Lord Kanti
Well-Known Member
You can get 5 AKs at arms dealer prices for what you'd spend on building an AR.Build your own ar using an 80% lower.
You can get 5 AKs at arms dealer prices for what you'd spend on building an AR.Build your own ar using an 80% lower.
You can get 5 AKs at arms dealer prices for what you'd spend on building an AR.
CAIR convened a press conference where they condemned the actions of the shooter(s) in California.
Funny how even before the FBI is releasing the names of the MUSLIMS that committed these murders that CAIR is distancing themselves from it.
Take the guns away from every citizen in the united states there to immature plain and simple bring in the army to search every household and physically remove em ,, make a Federal law anyone caught with one will be executed plain and simple. After a certain Due date
When it comes to hunting season they check out there guns with proof of animal tags there going to hunt.
After hunting season there returned ..you have to treat kids like they are, KIDS
all the underground guns will be eventually destroyed as with the culprits
These mass shootings are not getting better there getting worse year by year , with more stress on the citizens being unemployed, stressed in life its only going to get worse ..
With all this said maybe its time for a new hobble, like Martial arts, for protection. Cause Guns surely are not doing a fucking thing other then killing the innocent by standers
Take the guns away from every citizen in the united states there to immature plain and simple bring in the army to search every household and physically remove em ,, make a Federal law anyone caught with one will be executed plain and simple. After a certain Due date
When it comes to hunting season they check out there guns with proof of animal tags there going to hunt.
After hunting season there returned ..you have to treat kids like they are, KIDS
all the underground guns will be eventually destroyed as with the culprits
These mass shootings are not getting better there getting worse year by year , with more stress on the citizens being unemployed, stressed in life its only going to get worse ..
With all this said maybe its time for a new hobble, like Martial arts, for protection. Cause Guns surely are not doing a fucking thing other then killing the innocent by standers
Time to start rounding up pasty, white kids and put them in interment camps like the Japanese.
It's amazing how the same people who cry out about gun violence and the second amendment during a terrorist attack on US soil are the same people who arm Muslim extremists abroad who then turn these weapons on our supposed allies.
Don't go fuck up regions if you can't take responsibility for itRefugee camps. On American soil, of course.
Don't go fuck up regions if you can't take responsibility for it
You fucked it up, your fault
So, now that we know he was a young, professional, devout Muslim who engineered and carried out another bloodbath, do we start rounding them up and putting them in camps?
View attachment 3556213
It's amazing how the same people who cry out about gun violence and the second amendment during a terrorist attack on US soil are the same people who arm Muslim extremists abroad who then turn these weapons on our supposed allies.
A vote for Hillary is a vote against the American people. A vote for Hillary is a vote for terrorism.
It's all Obama's fault to them. Some silly fucks are even stupid enough to claim that Iraq was a utopia of peace and prosperity when we left (Uncle Ben), and it's all Obamas fault for pulling out... even though Bush signed the withdrawal agreement in 2008..Right three tweets represent an entire demographic. Good job there. Bet you aced statistics.
Let's forget the Republican President and party that made this mess possible.
I wonder what the killer couples nicknanames are on AR15.com?If guns make you safer, the USA should be the safest place on earth. We have the most guns per capita, but still seem very unsafe.
It's because of mentally ill people, but only when they're white! Other than that it's because of terrorism and the spread of ISIS! Syrian refugees that haven't entered the US yet, BLM, ISLAM!, evolution, secularism, leftists pushing Gawd out of our school system, the liberals war on Christmas, and those motherfucking poor people collecting welfare!If guns make you safer, the USA should be the safest place on earth. We have the most guns per capita, but still seem very unsafe.
So, now that we know he was a young, professional, devout Muslim who engineered and carried out another bloodbath, do we start rounding them up and putting them in camps?