This grow has a theme,, Sink or swim,the SD is the only one having issues, but Like you I am not chasing the issue, its sink or swim,, and the SD is swimming, despite some leaf issue,, most of that issue is in its older leafs, but its alive and growing and thriving, so the SD can just "leaf issue" all it wants, the other 3 look pretty darn good, BB likes to droop its leafs over a little but the color is good and the growth is fast, BB is not over or under watered, its just doing its own thing, so Swim away,, the J1 has caught up to the others,, those sativas,, lol,, the Best Plant award goes to the GG4,, it is bye far the happiest,, has the best color biggest leafs, it doesnt grow as fast,, but its doing the best hands down,, so if it smokes good, and I am sure it will, someday I may just do a single or a double of just gg4,, time will tell,,
I lowered the light to 15 inches above the SD which is the tallest, but not by much,,I am looking at the remaining height in the box, flipping is near,, just not yet,, a tiny bit more growth needed,, It gets easier to envision how much they will fill out after the flip the more crops we grow
I did some lower leaf and scraggly limb trimming from stuff way down low,