The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
What a fag lol just popped 7 deepbluex liver n 5 cheese bukakke just noticed 8ve a dinar fem cheese seed barney's farm lsd left n 3 fireballs n a few dogs aswell not to mention an auto widow that I'll probably never pop


Well-Known Member
haha ive got an auto ak going at min was free so thought fuck it may as well only small but budding ok give me something to smoke i guess


Well-Known Member
Sound like topdog and baz would get on like a house on fire lol, wank having folk around ain't it man, this growing lark has turned me into a recluse


Well-Known Member

got sent a 12" fan instead of a 6" n I set it up and put the bitch in but dunno if it's to big?? Got an 80x80x160 tent. I've angled the fan up on the lowest setting. What sort of movement should I be aiming for from the plants?


Well-Known Member
Got 4 , 6 day old seedlings in there. Few inches tall with second nodes growing
Lol u don't really need much movement at all at that stage, and I'm guessing u mean an oscillating fan and not an extractor as 12" is far to big an extractor for an 80x80 tent.
I've got a 7" oscillating in a 1x1x2m tent and that does perfect with 6 plants in there.