between 2011 and 2013, compared to an estimated 584 murder charges involving undocumented immigrants over a period stretching nearly four years.
So what was 2800 other murders done by ??? i bet you think muslims now right ??? lol yup terroists ffs
Kinda ironic when you think about it pointing fingers at illegals yet more then 4 out of 10 american citizens are repeat offenders and end up back in jail go figure
look at it this way
There were 3,384 homicides in Texas for the three years between 2011 and 2013, compared to an estimated 584 murder charges involving undocumented immigrants over a period stretching nearly four years.
So what was 2800 other murders done by ??? i bet you think muslims now right ??? lol yup terroists ffs
According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The criminal aliens identified by the Texas DPS have been responsible for the most heinous types of crimes — and in astonishing numbers. From the Texas DPS report:

A review of these 177,588 defendants shows that they are responsible for at least 611,234 individual criminal charges over their criminal careers, including 2,993 homicides and 7,695 sexual assaults.
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