Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Ya since my tatters are not huge I plan to pump like crazy...daddy needs to feed baby too lol but I guess baby decides if they want nipple or bottle. Does pumping /breastfeeding hurt? In regards to nipples..my guy can't even touch them as it is lol...
Everyone recommends pampers swaddlers. .is it the fit or absorbancy?
Did u have u placenta dried out and capsuled. .my sister in law said I should to get all the nutrients back to prevent post pardom depression. .
Did u get an epidural? ? Sorry so many questions just curious.
You're like joking about the placenta dried out thing right

There's nipple cream to help with the whole breastfeeding nipple pain prob find it at Walmart
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:wall:Oh ffs k message this person on a local buy sell kinda deal on fb for this brand new car seat cause it's gorgeous but they won't answer my message prob cause they can't see it
And I don't wanna write on the post I messaged you because than it will show up on everyone's timeline and I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant yet Iol
You're like joking about the placenta dried out thing right

There's nipple cream to help with the whole breastfeeding nipple pain prob find it at Walmart

No very serious....it's dried and powdered u take them in pill form. .apparently mid wives are the best to contact and swear by it..I guess the reason is to help decrease post pardom depression. All the nutrients stored in it are returned to ur body to help with healing and lactation production

Still doing some research but I'm thinking why not...animals eat their offsprings placenta after birth for a reason. .
No very serious....it's dried and powdered u take them in pill form. .apparently mid wives are the best to contact and swear by it..I guess the reason is to help decrease post pardom depression. All the nutrients stored in it are returned to ur body to help with healing and lactation production

Still doing some research but I'm thinking why not...animals eat their offsprings placenta after birth for a reason. .
ill pass on that one
whatever floats your boat! :D

but there is cream to help with pain for the nipples when you breast feed. that i know!
oh i can think of other ways to stop PPD before i would do that, but to each their own.
i shall not be parttaking of any placenta eating in the form of capsules


Don't get me wrong, I do not consider April's advice as bad advice... we just felt the same way.

My sister on the other hand ... would probably like justugh... so it is really easy to disregard her actions as those of a nut.
ya i remember you telling me about your sister over a beer, LOL
i thought it was a joke i legitimately didnt think that was a thing so if i offended i didnt mean to
if its consensual its vegan, breastfeeding is vegan eating your own placenta would be as well, swallowing cum is vegan
its not vegan when you take a life of a being because you want to eat bacon

Mmm placenta bacon....

Lol I seriously died laughing. .u have ur moments..lol
I could go for a nice steak wrapped in some thick-cut bacon right about now...some green beans and perhaps some garlic toast...

I think I'll get day drunk this afternoon and do some grilling.

Fuck yeah.
Ahhhyyee just heard shot outback. a month from now ill h.ear how, at dusk, neighbor got one - first day of hunting season. plentiful yahoos w/ guns along burbs perimeter, not chill.image.jpg