San Bernardino


Well-Known Member
Gee, people do what you ask and you simply switch over to arguing about the source which is easier than actually debating the topic. Uncle buck taught you well!!


Well-Known Member
Gee, people do what you ask and you simply switch over to arguing about the source which is easier than actually debating the topic. Uncle buck taught you well!!
Credibility is important to intellectually honest people

Sorry you disagree, sorry it makes you sad that your biased sources aren't held as legitimate.. Maybe go learn how science works first, then go learn about the peer review process


Well-Known Member
What does any of your bullshit have to do with a current presidential candidate being two-faced and supporting terrorism that has cost numerous lives from several different countries?

How many refugees have you taken in? Did you give them the master bedroom, or did you let them build a pillow fort in the living room?

Since you're off topic, why don't you share with us how the Reagan administration supported narco terrorism, the contras, or how his administration was involved in flooding American streets with crack cocaine while simultaneously fighting a "war on drugs"?

Think you can manage any of that and actually abide by forum rules, or is reading above an 8th grade level simply beyond your grasp?

Bonus points if you have time to delve into how he sacrificed nuclear weapons abolition in favor for Star Wars.
But Mommy Reagan says 'no' to could this be? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Our gun laws need changing. No one needs assault type weapons. No one. This is crazy.
What happens when the sleeper cells pull out their smuggled in ak47s and sks FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons? If you think that illegal guns are not in the hands of terrorists in this country already then you are blind or stupid. Every rag head and drug runner in this country has a weapon that our government doesn't even know about. If you take assault weapons from red blooded americans you might as well tie us up and let isis loose on us.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention the distinction between "mass shooting" and "terrorism". Paris was terrorism, Sandy Hook was a mass shooting, 9/11, terrorism, Aurora, mass shooting, Beirut bombing, terrorism, Columbine, mass shooting..

They don't get nuances though, so I wouldn't expect them to know the difference anyway..
You can't use the 'T' word in America..we can't handle it.

It's not what white Christian Americans do..


Well-Known Member
What happens when the sleeper cells pull out their smuggled in ak47s and sks FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons? If you think that illegal guns are not in the hands of terrorists in this country already then you are blind or stupid. Every rag head and drug runner in this country has a weapon that our government doesn't even know about. If you take assault weapons from red blooded americans you might as well tie us up and let isis loose on us.
Shouldn't we take all that awesome military we have and concentrate on ISIS here?

They want to turn us into a war zone like they have in their country.

How did the Brits fight IRA and get them under control?

I'm with you..gun control won't work.


Well-Known Member
There are now people saying it was staged, some reporters slipped and said actors when they were talking about the wounded.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="3N1GM4, post: 12121972, member: 907906"If you take assault weapons from red blooded americans you might as well tie us up and let isis loose on us.[/QUOTE]

When did a civilian with an assault rifle ever stop criminal activity? You aren't even allowed to carry them around. Home protection, firing range, and that's it. You're not going to have it with you when terrorists show up...unless you live in Israel. Certainly not at a party in California.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What happens when the sleeper cells pull out their smuggled in ak47s and sks FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons? If you think that illegal guns are not in the hands of terrorists in this country already then you are blind or stupid. Every rag head and drug runner in this country has a weapon that our government doesn't even know about. If you take assault weapons from red blooded americans you might as well tie us up and let isis loose on us.
They don't need illegal weapons.

They have a family member or someone sympathetic to their cause with no record or watch list buy it FOR them.


Well-Known Member
Maybe go learn how science works first, then go learn about the peer review process
You should learn to understand the difference between science and politics, it will help you out in the anthropogenic climate change discussion too
Uh, maybe you should heed your own bullshit.

Your "credible" sources are worth fuckall and their legitimacy to you is based on how liberal they are, nothing more. Acceptance among liberal ilk is typically an instant disqualifier to anything provided by those stooges.

In this particular case, the 13% is total nonsense and the source is nothing but a liberal gangbang. No wonder you think it's

Everytown's report is total horseshit, the CRPC's is accurate. ANYONE with a shred of common sense reading CRPC's report will immediately come to the same conclusion. You're entitled to your own opinion, but, you aren't entitled to your own facts. Especially the made up bullshit in Everytown's laughable offering. Whatever credibility you may have had left (zero from my perspective) just cratered.
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Well-Known Member
If not ISIS, then who were you referring to? Boko Haram? What terrorist cell are they associated with?

Muslim. She did the classic move, Went to Saudi Arabia from Pakistan, found her man online and married him, got green card, came to America and did her deed. I understand you are easy to fool.

Nothing they did was illegal until the crime,...see how a sleeper works ? Good Muslim act until they shoot. "But they done nothing wrong yet, for fools.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Heard they scrubbed their hard drive and destroyed their phones a few days before the attack.

This is looking mighty suspicious now.


Well-Known Member
What happens when the sleeper cells pull out their smuggled in ak47s and sks FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons? If you think that illegal guns are not in the hands of terrorists in this country already then you are blind or stupid. Every rag head and drug runner in this country has a weapon that our government doesn't even know about. If you take assault weapons from red blooded americans you might as well tie us up and let isis loose on us.
The idea that more guns are the answer is like, well, so George Bush.

So I guess since isis has full machine guns, we should arm ordinary people with them too. And grenades and so on. Great idea.

Just imagine a couple people walking into an elementary school with machine guns.


Well-Known Member
Obama has said numerous times that ISIL is contained, JV style team, and that they are not on the move. The only thing I believe from him is what he said a few days ago, America has to change the availability and access to guns in this country, not deny the Right, but tighten the laws because they are too easy for anyone to get.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The idea that more guns are the answer is like, well, so George Bush.

So I guess since isis has full machine guns, we should arm ordinary people with them too. And grenades and so on. Great idea.

Just imagine a couple people walking into an elementary school with machine guns.
You cannot purchase those in the us. Unless you are military or a criminal.

Do some research. Machine guns are not available to the public.

All rifles are semi auto meaning you have to pull the trigger for each bullet.