You're right Vik. I had a friend leave our pack and to start hanging out with "tough types". Mind/heartless ones. They invited him to a party. Put alot of acid in his drink. And used him as their own personal jester.Someone who doesn't know that they are high could suffer long term mental anguish. This isn't a game. Be careful or someone might just decide you deserve to be played. If you can't respect a person's mental state then perhaps you are not really ready to understand what you are wishing to.
A guide never puts the student in harms way, including the students mind. If you want to help someone. Try relating to them first.
He ended up in a mental institution for several months. I don't know if those bastards were ever prosecuted for it. I believe that two were. IDK. He never was able to fully trust people afterwards. Multiple failed marriages.
The thing is that. When we were our own crew together. We tripped several times. And were good. We were like a brotherhood. He was even in a healthy relationship with one of our little "sisters".
Then he started to chill with the wrong crowd...