Any Religious Trippers?

I was born into a Christian family. I still have ties with religion but I don't really believe everything the church says. I definitely believe in God though. Through one of my deemster trips I died and went to heaven. I first ended up in purgatory and was being judged by God. Craziest amount of judgement I have ever felt in my life. Needless to say it was humbling.
I was born into a Christian family. I still have ties with religion but I don't really believe everything the church says. I definitely believe in God though. Through one of my deemster trips I died and went to heaven. I first ended up in purgatory and was being judged by God. Craziest amount of judgement I have ever felt in my life. Needless to say it was humbling.
have You heard of Chakra energies???
I was born into a Christian family. I still have ties with religion but I don't really believe everything the church says. I definitely believe in God though. Through one of my deemster trips I died and went to heaven. I first ended up in purgatory and was being judged by God. Craziest amount of judgement I have ever felt in my life. Needless to say it was humbling.

Same dude. Same.
It's crazy how much that explains me lol
Sounds exactly like the circle logic that keeps people enthralled. I don't have any use for your divine spark.
Don't be so quick to dismiss something simply because it doesn't fall into your line of thinking. We all have use for the divine spark even if you don't interpret it as such. It falls into the same category as a thought and will be entirely different based on the person involved. So that being said you may have felt the divine spark and simply thought it to be something different (a conversation with "God" or whatever you personally believe in)
Thirty years ago I took window pane and micro dot acid, peyote, and mushrooms now and them. The only religious trip I had was on peyote = Some huliicinations and great feeling for about 10 hours. For some reason the friend I was tripping with got into a discussion about religion. We got all philosophical to the point I decided I was going to quit taking all drugs. So what did I do? Went outside and tossed half and ounce out on the lawn.
Three days into sobriety I was out in the yard tring to find some buds to smoke...:fire:
Yes and through my extensive tripping episodes I have never seen any sort of thing before. So I don't really believe it. Some people take it too far.
Have you ever actually tried? These things don't typically just jump out and grab you. Chakras are something you actually have to work at and put time into. Eat some of your preferred hallucinogen, turn on either some good music or a guided meditation or some sort get yourself into a nice comfy position (I personally prefer the corpse pose due to falling two stories and it killing my lower back to sit crosslegged on the floor) close your eyes and clear your mind, with persistence they will reveal themselves in one way or another.
I'm not religious but just about anytime I smoke dmt on mushrooms it almost always ends up with a funky cool spiritual vibe...that combo creates this type of experience for me where in day to day life I'm more of atheist type to put it bluntly...but thats pschedelics for ya...

The funniest part to me is that my "spiritual" experiences affirm my belief that religous experience is just part of an electrochemical process in this constant revision of states we call being...why can I almost always illicit this class of experience in myself with these chemicals...
I'm not religious but just about anytime I smoke dmt on mushrooms it almost always ends up with a funky cool spiritual vibe...that combo creates this type of experience for me where in day to day life I'm more of atheist type to put it bluntly...but thats pschedelics for ya...

The funniest part to me is that my "spiritual" experiences affirm my belief that religous experience is just part of an electrochemical process in this constant revision of states we call being...why can I almost always illicit this class of experience in myself with these chemicals...
Religion to put it simply is a form of crowd control created when the world was a much darker place. So your general outlook as an atheist makes sense as psychs tend to destroy these concepts. They allow the notion that everything you have ever been taught could be wrong but they also open you up to the energy that surrounds and makes up all of us. We are all borrowed energy that must one day be returned to the flow that makes up the universe. That's, in my opinion, what these spiritual experiences really are. I feel it's just your conciousness expanding beyond the physical form that holds it on this plain and touching the flow of energy that is all around you.
Religion to put it simply is a form of crowd control created when the world was a much darker place. So your general outlook as an atheist makes sense as psychs tend to destroy these concepts. They allow the notion that everything you have ever been taught could be wrong but they also open you up to the energy that surrounds and makes up all of us. We are all borrowed energy that must one day be returned to the flow that makes up the universe. That's, in my opinion, what these spiritual experiences really are. I feel it's just your conciousness expanding beyond the physical form that holds it on this plain and touching the flow of energy that is all around you.

Ahhhh my consciousness is exploding everywhere...multidimensional consciousness juice dripping all over...sorry haven't smoked enough deemz lately...

For real though psychedelics can make you feel weird....luvin you
I'm not religious but I'd definitely say that I am without a doubt a spiritual being. Maybe I don't want to put my eternal damnation onto whether or not I believe in one particular thing, but I do accept all paths, I've just seen too much and learned too much tripping. As for not noticing chakra energies... Just don't look for them. If you LOOK for something you are putting the doubt in your mind already (well I can't see it right the duck now so it must not be true) just understand that you have an energy flow that is much more than your physical body. Maybe meditate on one particular chakra. Just one. Pick one at random, be daring. Say to yourself I don't know and I don't understand, but I WANT to. Focus on just that, the area of your body, or the color, or look up a definition for that particular chakra (ok I don't believe in chakra but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, what can the green heart chakra teach me?) Focus on that and let go of your doubt. Maybe it won't work for you. THE FIRST TIME. So be patient. It will work. And that day when you say to yourself holy shit... I feel it (it doesn't have to be something you see, I work on my chakra daily, doesn't mean I'm in a perpetual rainbow of color) just think to yourself that you kept an open mind and were rewarded. I hope you are able to do this and have it work for you
I'm not religious but just about anytime I smoke dmt on mushrooms it almost always ends up with a funky cool spiritual vibe...that combo creates this type of experience for me where in day to day life I'm more of atheist type to put it bluntly...but thats pschedelics for ya...

The funniest part to me is that my "spiritual" experiences affirm my belief that religous experience is just part of an electrochemical process in this constant revision of states we call being...why can I almost always illicit this class of experience in myself with these chemicals...
keep going and truckin', homie. sounds like YOU are ON to something {;(~)
I'm not religious but I'd definitely say that I am without a doubt a spiritual being. Maybe I don't want to put my eternal damnation onto whether or not I believe in one particular thing, but I do accept all paths, I've just seen too much and learned too much tripping. As for not noticing chakra energies... Just don't look for them. If you LOOK for something you are putting the doubt in your mind already (well I can't see it right the duck now so it must not be true) just understand that you have an energy flow that is much more than your physical body. Maybe meditate on one particular chakra. Just one. Pick one at random, be daring. Say to yourself I don't know and I don't understand, but I WANT to. Focus on just that, the area of your body, or the color, or look up a definition for that particular chakra (ok I don't believe in chakra but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, what can the green heart chakra teach me?) Focus on that and let go of your doubt. Maybe it won't work for you. THE FIRST TIME. So be patient. It will work. And that day when you say to yourself holy shit... I feel it (it doesn't have to be something you see, I work on my chakra daily, doesn't mean I'm in a perpetual rainbow of color) just think to yourself that you kept an open mind and were rewarded. I hope you are able to do this and have it work for you
That's how it happens for me.
After taking 5 hits of fluff followed by a wicked rain storm i head to the basement to meditate.

All is normal for what feels like a long time. Cevs are just exploding with unbelievable perfection and beauty. Thats all nornalw for me. Music. And watching Whats going on inside. But before i knew it all my cevs had formed into a body. For a secound i thought it was me. But soon realized it was NOT me. I was looking through the eyes. The form was sitting cross legged and entirely made of blue light. I call it light but cant find any other words to describe it. And on all sides was complete emptyness. Void or just blackness. Aboce below and all around. As we sit together im overcome by emotions. A feeling of compete extacy. Joy and love. Im not only surrounded by it but am in and one with these waves of pure light and loving perfection.

Both palms facing up with blue flames cupped within. The right hand slowly reaches up and touches the third eye. Still on fire the moment contact is made searing pain for an instant followed by the black void all around being "zipped" open and like a waterfall. Pours out a flood of pure light. Every color of the rainbow, flowing like water. As the light builds around the astral body i am pushed from the eyes and now upside down and backwards and i see the face of where i had once been seeing myself. He was there. Who he is im still trying to comprehend but He loves. Without judgment. Without expectation. He is and he loves. Thats my whole concept of God. I believe God is. He is over there. Outside of time and space. Outside of comprehension. But can be realized and loved back. Devotion to God is all he ever desired because thats the only way we can get back to our true home. Beyond heavon and hell. Beyond all astral planes.

This whole event wouldnt be well documented if i didnt mention this. After an eternity there. I came back into waking consciencness. My friend is very tripped out cause supposedly i had been crying and speaking in some distorted language. He said it sounded like a didgeridoo. Anyway. I go to stand and am blinded. There is no seeing. Just white. In this temporary blindness. I take a hard step to balance myself and land squarely on my bong. Barefoot. It snaps atnthe base and stem i can feel the jagged edge in between my toes.
But. Despite my fears. There is no blood. No dismembered toes. Just normal invincible feet. Haha. Idk for sure but in the moment i sure felt bullet proof.

Nevertheless this is my first true holy shit moment. Could have been God. Or a god realized being who was just there to help and guide. Or could have been my dead pet doG for all i know. But this i know. There was another being. Spirituality cannot be denied. We are all eternal beings lost in the physical word. Tricked by our sensory perceptions and 9 gateways to the physical. Eyes. Eaars. Nose. Mouth. Ass and sex organs. These are the sticky fly traps. Set and ready to hold us here. Countless lifetimes have and continue to unfold. And after each death we will know the truth. But its too late. Now we have our accumulated karma to unravel. This could be in the form of another human form with dire circumstances, disease, emotional pain and suffering. Physical pain. Or To the moral living religious person perhaps they sre reborn into high class family. Easy life and riches. But there is no final escape from the cycle of birth and death until in human form one is back in union with the creator. Which we are all part off. Does a bottled of water floating in a great ocean know its the same as all the water around it except a thin shell of plastic. This is us. Our bodies and birth into the physical are a veil. A grand illusion to trick us that we are separate from God. Or spirit. Or whatever name is comfortable for an indescribable. Unfathomable. Other out there.
He doesnt judge or care about sins. Karma exsist to work out those details. All God wants is us to realize him inside of us. And have love and devotion in our hearts for Him.

Im raised christian but never bought into yhe whole idea. Of Jesus taking our sins away with his death. Doesnt make much since. It takes blind faith to be religious. Christian. Muslim. Hindu doesnt matter. These practices all our passed down through the ages from imperfect human to human.
I believe true love of God is not something one can bring about with dogma ajd faith. Or in most cases FEAR of damnation. First hand experiences are the only bridge. Noone can Tell you to believe something other than what is expeienced. That is ultimate reality.
And i have much thanks to lsd guiding me along this path. If nothing else it destroyed my belief system and helped me become an emtpy cup. Blank canvas conplelty open to things that we are programmed from birth to be not true. So yes. Lsd and spirituality go hand in hand. I beleive ram dass said lsd was our Christ is America. Came at a time when society needed to be awakened. Its like we take it. And die ourselves in a way, only to reborn with out our misconceptions. Fears. Anxieities or insecurities. It catapults us out of physical living day to day and shows the other way of living. Eminate Gods love to all! Love with out expectations. Or conditions. Love all no matter what. Spit in my face. Sure. Doesnt mean i still dont love you!