BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Nice bit of space that loft Don.

The lads are right.

I wanna see you rocking 4 x 1000w vert bare bulbs with monsters in 30L pots across the struts within a year!

A year?!? Five weeks more like. Come on Don we can see the floor and you know that means you're doing it wrong. Fill the fucker up already lol
Hell why not try to beat me. We will have our 6k-8k up in about two weeks you got this don;)
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not to mention he keeps banging on about getting someone to come and do the pointing round the chimney stack cos its crumbling. Some builder sticking his head in there isn't going to be a good idea with 12 *600 w kicking out. Or should I be going bigger and putting another floor on top?!
If I were doing something that big, it wouldn't be in the house I was living in. You'd be better renting a seperate gaff, the rent would be minimal compared to yield.
that has alsorts of complications to take into account. I live in a built up area, I'd have to live in the other property at least some of the week and that'd look odd to the gf's family not to mention the scrotes round my way would twig straight off and i'd be taxed and out of pocket grands, which as you can imagine with this years move and renovation i haven't got. in house is actually the safest way D, then they've got me to deal with if they do want to tax it.

Spain is meant to be doing the heavy lifting bru. i just want a bit percy and enough for flaming a holiday. oh no wait I was supposed to be getting engaged fucking years ago til every man and his fucking dog started telling me how to live my life.
even you should know that 600's give more lumens for the leccy Jig. or you'd have 12 x 1K's :-D

Even the Double Ended thingys? That's what I meant anyways 12 Gavitas. You can tell the guy who comes to fix the chimney it's a place for your girl to work on her tan.

I'm sure you've already told the story on the cat, but it has me curious. lol
12 gavitas probably better i dunno, the science is a bit much for me at the moment,

I'm teething. there's a bit the size of a small island coming out my gum sideways. the cat's just thrown up more than I though his body could hold.

The cat.... (We got from my gf's uncle next door, his cat didn't get on with it ( and has fucking feline AIDS) honestly he thinks he's Dr Dolittle her uncle).

He's someone's indoor, he's nuetered not chipped. was sat out in the the rain doesn't seem to have any outdoor knowledge so we think he's got lost or whatever. vet says he's the claws and coat of an indoor cat. I put his pic on signs round the estate and on the local papers lost n found, my gf the local facebook. no one's come for him. now he keeps looking at the door like he wants out & he dived past my lass the other day in rush hour, we live on a main road so we've been keeping him in thinking it for the best but i'm not so sure now he's wanting out. I think he's been stray/lost for a few weeks found a good spot here, got himself fed and warmed up and now wants to go again. My GF is super allergic to him just for shits n giggles. and my clean clothes out the washer have hair on them.

I think he needs re-homing to somewhere not as built up.
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