The shake hands and make up thread.

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yet you start a thread looking for more drama
Well if thats all your seeing maybe the problem is with you. The threads for truce. I called truce with dave. I dont get how the first post says call a truce and you think im statting a war.....maybe the war is all you see because your insides are all bent outta shape over the fight and your oly seeing red? Maybe? Just a little? :lol:
because of what you been posting in this thread ...I take back that your sentiment was I suspected its just a place to continue the bs drama
It is...its allll me...nailed it!
Its not about blame. Its about being able to walk away from it. Just not giving any fucks about it. Saying hey dave, who cares? I was pissing people off by saying daves blue grow is stupid over and over. But i gave it up, walked away. It wasnt my intent to "unfriend" you or anyone else, or start drama. It just came as baggage to my thread. More damage from a war not with me but im in the wake now. Cause i asked you guys to chill the fek out ;)
Its not about blame. Its about being able to walk away from it. Just not giving any fucks about it. Saying hey dave, who cares? I was pissing people off by saying daves blue grow is stupid over and over. But i gave it up, walked away. It wasnt my intent to "unfriend" you or anyone else, or start drama. It just came as baggage to my thread. More damage from a war not with me but im in the wake now. Cause i asked you guys to chill the fek out ;)
I thought you were just telling the truth.
Little yellow bird, "wow",. The detail you provide is sublime. You know, like, instead of dredging through the sludge of your imagination and coming up with the usual weak sludge, I think this obviously comes directly from your own reality. I feel bad you are in so much pain and suffering and I just wish I could be there with you to eliminate it.
I know you are but what am I? You can come up with something better then that Dave..

Try again!
There are always going to be people who make you feel some type of way.

Annoyed, sad, offended, whatever be the case.

Some people choose to leave it at that and some choose to escalate.

Trolling is a part time job for some. Some people just come across as mean/blunt/assholes. Others get rapped up in stuff to emotionally.

Don't forget that half of communication is your body language and intonation.

With text only our ability to communicate feelings is abysmal.
Its not about blame. Its about being able to walk away from it. ;)

I hear ya man...

But this place is full of 'enablers'...

If they really despise somebody...they'd just ignore them for real. If I truly despised Yessica, I wouldn't post on the 'Where's' thread.
And anybody who was friendly to her is not fucking guilty by association. If you people just ignored the 'Where's' thread...or just posted a 'yawn...', you would have been far more effective...

There are some people here like pinworm who have an innovative satirical talent for writing that is is less funny when who's trolling who becomes the primary subject...who really gives a flying rat's ass what somebody says in an internet post when they're all fucked up logging's supposed to be fun.

Alienwidow seems like a nice guy to me...I wouldn't hate him if he was mnbvcxza-liner's friend...because he isn't him. (And that motherfucker was a TRUE troll). Everybody has a few weird friends, so fucking what already?

And that girl you all hate sure does get a lot of air time for not being comes another troll war as soon as she returns...maybe change the name to Talk n Troll...

I like the cheese threads better, haven't had Danish butter cheese or caraway gouda for years, I should learn how to make some...except I can't find unpasteurized milk around here...some kind of local law or some shit...
I hear ya man...

But this place is full of 'enablers'...

If they really despise somebody...they'd just ignore them for real. If I truly despised Yessica, I wouldn't post on the 'Where's' thread.
And anybody who was friendly to her is not fucking guilty by association. If you people just ignored the 'Where's' thread...or just posted a 'yawn...', you would have been far more effective...

There are some people here like pinworm who have an innovative satirical talent for writing that is is less funny when who's trolling who becomes the primary subject...who really gives a flying rat's ass what somebody says in an internet post when they're all fucked up logging's supposed to be fun.

Alienwidow seems like a nice guy to me...I wouldn't hate him if he was mnbvcxza-liner's friend...because he isn't him. (And that motherfucker was a TRUE troll). Everybody has a few weird friends, so fucking what already?

And that girl you all hate sure does get a lot of air time for not being comes another troll war as soon as she returns...maybe change the name to Talk n Troll...

I like the cheese threads better, haven't had Danish butter cheese or caraway gouda for years, I should learn how to make some...except I can't find unpasteurized milk around here...some kind of local law or some shit...
its sorta illegal to buy milk that hasnt gone through a heating process to kill bacteria. Pasteurization. Finding a dairy farm is usually the only way. The farmers usually will sell you pails for 10 bucks if they trust you. It takes a hell of a lot of milk to make a small amount of cheese most of the time. Ive only made halumi (sp?) before. It was cool, we cooked it before we ate it and it squeeked when you bit into it.
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