Well-Known Member
You do know what propaganda is, right? You do know it was used effectively by the Germans in WWII, right? They were able to convince average citizens to commit atrocities.You are telling me that you believe the same government who invades innocent countries (Iraq), tell us they have weapons of mass destruction, a government so corrupt that it waterboarded captured suspected terrorists? Yet you believe it doesn't tie into the democratic ideology? You are smarter than that.
Show me anything the department of defense has said, that in anyway says that climate change is responsible for terrorism, under a Republican president, and I will believe too. Sounds like a bunch "weapons of mass destruction" talk to me.
I Believe the point padawanbater is making...
Nobody, not even Sanders has said climate change is responsible for terrorism. What the DoD has said is that climate change contributes to the causes associated with extremism
....is that many of these countries are unstable at best. Politically, economically and other. History has shown that this has happened already (once in the bronze age and once around 476 AD when Rome fell to name a few) Climate shift was linked to famine that causes less advanced/stable peoples to migrate in mass numbers, overburdening more advanced nations and causes a strain on resources leading to economic collapse. I lived in the middle east for some time and traveled extensively before 2000 when the borders were open and it was relatively safe. The vast majority of these regions fall under these conditions. I would say most desert nations walk a tough line.
As we know, instability in an area with a weak/corrupt government lacking decent education and a decently sized segment of the population steeped in religious zeal (regardless of which one) can quickly turn ugly.
I mean....if you want to see the effects of a lack of education and too much religious influence just look at Not GOP...that guy is certainly bringing our society down. Imagine the impact that fat boy could have if he didn't have enough food and had to leave his moms basement....scary.
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