Diagnosis for leaf curl anyone ??


Well-Known Member
Thought this maybe the issue, cold nights and very hot days. Unfortunately its the only place i can grow. Bummer.


Well-Known Member
I see some calmag def try taking a pic with the light off. But the grip looks usually 2 much nutes,if the plants as yellow as message thinks you've some lockout or major ass defs


Well-Known Member
im assuming they are a good colour the hps can be deceiving, don't worry looks like u just fed them a tad strong, they always do this in supersoil to begin with stong soil with low O2, they will come right imo


Well-Known Member
im assuming they are a good colour the hps can be deceiving, don't worry looks like u just fed them a tad strong, they always do this in supersoil to begin with stong soil with low O2, they will come right imo
If you have leaf curl it will last awhile. Weeks at least. There is no remedy or flushing. As for watering, if you are taking care of individual plants rather than a ton of clones, it's safest and best for them to let them go as far as wilting before watering. Once a plant is over-watered it can just die, but if it gets so dry that it wilts it just means that it used up all the water and you can really soak it. I run water through three times sometimes. And drain off the extra after it sits a few minutes soaking. Leaf curl is too much nitrogen. You can also lift each plant and feel if it's light or still heavy with water. They're all a little different as far as how fast they will dry up.


Well-Known Member
I have two plants almost three feet in seven gallons of Happy Frog. I added the smallest amount of natural fertilizer deep in the pot. They each got leaf curl later. Each of their soil products needs to immediate amending. Even as you go up in sizes of pots the soil has enough nutrients to get them through to the next transplant. I know everyone likes supersoil, but you'll never eff up a plant if you use minute amounts of natural fertilizer with each watering. They never run out and they still get faded leaves when you stop during budding. blah blah blah..I'm fifty. sorry. i sprouted seeds since 1980.


Well-Known Member
Oldbike has a valid point, one strategy is to use minimum water

just enough for them to survive and a little more

like 2 coffee cups a day max(ur citation needed)

but do avoid severe underwatering

the deal being as the plants swing from very hot to very cold

the very hot peak ,above 25c/77f plants fall dormant and the 02 is ripped from the rootzone

the same happens again at the very coldest 'peak' and also brings with it mold and bacteria infection

most strains these days have considerable indica and can handle temp extremes

just note that roots need as much air as water ..

and air is good at moments like these

my2c and good luck


Well-Known Member
I hate leaf curl. It hurts yields and quality and for me it never goes away. I've had issues usually in the type of strain I'm growing. Some strains (mostly the hybrids) can take a lot of nutes without curl then I use the same amount of nutes on a mostly sativa or 95% Indica and the fusking things curl like a bitch. I had one curl just becasue I brought her indoors under a lamp from a hot 90F+ outdoor environment.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much everyone for all your info. Im fairly new to this game and am trying different things to my first grow which are obviously to my detriment. Im using the same size pots aprox 15-20 liter but using different soil and feeding different. Sure the soil said it had some good stuff in it but i did int assume that meant i shouldn't feed. I have some hydro flower stuff that says half the amount for soil....which i did.
Just to add to the mystery its in the attic ....well spotted Vostok! so gets really hot during day 30 degrees but i have 2 fans plus a inlet fan with cooler air on them.
Im guessing abit of over feeding + watering and heat stress.....Lucky me!!!


Well-Known Member
There are a few reasons leaf canoe,curl
1 heat
2 wind burn
3 cold
But most of the time on indoor grow's it's mostly caused by heat

edit sorry -mites number 4