The shake hands and make up thread.

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Hmmm. Well it was my beer, that cheap bastard always drinks all my shit. I think he hides drinks on me too. Then grabs another one. He hides him all up and then when i go take a piss he loads his car up. Id bet on it, hes pretty sheisty.
Clayton is not cheap. Clayton delivers the individual lessons we must learn for enlightenment. You are an apostate, a cur.
Alright I'll stop. This kinda feels like picking on the retarded kid in school.

Cool thread tho
i think i missed all the jess drama. It escaped me somehow. I was other places and didnt really seem to care about frivolous internet BS. I think you guys took it too far but whatever, not my deal. I mean she doesnt even grow. I didnt know the tnt got so cray.....mmmm....... interneting.
i think i missed all the jess drama. It escaped me somehow. I was other places and didnt really seem to care about frivolous internet BS. I think you guys took it too far but whatever, not my deal. I mean she doesnt even grow. I didnt know the tnt got so cray.....mmmm....... interneting.
image.pngDont try too hard man. Its not worth it. Just take my hand in peace. We can dock after we get drunk. I wont tell anyone. Just call it "experiment". It doesnt count.
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