I am quite worried about a situation, advice would be appreciated.

Ask the next pharmacist why you are being denied Sudafed. Possibly someone is using your name to purchase it. I would be more concerned about that than a text message.

If they can't or won't tell you it might be related to the case you are worried about. Better to know.
just a question.. if your so paranoid about getting somehow connected to this guys selling oil, (bear with me here) then why are you going around trying to buy sudafed from various pharmacies?

I feel that if I was concerned for my well being and freedom because of paranoia I doubt id be trying to buy things that are known precursors...
just a question.. if your so paranoid about getting somehow connected to this guys selling oil, (bear with me here) then why are you going around trying to buy sudafed from various pharmacies?

I feel that if I was concerned for my well being and freedom because of paranoia I doubt id be trying to buy things that are known precursors...
The only reason I went was because my mom was sick and wanted me to pick some up... After I got denied at the first pharmacy I went to another just to see if it was only a glitch in their system (the pharmacist at the first pharmacy told me it might have just been their system). I didn't even think about the two being connected until I got denied the sudafed and I started to worry more after that. I also didn't try to buy any more after that.
Hello all, I have a question about a situation that has been worrying me for a long time. I met a guy who sold concentrates through my normal weed dealer and I bought oil from him a few times in November and December of 2014. In March of 2015, I found out that he had gotten his apartment raided and arrested in January (he sold weed, concentrates, shrooms, and possibly other stuff that I didn't know about). I had texted him in February asking him if he had any oil (stupid, I know) and he didn't reply so I just dropped it. I never made any kind of contact with him again. And then I found out about his arrest in March. Even though it is now almost October and it has been around 8 months, I am still worried about this. What made me really worried was that about 2-3 weeks ago I went to the pharmacy to get some Sudafed and I was denied it, so I went to another pharmacy and was denied again. It was very strange to me because I have not bought Sudafed in a very long time. I remembered that when I was told by my friend about the oil guy's arrest that apparently the cops planted meth in his apartment (but I don't know the truth of that statement).

So basically, 8 months after he got arrested, I am freaking out over this text I sent to my oil guy. I am really worried because I am applying to law school this fall and even though nothing has happened to me, I am still incredibly worried about this. I keep thinking that I am on some "list" or something, I worry about this all the time.

Am I just being incredibly paranoid?

There is another thing I forgot to add: I'm pretty sure the oil guy isn't incarcerated because he is active on facebook (I'm not friends with him though).
You want to be a lawyer? my advice would be to use this as learning experience. You should know even if you have not attended law school yet, That they have nothing on you. Nothing but unfounded suspicion (cant spell). The thing that is freaking you out is NOT the "facts of the case". but paranoia. IMHO you should start thinking like a lawyer about this, realize they have shit on you and move on. Conquer that fear in your mind now instead of locking up with fear on a clients case in the future.
You want to be a lawyer? my advice would be to use this as learning experience. You should know even if you have not attended law school yet, That they have nothing on you. Nothing but unfounded suspicion (cant spell). The thing that is freaking you out is NOT the "facts of the case". but paranoia. IMHO you should start thinking like a lawyer about this, realize they have shit on you and move on. Conquer that fear in your mind now instead of locking up with fear on a clients case in the future.

I keep trying to shake this from my mind but I don't know why I can't. I keep thinking that since I was denied sudafed that something would be on my record (I know, I seem crazy). I even paid for an employee background check on myself because I want to start looking for a new job and nothing came up, even on the county court checks. I wish I could think about my own situation in a logical manner but I'm working on it.
This story don't make sense... Unless you were buying sudafed for someone.
Wait, how doesn't it make sense? I was only trying to buy the sudafed for my mom because she was at home sick. Prior to that I hadn't even bought any sudafed in over a year, I don't even remember the last time because it has been that long.
Don't worry...the worst thing that can happen is it might come up in a child protection case where unfounded allegations are permitted or maybe running for mayor or something.
Don't worry...the worst thing that can happen is it might come up in a child protection case where unfounded allegations are permitted or maybe running for mayor or something.
What would come up... That I texted a dealer after they were arrested? I've never been contacted by law enforcement or anything
They don't contact people. You usually get to read unfounded allegations in a document that is served concerning a different matter.
They don't contact people. You usually get to read unfounded allegations in a document that is served concerning a different matter.
other than the two example that you listed, when would this come up? How would I even know for sure that I have something like this? This won't affect me getting a job or law school or anything, will it?
It took us months to calm him down, and you dropped that crazy outta the blue random one in a million shit on him!?

You are fine bro.... but.... stop being such an obvious drug paranoid person, or stay away from drugs....

Never ask "Am I allowed to buy sudafed?" You just purchase it...

And no one cares about weed bro....
It took us months to calm him down, and you dropped that crazy outta the blue random one in a million shit on him!?

You are fine bro.... but.... stop being such an obvious drug paranoid person, or stay away from drugs....

Never ask "Am I allowed to buy sudafed?" You just purchase it...

And no one cares about weed bro....

You just made me laugh so hard hahaha. Im actually a girl, like my username suggests ;) I don't know why people in this thread seem to think I'm a guy, but whatever.

My paranoia is due to my anxiety disorder, but I am working on it.
Trust me your fine, let it go, you're going to have to face much bigger burdens on your conscience than this as a lawyer you have to get your anxiety under control, a book I would highly recommend is "A New Earth " by Eckhart Tolle.
Trust me your fine, let it go, you're going to have to face much bigger burdens on your conscience than this as a lawyer you have to get your anxiety under control, a book I would highly recommend is "A New Earth " by Eckhart Tolle.
I guess I'm just so afraid that it will come back to me when I want to apply to take the bar exam (the bar association asks you in the applications about your criminal history and also does a thorough background check) and I'll be prevented from becoming a lawyer. My anxiety gets the best of me but I do really need to get it under control. I will also most definitely check out the book.
I guess I'm just so afraid that it will come back to me when I want to apply to take the bar exam (the bar association asks you in the applications about your criminal history and also does a thorough background check) and I'll be prevented from becoming a lawyer. My anxiety gets the best of me but I do really need to get it under control. I will also most definitely check out the book.
you would KNOW if anything was on your background check
its been almost 2 months you need to let this go, this is becoming ridiculous honestly. and not good for your health.