San Bernardino

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see what comes to light as the fbi and police release more information.

They said they aren't ruling out terrorism and that this was not a spur of the moment action.

I don't think we should jump to conclusions until we see all the facts. For now we only have their word.

Did anyone else stay up to watch the police update?

I can't find video to link to you. Only videos are 2 min long and that doesn't cover the question and answer portion.

I really wish I could find a full video.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see what comes to light as the fbi and police release more information.

They said they aren't ruling out terrorism and that this was not a spur of the moment action.

I don't think we should jump to conclusions until we see all the facts. For now we only have their word.

Did anyone else stay up to watch the police update?

I can't find video to link to you. Only videos are 2 min long and that doesn't cover the question and answer portion.

I really wish I could find a full video.
What else is there to see? We know the outcome. They weren't white, so of course they're terrorists.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm referencing the many christians who do the exact same thing. For instance, last week.
How many pipe bombs did he have?

The demeanor of the man at the planned parenthood was all over the place. In his interview with the police he supposedly rambled about more than baby parts.

This incident was different. Very organized and calm.

If those pipe bombs had gone off we could of been looking at 40-50 killed.

Very lucky that they didn't go off.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about Hilary fucking Clinton and you spout off about Reagan and your buddy goes on about "an entire demographic".

Maybe if instead of looking for trichomes you used a magnifying lens to locate your testicles, then you could toss them about exclaiming for someone to attempt to suck them; but the sad reality is that you'd be better off super gluing a couple skittles to yourself and convincing your autistic friends to "taste the rainbow".

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why are you always on the side of Muslims? Why not condemn them both?
Plenty of Muslims and Christians not shooting up places.

Plenty of cops doing their service to their city yesterday.

But let's just keep hating and dividing ourselves instead of actually discussing something.

*rolls eyes*


Well-Known Member
Cheney and Israel have ruined the world.
Before Palestine was invaded in 1948 by European Jews, the ME was relatively a calm place. They (Zionists) showed up, and it has been going downhill since.
Cheney decides to invade Iraq in 2003, that was the cherry on top.
The US by it's illegitimate support of Israel, the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussain at one point (can you believe?) and other miscreants all around the world for the last 70 years, has started a ball rolling that will NEVER stop. Pandora's Box has been opened, and the US was the one that did it. Tough shit for the rest of the planet.


Well-Known Member
How many pipe bombs did he have?

The demeanor of the man at the planned parenthood was all over the place. In his interview with the police he supposedly rambled about more than baby parts.

This incident was different. Very organized and calm.

If those pipe bombs had gone off we could of been looking at 40-50 killed.

Very lucky that they didn't go off.
So you're not a terrorist unless you have pipe bombs? Thank you for the clarification. I understand now. :wall:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Neither is using national tragedy to push one's political agenda to dissolve constitutional rights.
Saying you will pray for someone is the same as saying our hearts are with you.

People are so sensitive these days.

I bet every church will be praying for the victims in California this weekend.

Love and condolences were offered and people scorn them.

It makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of Muslims and Christians not shooting up places.

Plenty of cops doing their service to their city yesterday.

But let's just keep hating and dividing ourselves instead of actually discussing something.

*rolls eyes*
@Flaming Pie I am out the door but I will give you a nice lengthy inbox rebuttal later today.
Notice the convenient changing of the headline when they found out that the shooters weren't white:

Come on man! What other headline would they have given it not knowing anything about the shooters or their motive. Your racism is exposed.
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