Random Jibber Jabber Thread

(one of) my superpowers is that I make a damn good pie. Secret ingredient: vodka/icewater in the crust. No lie. The vodka adds moisture then the alcohol evaporates lending maximum flakiness
Also the secret to a truly crispy tempura batter. Ice cold (but not iced) seltzer water and vodka. Putting ice in it depletes the carbonation, so don't do that.
Also the secret to a truly crispy tempura batter. Ice cold (but not iced) seltzer water and vodka. Putting ice in it depletes the carbonation, so don't do that.

This book taught me that in order to make the batter REALLY crispy, add once oz. jizz to every six ozs. batter. I haven't tasted it myself because, gross, but I did serve it to friends and family who seemed to enjoy it very much. It's these personal touches that makes my food so good...

This book taught me that in order to make the batter REALLY crispy, add once oz. jizz to every six ozs. batter. I haven't tasted it myself because, gross, but I did serve it to friends and family who seemed to enjoy it very much. It's these personal touches that makes my food so good...

I'll be over in an hour to listen to chamber music with a glass of port.
This book taught me that in order to make the batter REALLY crispy, add once oz. jizz to every six ozs. batter. I haven't tasted it myself because, gross, but I did serve it to friends and family who seemed to enjoy it very much. It's these personal touches that makes my food so good...


So I thought that was a joke then I found this

Cherry Pie for all…..made it today. The little one is for @curious2garden. She gets her own :-)

(one of) my superpowers is that I make a damn good pie. Secret ingredient: vodka/icewater in the crust. No lie. The vodka adds moisture then the alcohol evaporates lending maximum flakiness

We have discussed your pie before. I would love for you to walk me through it, step by step. In detail.

I also wouldn’t mind a recipe for that delicious pie…

So very deep. How ya doin? Long time no chat.

How's everyone doin?

Missing you too! (with every bullet so far) but I knew a good knife fight would bring you out. We had like three days of fall out here in the Mojave before we froze and I've spent the greater part of the last week plumbing everything!

How have you been? Coding much? Getting out to shoot?
Going to walk the dog in this blizzard. If I'm not back in 20 minutes, call the cops.

please don't call the cops

Got my goggles and a flare gun.

Keep your cell phone FAR away from the dog he might call the law on you for taking him out in a blizzard! Remember you can never really trust them or so I've been told.

this must be a sign that I need to find a better way to spend my time.
I thought you'd be thinking new revenue stream so to speak
Keep your cell phone FAR away from the dog he might call the law on you for taking him out in a blizzard! Remember you can never really trust them or so I've been told.

I thought you'd be thinking new revenue stream so to speak
Oh he loved it. Only reason I walked him he kept holding my boot in his mouth and giving me the hopeful/ disappointed look. Guilt trips me every time. Had snow encrusted on his face, wagging his tail. Should have took a pic. Guy that drove by smiled at how stupid I looked and waved.
tell me why when i actually use my degrees and try to help.. no likes.
is it just too long to read? ive posted things that arent on the internet period. like my cdlsa, similar to acid. never studied or even theorized.

but i talk like an ignorant mafucker like i also am...lots of likes.
its frustrating

take a couple posts like this, or my posts on how curing actually works making @SimonD disappear

ive done this many times

no likes

and lol at the fermentation theory someone spread

i mean this stuff is gold

cb1 receptors respond to the c-9 position of the cyclohexane ring, the phenolic hydroxyl and carbon/non polar side chains at c3...

check structure of win 55,not the dame class, not a terpenoid like thc. but look
napthalene ring - cyclohexane ring, carbonyl group -phenolic hydroxyl, and morpholinoethyl group..quite potent

thc binds through
2 oxygens a phenolic hydroxyl at position 1 and an oxygen pyran ring opposite,interacting through hydrogen bonding th cb leaving a lysine residue..the opening of the pyran ring not being significant...

as far as potency and activation..

acyclic ring was found to be better than a heterocyclic ring, with a cyclohexane ring being optimal. In addition, the size and the position of the substituent on the cyclic ring is important to maintenance of CB1 affinity...position of double bonds within the cyclohexane ring effect activity. For example, moving the double bond of 9-THC to position 8 (as in 8-THC) decreases CB1affinity. about 30%
methyl (less likely to hydrogen bond) ethyl etc generally kills short side chains kill activity, 4-6 is best, branched chain increases activity.. increasing ring size to say heptane increases activity of both, conversion to a pyran cuts cb2 .adding oxy, hydroxy ketones increase cb2 .a sulfur substitution anywhere ruins it.
oxy in the phenyl ring increases cb1 can't substitute the phenol or alter placement as I was mentioning about delta 8, serious alterations ruin it
, degree of saturation as well as the position of the double bond in the cyclohexane ring effects cb.

or how thc is produced...
so inside the trichomes
Geranyl pyrophosphate and a precursor to olivetolic acid react, a c12 (for pentyl) c10(for propyl)polyketide,then through cyclization yielding olivetolic acid..then catalyzed by an enzyme to produce cannabigerolic acid along with alkylation.. The production of Thc (and propyl)thcv cbd cbdv and cbc cbcv are controlled by 3 different enzymes Thca synthase being the enzyme converting cbga to thca through an oxidative cyclization of the geranyl group on cbga(of course this is all a bit, well really simplified for y'all) geranyl diphosphate + olivetolate =cannabigerolate + diphosphate.. cannabigerolate + O(2) = Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinolate + H(2)O(2)

and how you could help out these processes increasing production
I read all of your post I stumble across and even reference any unknown structure your talking about. Your chemistry background and knowledge is anything but amazing (even after being awake for three days). I worked on psa/pdda drug delivery systems in college (didn't work) in that research I found someone similar to you posting on a forum i found through sigma Aldrich. Please keep posting man, go off on as many tangents at you want please! Most members here want to be spoon fed answers, I equate it to knowing math or just using a calculator.. A lot of calc heroes here. There are those out there who want and need to know how it works (cn,duck,C2g). For their sake and mine keep it up! Don't worry that someone says bulbous erection and get a million likes... That's your audience

You are appreciated
I read all of your post I stumble across and even reference any unknown structure your talking about. Your chemistry background and knowledge is anything but amazing (even after being awake for three days). I worked on psa/pdda drug delivery systems in college (didn't work) in that research I found someone similar to you posting on a forum i found through sigma Aldrich. Please keep posting man, go off on as many tangents at you want please! Most members here want to be spoon fed answers, I equate it to knowing math or just using a calculator.. A lot of calc heroes here. There are those out there who want and need to know how it works (cn,duck,C2g). For their sake and mine keep it up! Don't worry that someone says bulbous erection and get a million likes... That's your audience

You are appreciated
++ rep LOL
I read all of your post I stumble across and even reference any unknown structure your talking about. Your chemistry background and knowledge is anything but amazing (even after being awake for three days). I worked on psa/pdda drug delivery systems in college (didn't work) in that research I found someone similar to you posting on a forum i found through sigma Aldrich. Please keep posting man, go off on as many tangents at you want please! Most members here want to be spoon fed answers, I equate it to knowing math or just using a calculator.. A lot of calc heroes here. There are those out there who want and need to know how it works (cn,duck,C2g). For their sake and mine keep it up! Don't worry that someone says bulbous erection and get a million likes... That's your audience

You are appreciated
Eleven. Awesome
Missing you too! (with every bullet so far) but I knew a good knife fight would bring you out. We had like three days of fall out here in the Mojave before we froze and I've spent the greater part of the last week plumbing everything!

How have you been? Coding much? Getting out to shoot?

i miss seeing you all too! i drop in from time to time, but never say anything, usually saved for the politics sections these days, if at all. yes, i've been busy coding, working on a new project involving natural language processing (NLP) and creating algorithms for correlating otherwise unassociated documents. oh and i bought another house. fun times!