Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Haha, I wasn't crying I was laughing about how you did misquote me. Once again, though I repeated what I said and you're still trying to misrepresent what I said. I just find it ironic that you're doing what you accuse me of always doing, and thus, I find it amusing. ;)
You must have been laughing so hard that you forgot to make any sense.

..... And then you went back to edit your post afterwards, just so you could claim that I misquoted you. That is very dishonest. Also, there is a big difference between misquoting, and what you believe to be a misinterpretation of your post. Cut out the PC crap, and stop playing games. Not cool bro


Well-Known Member
You must have been laughing so hard that you forgot to make any sense.

..... And then you went back to edit your post afterwards, just so you could claim that I misquoted you. That is very dishonest. Also, there is a big difference between misquoting, and what you believe to be a misinterpretation of your post. Cut out the PC crap, and stop playing games. Not cool bro
You can't even attack my positions, just make things up. Not cool bro, but nice try. Unfortunately you did misquote, and did misinterpret. There is no "PC crap" here, and the only one playing games is you. Getting mad over there?


Well-Known Member
Haha, I wasn't crying I was laughing about how you did misquote me. Once again, though I repeated what I said and you're still trying to misrepresent what I said. I just find it ironic that you're doing what you accuse me of always doing, and thus, I find it amusing. ;)
If we can depend on Not GOP for 1 thing...its the ability to take words out of context and decide new meaning for them


Well-Known Member
Trump is loud and proud.
He has an outdoor voice even when he is indoors and in front of microphones...He exhibits some degree of leadership largely absent from the current crop of POTUS wannabes.

His popularity is a direct result of the dissatisfaction many voters of an Independent or Republican bent perceive as an abject failure of career, experienced, politicians to do anything good for this country.
They think that the US is in a shambles.
And they think that a true outsider, with zero political experience, can do better than the entrenched, establishment candidates.
We are deep into November and Trump still leads all national!


Well-Known Member
It is still very, very early. Things can, and will change.
And this poll was conducted by the tainted FoxNews outfit.

But somehow, the results are still ruffling the frilly panties of devout Dems...
Republicans want a candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton. A new Fox News poll finds Marco Rubio performs best against the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Rubio has an eight-point edge: 50 percent to Clinton’s 42 percent.

Then again, Clinton -- who commands 55 percent support among Democratic primary voters, easily outpacing Bernie Sanders (32 percent) and Martin O’Malley (3 percent) -- trails all top-tier Republicans in hypothetical 2016 face-offs.


Well-Known Member
It is still very, very early. Things can, and will change.
And this poll was conducted by the tainted FoxNews outfit.

But somehow, the results are still ruffling the frilly panties of devout Dems...
Republicans want a candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton. A new Fox News poll finds Marco Rubio performs best against the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Rubio has an eight-point edge: 50 percent to Clinton’s 42 percent.

Then again, Clinton -- who commands 55 percent support among Democratic primary voters, easily outpacing Bernie Sanders (32 percent) and Martin O’Malley (3 percent) -- trails all top-tier Republicans in hypothetical 2016 face-offs.
Faux Noise polls? LMAO!


Well-Known Member
Other than Hannity and maybe Wallace, Fox News doesn't like Trump all that much. They would rather see Rubio get the nomination.
According to that poll, basically every republican candidate in field is beating her. Does that sound right to you? Chris Christie? Please
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And you go from Faux to Breitbart? You should really get out more.
How come Hillary pretends to support women and sympathize with rape victims, but attacks anybody who dare claim to be a victim of her husband's unwanted sexual advances?


Well-Known Member
Trump is loud and proud.
He has an outdoor voice even when he is indoors and in front of microphones...He exhibits some degree of leadership largely absent from the current crop of POTUS wannabes.

His popularity is a direct result of the dissatisfaction many voters of an Independent or Republican bent perceive as an abject failure of career, experienced, politicians to do anything good for this country.
They think that the US is in a shambles.
And they think that a true outsider, with zero political experience, can do better than the entrenched, establishment candidates.
We are deep into November and Trump still leads all national!
Is that what you think "leadership" is? Talking loud at a 4th grade level?

By that standard, sure, Trump's the best leader among GOP candidates


Well-Known Member
How come Hillary pretends to support women and sympathize with rape victims, but attacks anybody who dare claim to be a victim of her husband's unwanted sexual advances?
You'll have to ask her yourself. When I called, her phone just went to voice mail.


Well-Known Member
And you go from Faux to Breitbart? You should really get out more.
Well, at least it wasn't a complete shitbox like HuffPo or the NY Times. Then we could really mock him. But, that's unlikely, you'd need a severe head trauma to believe anything from those scumbags.
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