The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well they're over a week into seedling and looking fine so imma ride it out. No other seeds to germinate anyway. You never done autos?


Well-Known Member
Nah man I'm not a queer...a fool proof method to germ seeds is to dress up In traditional Indian rain dance gear n play the seed germination song
but make sure u dance counter clock wise cuz if u do it clock wise ur shit will get wetter than a granny watching antique roadshow


Well-Known Member
Nah man I'm not a queer...a fool proof method to germ seeds is to dress up In traditional Indian rain dance gear n play the seed germination song
but make sure u dance counter clock wise cuz if u do it clock wise ur shit will get wetter than a granny watching antique roadshow
Added that to my playlist for next time man.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
next you'll be telling us a helicopter never crashed into the Clutha Vaults, lol.
I've not heard of that incident so don't know.

But regarding the Glasgow bin lorry crash, the official story is false and most of the photo's released by the main stream media have been photoshopped or are just plain fake in the first place.

If you want to see the story ripped to pieces using the freely available facts and officially released statements I suggest you read this linked article.

You have to take the guys skeptical personality with a pinch of salt cos he's quite a character, but he presents the facts as they are given and as an alternative journalist he's very good at what he does.
You won't get a more comprehensive analysis of the event anywhere else while using a factual basis.

There's no denying that the official narrative is complete bollocks and did not happen as we are told.

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Well-Known Member
I will never read that article and never read much of the event itself (I only quoted that as I can not honestly think of a reason why Spectre would want to make a story like that up) Bin lorry crash in Glasgow, End of World is Nigh, lol..

Most of the photos photoshopped....all photos that go to media are photoshopped or indesigned in some way, that's graphic media for you/print production.

And most people can put an argument forward to convince people that what they are saying is true. Most of history that is so called fact is debated within the heriarchies of Historians with them all thinking they are correct. Christ, we can't even agree that something that was done a few days ago is true, why would history be any different.

However, I tend to avoid hacks on the internet who promise the end of the world and spout on about Spectre being behind every single event on the planet. And I really can't stand when people tell me the World is going to end, Aliens are amongst us, and that I should be doing something......what, like tell my bank to fuk off they are not getting any mortgage payments next month because alients are mongst us, or just decide not to bother working beause anarchy is upon us. Bah, I think I'll just be a ganja smoking sheep!:)


Well-Known Member
I've not heard of that incident so don't know.

But regarding the Glasgow bin lorry crash, the official story is false and most of the photo's released by the main stream media have been photoshopped or are just plain fake in the first place.

If you want to see the story ripped to pieces using the freely available facts and officially released statements I suggest you read this linked article.

You have to take the guys skeptical personality with a pinch of salt cos he's quite a character, but he presents the facts as they are given and as an alternative journalist he's very good at what he does.
You won't get a more comprehensive analysis of the event anywhere else while using a factual basis.

There's no denying that the official narrative is complete bollocks and did not happen as we are told.
all good stuff yorkie but I am a bit suspicious of spivey cos he pushes this idea that Theresa may is a man, she is not imo I have had a one hour meeting with the woman and shes a bird imo

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And most people can put an argument forward to convince people that what they are saying is true.
It's not to convince people what he's saying is true, it's to convince people that the official story is not true.

He makes no attempt to put his own interpretation on the situation, only "what you are being told is a lie and here, I'll prove it's a lie using the available facts".

Nothing more, nothing less.


Well-Known Member
What was it my mate said, "Get online and buy as much water as you can, because in September the World is going tits up. You're my friend and I care about you, please watch this video and you will understand".
I received an Email with video. (never watched it, totally forgot to). Next time I saw him, "oh, you can delete that video as it never happened". LMFAO. If I believed everything the conspiracy nuts thought I would be as fucked if I believed everything the "higher beings" that seemingly run the World say. What are they called again....Spectre or some gash like that:)
logical fallacy D, appeal to ridicule, just cos hes a nutter dosnt mean ww3 hasn't kicked off imo

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
all good stuff yorkie but I am a bit suspicious of spivey cos he pushes this idea that Theresa may is a man, she is not imo I have had a one hour meeting with the woman and shes a bird imo

Like I say, he's quite a character but Ad Hominem aside the facts still remain when you take his personal opinion away.

I've done my own research on a few events before Spivey even got hold of them, Altern Towers being the most recent.

Lee Rigby was the biggest, I'd already made my mind up about the situation long before he got his teeth into it.
He just went that extra mile and really did some in depth research to add to what I already knew and blew the thing wide open.

The most shocking is the Shoreham Air Show crash, at first I didn't suspect that as being bent at all, I took it as 100% legit until I analysed the facts for myself via his site, now the thing is blown so far open it's not even funny.


Well-Known Member
Like I say, he's quite a character but Ad Hominem aside the facts still remain when you take his personal opinion away.

I've done my own research on a few events before Spivey even got hold of them, Altern Towers being the most recent.

Lee Rigby was the biggest, I'd already made my mind up about the situation long before he got his teeth into it.
He just went that extra mile and really did some in depth research to add to what I already knew and blew the thing wide open.

The most shocking is the Shoreham Air Show crash, at first I didn't suspect that as being bent at all, I took it as 100% legit until I analysed the facts for myself via his site, now the thing is blown so far open it's not even funny.
thanks man I ll check him out again


Well-Known Member
We're all nutters in one way or another I guess, and for sure, Z I think the World is at a place that is just mind blowingly shit. I just don't read into alternative theories or even original theories about the million and 1 tragic events that happen almost every day (I have laready read 1 article to much about the Paris thing). My mind is full of enough shit as it is.....try getting the tune to Blaze and the Monster Machines out of your head!!


Well-Known Member
btw she was my local MP and it was about a phone mast they were gonna devalue my property with
We're all nutters in one way or another I guess, and for sure, Z I think the World is at a place that is just mind blowingly shit. I just don't read into alternative theories or even original theories about the million and 1 tragic events that happen almost every day (I have laready read 1 article to much about the Paris thing). My mind is full of enough shit as it is.....try getting the tune to Blaze and the Monster Machines out of your head!!
sorry you re fatigued with it mate it understandable, the conspiracy theories and alternatives are pushed by the msm lol remember that one about rag heads in a cave on dialysis vaporizing steel buildings with aviation fuel, laughable fantasy imo


Well-Known Member
btw she was my local MP and it was about a phone mast they were gonna devalue my property with

sorry you re fatigued with it mate it understandable, the conspiracy theories and alternatives are pushed by the msm lol remember that one about rag heads in a cave on dialysis vaporizing steel buildings with aviation fuel, laughable fantasy imo
I am more fatigued with childrens television to be honest.